Objet Avant Après
The One Gift Lost
Necklace of Missiles: The One Gift Lost
The naming of this necklace originates from its only owner, Ikaida Mourneve, who quested to regain his kidnapped daughter. Not many would help the determined father, but a kind and generous mage bestowed this item on him to aid his cause. Alas, the necklace was lost when Ikaida dropped it into the Immerflow River while fending off bandits upon a suspension bridge. Fortunately, it is rumored that the item was not needed to reunite the family once again. 


Charge abilities:
– Missile Blast
  Damage: 6d6 fire (Save vs. Spell for half)
  Range: 50 ft.
  Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius

Weight: 1
Necklace of Missiles: The One Gift Lost
The naming of this necklace originates from its only owner, Ikaida Mourneve, who quested to regain his kidnapped daughter. Not many would help the determined father, but a kind and generous mage bestowed this item on him to aid his cause. Alas, the necklace was lost when Ikaida dropped it into the Immerflow River while fending off bandits upon a suspension bridge. Fortunately, it is rumored that the item was not needed to reunite the family once again. 


Capacités de charge : 
- Inflige 6d6 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter) (25 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)

Poids : 1
The Protector +1
Amulet of Protection +1: The Protector
The royal guard of King Pyronan, ruler of Impiltur, were given the Protector as an honorary show of status. Unfortunately, members of the guard had trouble coming to a consensus amongst themselves as to whom the amulet should go. After years of internal hostility, the item was lost and the guards replaced by less greedy individuals.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1

Weight: 1
Amulet of Protection +1: The Protector
The royal guard of King Pyronan, ruler of Impiltur, were given the Protector as an honorary show of status. Unfortunately, members of the guard had trouble coming to a consensus amongst themselves as to whom the amulet should go. After years of internal hostility, the item was lost and the guards replaced by less greedy individuals.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 1
Shield Amulet
This amulet can be activated by a simple command word and a touch, with each use acting as one charge. The effect is a duplication of the 1st-level wizard spell Shield. For the duration of the spell, the wearer will have a base Armor Class of 4 and a further +2 Armor Class bonus vs. missiles. The wearer also becomes immune to the spell Magic Missile for the duration. This is cumulative with any modifiers due to shields and magical devices.


Charge abilities:
– Shield
  Armor Class: 4, +2 bonus vs. missile
  Immunity to Magic Missile
  Area of Effect: The wearer
  Duration: 1 hour

Weight: 1
This amulet can be activated by a simple command word and a touch, with each use acting as one charge. The effect is a duplication of the 1st-level wizard spell Shield. For the duration of the spell, the wearer will have a base Armor Class of 4 and a further +2 Armor Class bonus vs. missiles. The wearer also becomes immune to the spell Magic Missile for the duration. This is cumulative with any modifiers due to shields and magical devices.


Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (50 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)
  Classe d'armure : +2 contre les projectiles pendant 5 tours
  Classe d'armure de base : 4 pendant 5 tours
  Immunité au sort Magic Missile pendant 5 tours
  Immunité au sort Magic Missile pendant 5 tours

Poids : 1
The Amplifier
Amulet of Metaspell Influence: The Amplifier
Known for its ability to enhance spellcasting, the Amulet of Metaspell Influence is highly sought after by magic practitioners. It was created by Elairdrin Mellwith, who resided in the Star Mountains. His reasons for fabricating such an item stemmed from his womanizing habits, and to this extent, the Amplifier served his purpose well. It was later taken from him by a mage with a more destructive intent, but records detailing the change of hands vary widely.


Equipped abilities:
– Can memorize one extra 2nd-level wizard spell

Weight: 1
Amulet of Metaspell Influence: The Amplifier
Known for its ability to enhance spellcasting, the Amulet of Metaspell Influence is highly sought after by magic practitioners. It was created by Elairdrin Mellwith, who resided in the Star Mountains. His reasons for fabricating such an item stemmed from his womanizing habits, and to this extent, the Amplifier served his purpose well. It was later taken from him by a mage with a more destructive intent, but records detailing the change of hands vary widely.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Mémorisation d'un sort profane supplémentaire de niveau 2

Poids : 1
Greenstone Amulet
The deep green stone at the center of the amulet seems to shimmer with an iridescent light almost as if it has a life of its own. Even without the powerful magics that are bestowed upon the amulet, it would be an extremely valuable addition to any collection.


Charge abilities:
– This amulet confers the wearer protection against charm, confusion, fear, domination, ESP, Detect Alignment, hold, stun, psionics, sleep, and feeblemind, much like the 8th-level wizard spell Mind Blank. However, the protection effect uses one charge each time it is used and will only last for 1 turn.

Weight: 1
The deep green stone at the center of the amulet seems to shimmer with an iridescent light almost as if it has a life of its own. Even without the powerful magics that are bestowed upon the amulet, it would be an extremely valuable addition to any collection.


Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (50 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)
  Moral : Passe à -1 pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Maze pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Blast pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Blast pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Blast pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Domination pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Ego Whip pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Ballistic Attack pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Detonate pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Blast pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Domination pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la peur
  Immunité à l'horreur pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la peur pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la panique pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la paralysie pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à l'étourdissement pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la détection de l'alignement pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à l'horreur pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la débilité mentale pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la paralysie pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la confusion pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la paralysie pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sommeil pendant 1 tour
  Immunité aux charmes pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sommeil pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à l'étourdissement pendant 1 tour

Poids : 1
Wolfsbane Charm
A silver amulet containing powdered wolfsbane.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +2 vs. lycanthropes
– Damage: +2 vs. lycanthropes

Weight: 3
A silver amulet containing powdered wolfsbane.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Inflige +2 points de dégâts supplémentaires contre les loups-garous
- TAC0 : +2 contre les loups-garous

Poids : 3
Amulet of Power
This amulet bears the signature enchantments of Conster Damon, an archmage that fell in the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR). The crispness of its etchings may have faded with fire and time, but it still echoes his famous defiant cries: "Your magic denied!" "I will be heard!" "Defeat comes swiftly!" "Take nothing from me!" It has seen much use, and changed hands many times through blood and battle.


Equipped abilities:
– Vocalize
– Magic Resistance: +5%
– Immunity to level drain
– Improves casting speed by 1

Weight: 3
This amulet bears the signature enchantments of Conster Damon, an archmage that fell in the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR). The crispness of its etchings may have faded with fire and time, but it still echoes his famous defiant cries: "Your magic denied!" "I will be heard!" "Defeat comes swiftly!" "Take nothing from me!" It has seen much use, and changed hands many times through blood and battle.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vitesse d'incantation : +1
- Résistance à la magie : +5 %
- Immunité au silence de manière permanente
- Immunité au silence
- Immunité au drain de niveaux

Poids : 3
Periapt of Proof Against Poison
This periapt is a large gemstone hanging on a thick golden chain. Eunuchs from Kara-Tur would wear this particular periapt when sampling their emperor's food.


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to poison

Charge abilities:
– Cure poison once per day
  Range: Touch
  Area of Effect: 1 creature

Weight: 1
This periapt is a large gemstone hanging on a thick golden chain. Eunuchs from Kara-Tur would wear this particular periapt when sampling their emperor's food.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance aux poisons : +100 %
- Immunité aux poisons

Capacités de charge : 
- Neutralisation du poison de manière permanente (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 1
Periapt of Life Protection
A heart-sized sapphire sits at the end of a thin silver wire. When worn, this periapt radiates life energy, infusing the wearer with power. The inscription on the back reads: "Against Death we must all fail, but with this gem we may still prevail!"


Equipped abilities: 
– Save vs. Death: +3

Weight: 3
A heart-sized sapphire sits at the end of a thin silver wire. When worn, this periapt radiates life energy, infusing the wearer with power. The inscription on the back reads: "Against Death we must all fail, but with this gem we may still prevail!"


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +3 contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons

Poids : 3
Necklace of Form Stability
Dydaar'a of the Altered was a witch of great temper who rewarded the slightest insult with harsh punishment. Often this meant several weeks transformed into some form of wild beast, which of course earned her many enemies. It is recorded that she once fought a Mage named Maxell who had previously suffered such a fate. For his return he had prepared this necklace, designed to prevent her changing his form, but he could not shield those around him as well. Apparently an impromptu army of farmers-turned-bears eventually overwhelmed him.


Equipped abilities:
– Save vs. Polymorph: +5

Weight: 3
Dydaar'a of the Altered was a witch of great temper who rewarded the slightest insult with harsh punishment. Often this meant several weeks transformed into some form of wild beast, which of course earned her many enemies. It is recorded that she once fought a Mage named Maxell who had previously suffered such a fate. For his return he had prepared this necklace, designed to prevent her changing his form, but he could not shield those around him as well. Apparently an impromptu army of farmers-turned-bears eventually overwhelmed him.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +5 contre la pétrification et la métamorphose

Poids : 3
Amulet of Spell Warding
A favorite item of protection for a mage entering a magical duel, this amulet provides protection against spells, but does not interfere with the mage's own spellcasting.


Equipped abilities: 
– Save vs. Spell: +2

Weight: 3
A favorite item of protection for a mage entering a magical duel, this amulet provides protection against spells, but does not interfere with the mage's own spellcasting.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les sorts

Poids : 3
Battle Axe +1
The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle axes are also called broad axes. This is a magical axe.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 7
The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle axes are also called broad axes. This is a magical axe.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Battle Axe of Mauletar +2
During the Tethyrian civil war, the Battle Axe of Mauletar was in the possession of the house of Ossyind. This noble family was betrayed while trying to flee the country, and Mauletar, lead guard and personal friend, took up the axe and sacrificed himself to buy enough time for his companions to flee. His battle cry was favored by the gods, and was echoed across the lands as a symbol of devoted friendship and loyalty. Thus, the magical axe was used to uphold these virtues against those who lacked honor and courage.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 5
During the Tethyrian civil war, the Battle Axe of Mauletar was in the possession of the house of Ossyind. This noble family was betrayed while trying to flee the country, and Mauletar, lead guard and personal friend, took up the axe and sacrificed himself to buy enough time for his companions to flee. His battle cry was favored by the gods, and was echoed across the lands as a symbol of devoted friendship and loyalty. Thus, the magical axe was used to uphold these virtues against those who lacked honor and courage.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Throwing Axe +2
This throwing axe has not only been finely balanced for use as a missile weapon but has also been the subject of significant magical enhancement. As a result, it is both more damaging and more accurate than any non-magical weapon of a similar style.


Combat abilities:
– Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3
Damage type (melee): Slashing
Damage type (thrown): Missile
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 3
This throwing axe has not only been finely balanced for use as a missile weapon but has also been the subject of significant magical enhancement. As a result, it is both more damaging and more accurate than any non-magical weapon of a similar style.


Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 2

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2

Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Rhyte's Last Arrow +2
The tale of this weapon lost its significance in the sea of great stories that are told about the High Forest, but some bards still sing the song of the skilled archer Adaniss Rhyte.
"Oh, shocked from the strike of his powerful bow,
The slain game sought by Adaniss falls.
Long ago in the time of the Quiet Earth,
The hunt from the famed High Forest calls.

"The Duke of Everlund known for his boast 
Of the trophies held in his pride as dear. 
Intensely enraged at his rival hunter
Whose bounty by far surpassed his one year. 

"One morn tragedy befell the land
With the misconceived death of the Duke's prized hound.
Fallen at the base of a great elm tree 
A bow's shot death in its heart was found. 

"With skill so great targets in his eyes were at the mercy of his arrow's flight.
His hands sure and still,
Never missing a kill,
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte.

"The same eve Adaniss called on the Duke,
His solemn mistake he wished to repay.
But the noble's rage claimed ten pounds of flesh
And an archer's arm hit the ground that day.

"The evil lord demanded justice unjust
The most vile curse on his arm to be cast.
Vengeance he sought for the price he had paid
Rhyte vowed the hound's arrow not to be his last.

"In sorrow the town helped him forge an axe
Blessed to honor his most glorious day.
With the mark of Rhyte's arrow to guide its strike
And reputed to kill in the very same way.

"With skill so great targets in his eyes were at the mercy of his arrow's flight.
His hands sure and still,
Never missing a kill,
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte.

"Again called the forest with its precious game,
And a prize Adaniss with thrill did he seek. 
But none could be finer than the great clawed falcon 
Sought by all amidst the forest's Lost Peaks.

"Once more the rivalry of the Duke did stir,
For he thought of his skills with Rhyte's bow to be best.
And set his sights on the glorious bird 
To emerge as the holder of its sainted crest.

"The two climbed the peaks and searched days on end,
Each of their wills set as strong as the stone.
They found each other at a cliff by chance;
Both of their hatreds ran as deep as the bone.

"With skill so great targets in his eyes were at the mercy of his arrow's flight.
His hands sure and still,
Never missing a kill,
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte.

"The Duke drew the bow and pulled the string taut,
But first flew Adaniss's axe with its blow.
Cleaved, the lord stumbled to cliff's edge and off,
Defeated by Rhyte's last arrow...

"With skill so great targets in his eyes were at the mercy of his arrow's flight.
His hands sure and still,
Never missing a kill,
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte.
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte."


Equipped abilities:
– Chance to score a critical hit: +5% (with this weapon only)

Combat abilities:
– On a critical hit, the wielder gains +5 THAC0 for 3 rounds (non-cumulative)
– Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3
Damage type (melee): Slashing
Damage type (thrown): Missile
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 3
The tale of this weapon lost its significance in the sea of great stories that are told about the High Forest, but some bards still sing the song of the skilled archer Adaniss Rhyte.
"Oh, shocked from the strike of his powerful bow,
The slain game sought by Adaniss falls.
Long ago in the time of the Quiet Earth,
The hunt from the famed High Forest calls.

"The Duke of Everlund known for his boast 
Of the trophies held in his pride as dear. 
Intensely enraged at his rival hunter
Whose bounty by far surpassed his one year. 

"One morn tragedy befell the land
With the misconceived death of the Duke's prized hound.
Fallen at the base of a great elm tree 
A bow's shot death in its heart was found. 

"With skill so great targets in his eyes were at the mercy of his arrow's flight.
His hands sure and still,
Never missing a kill,
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte.

"The same eve Adaniss called on the Duke,
His solemn mistake he wished to repay.
But the noble's rage claimed ten pounds of flesh
And an archer's arm hit the ground that day.

"The evil lord demanded justice unjust
The most vile curse on his arm to be cast.
Vengeance he sought for the price he had paid
Rhyte vowed the hound's arrow not to be his last.

"In sorrow the town helped him forge an axe
Blessed to honor his most glorious day.
With the mark of Rhyte's arrow to guide its strike
And reputed to kill in the very same way.

"With skill so great targets in his eyes were at the mercy of his arrow's flight.
His hands sure and still,
Never missing a kill,
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte.

"Again called the forest with its precious game,
And a prize Adaniss with thrill did he seek. 
But none could be finer than the great clawed falcon 
Sought by all amidst the forest's Lost Peaks.

"Once more the rivalry of the Duke did stir,
For he thought of his skills with Rhyte's bow to be best.
And set his sights on the glorious bird 
To emerge as the holder of its sainted crest.

"The two climbed the peaks and searched days on end,
Each of their wills set as strong as the stone.
They found each other at a cliff by chance;
Both of their hatreds ran as deep as the bone.

"With skill so great targets in his eyes were at the mercy of his arrow's flight.
His hands sure and still,
Never missing a kill,
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte.

"The Duke drew the bow and pulled the string taut,
But first flew Adaniss's axe with its blow.
Cleaved, the lord stumbled to cliff's edge and off,
Defeated by Rhyte's last arrow...

"With skill so great targets in his eyes were at the mercy of his arrow's flight.
His hands sure and still,
Never missing a kill,
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte.
None could match the marksmanship of Adaniss Rhyte."


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Chance d'infliger un coup critique : +5 %

Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 2

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2

Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Wizard Slayer
Bala's Axe: Wizard Slayer
Bala was a foul-tempered prince of a gully dwarf clan, which was enslaved by a cruel elven mage in Thesk. Though Bala managed to escape the more cowardly traits of his race, he was even more filthy and obnoxious than the average gully dwarf. Sickened of his enslavement, Bala crept into the mage's lair and cracked the elf's skull open. Although rumor has it that it was the dwarf's stench that overcame the mage, it was, in fact, his enchanted axe that dispelled the elf's magical defenses. It is obvious from the poor workmanship that Bala himself crafted the axe. The mystery lies in where its power originates. After a lengthy career of mage-slaying, Bala died, never having revealed his secret to those who were willing to risk a lice infestation by approaching him. Some say that the axe was powered by Bala's intense hatred of wizards. The axe gives the owner the ability to dispel magic once a day.


Combat abilities:
– Hit target is affected by Miscast Magic for 100 seconds (80% chance of spellcasting failure, Save vs. Spell at -2 negates)

Charge abilities:
– Dispel Magic once per day
  Range: 40 ft.
  Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius

Damage: 1d8 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 6
Bala's Axe: Wizard Slayer
Bala was a foul-tempered prince of a gully dwarf clan, which was enslaved by a cruel elven mage in Thesk. Though Bala managed to escape the more cowardly traits of his race, he was even more filthy and obnoxious than the average gully dwarf. Sickened of his enslavement, Bala crept into the mage's lair and cracked the elf's skull open. Although rumor has it that it was the dwarf's stench that overcame the mage, it was, in fact, his enchanted axe that dispelled the elf's magical defenses. It is obvious from the poor workmanship that Bala himself crafted the axe. The mystery lies in where its power originates. After a lengthy career of mage-slaying, Bala died, never having revealed his secret to those who were willing to risk a lice infestation by approaching him. Some say that the axe was powered by Bala's intense hatred of wizards. The axe gives the owner the ability to dispel magic once a day.


Capacités de charge : 
- Dispel Magic (1 fois par jour)

Capacités de combat : 
- Provoque l'échec de 80 % des sorts divins lancés par la cible pendant 100 secondes (jet de sauvegarde à -2 contre les sorts pour éviter)
- Provoque l'échec de 80 % des sorts profanes lancés par la cible pendant 100 secondes (jet de sauvegarde à -2 contre les sorts pour éviter)

Dégâts : 1d8 
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Battle Axe +2
The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle axes are also called broad axes. Magical battle axes are normally crafted by dwarves to help defend their warriors against their harsher neighbors. This magical axe has seen many battles, but its enchantments and craftsmanship make it a very capable weapon still.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 5
The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle axes are also called broad axes. Magical battle axes are normally crafted by dwarves to help defend their warriors against their harsher neighbors. This magical axe has seen many battles, but its enchantments and craftsmanship make it a very capable weapon still.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
K'logarath +4
The origins of this throwing axe are known only to denizens of the Underdark. What is known is that clans of duergar have gone to war simply to possess this artifact. 


Combat abilities:
– Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown
– Hit target must save vs. Death or be knocked down and take 2d6 extra damage

THAC0: +4
Damage: 1d6+4
Damage type (melee): slashing
Damage type (thrown): missile
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 1
The origins of this throwing axe are known only to denizens of the Underdark. What is known is that clans of duergar have gone to war simply to possess this artifact. 


Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur
- Inflige 2d6 points de dégâts contondants supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)
- Endors la cible pendant 3 secondes (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)
- Renverse et sonne la cible pendant 2 secondes (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)

Enchantement : +4
TAC0 : +4
Dégâts : 1d6 +4
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 0

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 
- Inflige 2d6 points de dégâts contondants supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)
- Endors la cible pendant 3 secondes (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)
- Renverse et sonne la cible pendant 2 secondes (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)

Enchantement : +4
TAC0 : +4
Dégâts : 1d6 +4
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 0

Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Battle Axe +3
The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle axes are also called broad axes. Magical battle axes are normally crafted by dwarves to help defend their warriors against their harsher neighbors. This magical axe has seen many battles, but its enchantments and craftsmanship make it a very capable weapon still.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 4
The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle axes are also called broad axes. Magical battle axes are normally crafted by dwarves to help defend their warriors against their harsher neighbors. This magical axe has seen many battles, but its enchantments and craftsmanship make it a very capable weapon still.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Beruel's Retort +1
The only thing dwarven warriors love more than a cool pint of ale is a short-hafted blade of cold steel. Perfect for penetrating the thick skulls of orcs, these axes serve equally well when thrown or held in one hand.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+2
Damage type (melee): Slashing
Damage type (thrown): Missile
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 2
The only thing dwarven warriors love more than a cool pint of ale is a short-hafted blade of cold steel. Perfect for penetrating the thick skulls of orcs, these axes serve equally well when thrown or held in one hand.


Capacités de charge : 
- Thrown (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)

Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4

Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Golden Axe +1
To counter the spells of the hated drow, the gold dwarves developed the sturdy and relatively inexpensive battle axe imbued with rare alloys and enchantments allowing a keen strike to dispel a foe's magic. The twin axes of Clangeddin Silverbeard are stamped on the butt of each of these weapons.


Combat abilities:
– 10% chance of casting Dispel Magic on hit target

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 7
To counter the spells of the hated drow, the gold dwarves developed the sturdy and relatively inexpensive battle axe imbued with rare alloys and enchantments allowing a keen strike to dispel a foe's magic. The twin axes of Clangeddin Silverbeard are stamped on the butt of each of these weapons.


Capacités de combat : 
- 11 % de chance de dissiper la magie
- 11 % de chance de guérir la surdité la cible
- 11 % de chance de guérir la Débilité mentale

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
A circlet is a circular band, typically made of precious metal, worn on the head as an ornament or symbol of status. Circlets carrying low-level enchantments are commonly worn by mages across Faerûn.

Weight: 1
A circlet is a circular band, typically made of precious metal, worn on the head as an ornament or symbol of status. Circlets carrying low-level enchantments are commonly worn by mages across Faerûn.

Weight: 1

Poids : 1
Silver Circlet
A circlet is a circular band, typically made of precious metal, worn on the head as an ornament or symbol of status. This silver circlet is enchanted to bring the wearer luck in battle, slightly improving the chance of successful Saving Throws.


Equipped abilities:
– Saving Throws: +1

Weight: 1
A circlet is a circular band, typically made of precious metal, worn on the head as an ornament or symbol of status. This silver circlet is enchanted to bring the wearer luck in battle, slightly improving the chance of successful Saving Throws.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 1
Eilistraee's Boon +1
This circlet is made of the purest silver and embedded with a green and shimmering jewel that seems to emit a faint glow when caught by moonlight. It was blessed by the Drow goddess Eilistraee, granting the wearer increased protection against harmful magic.


Equipped abilities:
– Saving Throws: +1
– Magic Resistance: +10%

Weight: 1
This circlet is made of the purest silver and embedded with a green and shimmering jewel that seems to emit a faint glow when caught by moonlight. It was blessed by the Drow goddess Eilistraee, granting the wearer increased protection against harmful magic.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Résistance à la magie : +10 %

Poids : 1
Circlet of the Archmagi
This powerful circlet was enchanted to complement the robes customarily worn by archmages, building even further on their magical protection and benefits. Due to the nature of the enchantment, it can only be worn by Mages.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1
– Intelligence: +1

Weight: 1
This powerful circlet was enchanted to complement the robes customarily worn by archmages, building even further on their magical protection and benefits. Due to the nature of the enchantment, it can only be worn by Mages.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Intelligence : +1

Poids : 1
Amulet of Whispers
The archmage Ulcaster enjoyed making long speeches in front of his students, filibustering on any number of subjects from arcane theory to the ethics of conjuration. Most of his students enjoyed the lectures, but one of his pupils decided that he would personally stand up to interrupt the stream of words from Ulcaster's mouth.

At the next lecture, the pupil stood up and shouted, "I won't listen to you any longer!" To his horror, no sound issued from his throat. Ulcaster had twisted the chain of an amulet he wore, which rendered every student in the lecture hall utterly silent. The archmage was unaffected, and so carried on his lecture uninhibited.


Equipped abilities:
– Vocalize

Charge abilities:
– Silence, 15' Radius once per day

Weight: 1
The archmage Ulcaster enjoyed making long speeches in front of his students, filibustering on any number of subjects from arcane theory to the ethics of conjuration. Most of his students enjoyed the lectures, but one of his pupils decided that he would personally stand up to interrupt the stream of words from Ulcaster's mouth.

At the next lecture, the pupil stood up and shouted, "I won't listen to you any longer!" To his horror, no sound issued from his throat. Ulcaster had twisted the chain of an amulet he wore, which rendered every student in the lecture hall utterly silent. The archmage was unaffected, and so carried on his lecture uninhibited.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Silence
- Immunité au sort Silence, 15' Radius
- Immunité au silence

Capacités de charge : 
- Silence, 15' Radius (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 1
Archer's Eyes
The pair of eyes that form the charm of this amulet are old and petrified, and the numbers "331" are engraved on their sides. Rumor has it that the eyes' original owner was a blind warrior noted for his uncanny accuracy with a bow. The amulet seems to bestow some of these traits on its wearer.


Equipped abilities:
– Critical Hit Chance: +5% (ranged attacks)
– Dexterity: +2 (Archers), +1 (others)

Weight: 1
The pair of eyes that form the charm of this amulet are old and petrified, and the numbers "331" are engraved on their sides. Rumor has it that the eyes' original owner was a blind warrior noted for his uncanny accuracy with a bow. The amulet seems to bestow some of these traits on its wearer.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Dextérité : +1
- Chance d'infliger un coup critique : +5 %
- Dextérité : +1 (uniquement pour les Archer)

Poids : 1
Amulet of Abnormally Awesome Ankheg Summoning
Crafted by the dark druid Ferrusk, this amulet resembles the curved pincers of an ankheg hanging from an iron chain. The pincers' polished green carapace catches the light, gleaming with an emerald sheen. Ferrusk created this amulet to summon a passel of ankhegs to fight at its wearer's command.


Equipped abilities:
– Acid Resistance: +15%

Charge abilities:
– Summons two ankhegs
  Range: 30 ft.
  Duration: 2 turns

Weight: 0
Crafted by the dark druid Ferrusk, this amulet resembles the curved pincers of an ankheg hanging from an iron chain. The pincers' polished green carapace catches the light, gleaming with an emerald sheen. Ferrusk created this amulet to summon a passel of ankhegs to fight at its wearer's command.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance à l'acide : +15 %

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (10 fois par jour)
  Invoque une créature (Ankheg) pendant 2 tours
  Invoque une créature (Ankheg) pendant 2 tours

Poids : 0
Seal of Bhaal
Seal of Bhaal


Weight: 1
Seal of Bhaal


Poids : 1
Ghost Locket
(placeholder) Ghost Locket description
(placeholder) Ghost Locket description

Capacités d'équipement : 
- Hiatus entropique : +5

Poids : 0
Clasp of Helm
Those who revere Helm, the Watcher, often carry his mark engraved on a necklace, brooch, or ring. While many of these items are simple reminders that Helm is ever vigilant, some items bearing the god's mark also grant their bearer a modicum of protection.


Equipped abilities:
– Saving Throws vs. Necromancy spells: +3
– Wisdom: +1 (Priests of Helm only)

Charge abilities:
– Detect Illusion once per day

Weight: 0
Those who revere Helm, the Watcher, often carry his mark engraved on a necklace, brooch, or ring. While many of these items are simple reminders that Helm is ever vigilant, some items bearing the god's mark also grant their bearer a modicum of protection.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +3 contre les sorts de l'école de la Nécromancie
- Sagesse : +1 (uniquement pour les Priest of Helm)

Capacités de charge : 
- Detect Illusion (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 0
Locket of Embracing
Esthia and Ambrose both served as Knights of the Mystic Fire, paladins dedicated to Mystra, goddess of magic. Esthia had this necklace commissioned for Ambrose, telling him it would ensure his safety when she could not hold him in her arms. 

On his last mission, Ambrose sent the necklace back to Esthia with a note telling her he had met another woman and would never return to the chapterhouse. Heartbroken, Esthia threw the necklace into a ditch, where it was later found by a peddler.


Equipped abilities:
– Caster Level: +1 (Clerics and Paladins)
– Can memorize two extra 1st-level divine spells

Weight: 0
Esthia and Ambrose both served as Knights of the Mystic Fire, paladins dedicated to Mystra, goddess of magic. Esthia had this necklace commissioned for Ambrose, telling him it would ensure his safety when she could not hold him in her arms. 

On his last mission, Ambrose sent the necklace back to Esthia with a note telling her he had met another woman and would never return to the chapterhouse. Heartbroken, Esthia threw the necklace into a ditch, where it was later found by a peddler.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Niveau de lanceur de sorts divins : Passe à 1
- Mémorisation de 2 sorts divins supplémentaires de niveau 1

Poids : 0
Modron Heart
Modrons are mechanical creatures of utter law and efficiency that make their home on Mechanus. Many think of modrons as soulless, emotionless beings without a heart to speak of, but this item proves those beliefs false. The Modron Heart is a core of pure law that strengthens its wearer in battle against chaotic creatures.


Equipped abilities: 
– THAC0: +2 vs. chaotic
– Damage: +2 vs. chaotic
– Armor Class: +2 vs. chaotic

Weight: 1
Modrons are mechanical creatures of utter law and efficiency that make their home on Mechanus. Many think of modrons as soulless, emotionless beings without a heart to speak of, but this item proves those beliefs false. The Modron Heart is a core of pure law that strengthens its wearer in battle against chaotic creatures.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les créatures chaotiques
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les créatures chaotiques
- Inflige +2 points de dégâts supplémentaires contre les créatures chaotiques
- TAC0 : +2 contre les créatures chaotiques

Poids : 1
Amulet of the Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain
Upon first examination, this simple talisman appears to be forged of iron. Closer inspection reveals that the iron is a thin shell concealing more valuable materials within. The links of the chain are gold, while a hidden latch on the charm itself flips it open, revealing a sparkling emerald set inside.


Weight: 1
Upon first examination, this simple talisman appears to be forged of iron. Closer inspection reveals that the iron is a thin shell concealing more valuable materials within. The links of the chain are gold, while a hidden latch on the charm itself flips it open, revealing a sparkling emerald set inside.


Poids : 1
Kendra's Chain
A slim gold chain like the one described by Kendra's brother.


Equipped abilities:
– Slashing Resistance: +5%

Weight: 1
A slim gold chain like the one described by Kendra's brother.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance aux dégâts tranchants : +5 %

Poids : 1
Lon's Amulet
This silver holy symbol of Selûne features a pair of feminine eyes surrounded by seven stars. 


Equipped abilities: 
– Wisdom: +1 (Shapeshifters)
– Bless

Weight: 1
This silver holy symbol of Selûne features a pair of feminine eyes surrounded by seven stars. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Bénédiction permanente
- Sagesse : +1 (uniquement pour les Shapeshifter)

Poids : 1
The Gift
Crafted from the most delicate spider silk, an unblemished aquamarine gem its centerpiece, this necklace represents its creator's undying devotion for his beloved. It does more than accentuate its wearer's beauty, though it certainly does that as well. It also seemingly rejuvenates her, leaving her practically glowing with youth and vitality. Were arcane energies involved in its creation, or does it merely reflect the deeply-held feelings of the necklace's maker for its intended recipient? It is impossible to say; such is the magic of love.


Equipped abilities:
– Hit Points: +10
– Charisma: +1
– Immunity to fatigue

Weight: 2
Crafted from the most delicate spider silk, an unblemished aquamarine gem its centerpiece, this necklace represents its creator's undying devotion for his beloved. It does more than accentuate its wearer's beauty, though it certainly does that as well. It also seemingly rejuvenates her, leaving her practically glowing with youth and vitality. Were arcane energies involved in its creation, or does it merely reflect the deeply-held feelings of the necklace's maker for its intended recipient? It is impossible to say; such is the magic of love.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Points de vie maximum : +10
- Charisme : +1
- Fatigue : Passe à 0 %
- Immunité à la fatigue

Poids : 2
The One Gift Lost
Necklace of Missiles: The One Gift Lost
The naming of this necklace originates from its only owner, Ikaida Mourneve, who quested to regain his kidnapped daughter. Not many would help the determined father, but a kind and generous mage bestowed this item on him to aid his cause. Alas, the necklace was lost when Ikaida dropped it into the Immerflow River while fending off bandits upon a suspension bridge. Fortunately, it is rumored that the item was not needed to reunite the family once again. 


Charge abilities:
– Missile Blast
  Damage: 6d6 fire (Save vs. Spell for half)
  Range: 50 ft.
  Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius

Weight: 1
Necklace of Missiles: The One Gift Lost
The naming of this necklace originates from its only owner, Ikaida Mourneve, who quested to regain his kidnapped daughter. Not many would help the determined father, but a kind and generous mage bestowed this item on him to aid his cause. Alas, the necklace was lost when Ikaida dropped it into the Immerflow River while fending off bandits upon a suspension bridge. Fortunately, it is rumored that the item was not needed to reunite the family once again. 


Capacités de charge : 
- Inflige 6d6 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter) (25 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)

Poids : 1
Amulet of Protection +1
This amulet improves the wearer's Armor Class and Saving Throws versus all forms of attack. The magical properties of the amulet prevent it from being worn with other magical items of protection, including enchanted armor.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1

Weight: 1
This amulet improves the wearer's Armor Class and Saving Throws versus all forms of attack. The magical properties of the amulet prevent it from being worn with other magical items of protection, including enchanted armor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 1
Amulet of Protection +2
This amulet improves the wearer's Armor Class and Saving Throws versus all forms of attack. The magical properties of the amulet prevent it from being worn with other magical items of protection, including enchanted armor.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– Saving Throws: +2

Weight: 1
This amulet improves the wearer's Armor Class and Saving Throws versus all forms of attack. The magical properties of the amulet prevent it from being worn with other magical items of protection, including enchanted armor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2

Poids : 1
Heart of the Mountain
During a skirmish between a powerful water elemental and a powerful earth elemental, a tiny fragment of the latter broke off. An orc fleeing the site of the battle snatched the fragment up as she ran. This she gave to her tribe's shaman, who immediately recognized its power and fashioned it into an amulet. 

The Heart of the Mountain is of particular use to those who do the Ghost Dance. Such folk dwell at least partly in the realm of the spirits; the amulet forges a stronger connection 'twixt them and the earth, lending its wearer strength in the face of physical adversity.


Equipped abilities: 
– Armor Class: +2
– Summoned spirits gain +10 Hit Points

Weight: 0
During a skirmish between a powerful water elemental and a powerful earth elemental, a tiny fragment of the latter broke off. An orc fleeing the site of the battle snatched the fragment up as she ran. This she gave to her tribe's shaman, who immediately recognized its power and fashioned it into an amulet. 

The Heart of the Mountain is of particular use to those who do the Ghost Dance. Such folk dwell at least partly in the realm of the spirits; the amulet forges a stronger connection 'twixt them and the earth, lending its wearer strength in the face of physical adversity.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 0
Axe of Kruntur +2
As mighty a weapon as a goblin could hope to wield, the Axe of Kruntur belonged to a dekanter goblin warlord a century or more ago. Though a famous figure in his tribe, Kruntur was less well-known beyond it. After his death, his signature weapon moved from hand to hand in rapid succession, finally ending up discarded in the ruins of the dwarven town of Kanaglym.


Equipped abilities: 
– 1 extra attack per round

Combat abilities:
– 33% chance per hit that the target takes 1 point of poison damage per second for 2 rounds (Save vs. Death negates)
– Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3
Damage type (melee): Slashing
Damage type (thrown): Missile
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 3
As mighty a weapon as a goblin could hope to wield, the Axe of Kruntur belonged to a dekanter goblin warlord a century or more ago. Though a famous figure in his tribe, Kruntur was less well-known beyond it. After his death, his signature weapon moved from hand to hand in rapid succession, finally ending up discarded in the ruins of the dwarven town of Kanaglym.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : +1

Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 2

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2

Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Chill Axe +2
This finely crafted axe bears the sigil of the Ice Dragon Berserker Lodge. Glowing white runes edge its cold silver blade, and a cloud of chill air trails behind the axe whenever it is swung. The most powerful rangers of the Ice Dragon Berserker Lodge carry these axes with them on their dejemmas, as protection from southern threats.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: +1

Combat abilities:
– 2% chance per hit that the wielder will become berserk, losing control of  actions for 3 rounds

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2, +1 cold
Damage Type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 5
This finely crafted axe bears the sigil of the Ice Dragon Berserker Lodge. Glowing white runes edge its cold silver blade, and a cloud of chill air trails behind the axe whenever it is swung. The most powerful rangers of the Ice Dragon Berserker Lodge carry these axes with them on their dejemmas, as protection from southern threats.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Force : +1

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires
- 3 % de chance de provoquer la rage du berserker chez le porteur pendant 3 rounds

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Throwing Axe +1
The hand axe or throwing axe is also known as a hatchet. The axe blade has a sharp steel tip counterbalanced by a pointed fluke. The short handle has a point on the bottom, and the head may have a spike on the top. This throwing axe is balanced and enchanted, making it more accurate and damaging. Since the throwing axe is designed differently than a normal axe, it is less effective as a melee weapon.


THAC0: +1
Damage (melee): 1d6+1 (slashing)
Damage (thrown): 1d6+2 (missile)
Speed Factor (melee): 4
Speed Factor (thrown): 3
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 0
The hand axe or throwing axe is also known as a hatchet. The axe blade has a sharp steel tip counterbalanced by a pointed fluke. The short handle has a point on the bottom, and the head may have a spike on the top. This throwing axe is balanced and enchanted, making it more accurate and damaging. Since the throwing axe is designed differently than a normal axe, it is less effective as a melee weapon.


Capacités de charge : 
- Thrown (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)

Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 3

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4

Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Grubdoubler's Axe +1
Crudely fashioned but an effective weapon, this axe has a certain sentimental value to M'Khiin Grubdoubler, who stole it from her father. Though she didn't particularly want to possess the axe herself, she very much wanted it not to be possessed by one of her brothers, most of whom were furious their sister managed to steal it before one of them did.


Combat abilities:
– 20% chance per hit of confusing the target for 3 rounds (Save vs. Spell negates)
– Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown

THAC0: +1, +3 vs. humans
Damage: 1d6+2, +2 (magic) vs. humans
Damage type (melee): Slashing
Damage type (thrown): Missile
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 3
Crudely fashioned but an effective weapon, this axe has a certain sentimental value to M'Khiin Grubdoubler, who stole it from her father. Though she didn't particularly want to possess the axe herself, she very much wanted it not to be possessed by one of her brothers, most of whom were furious their sister managed to steal it before one of them did.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +3 contre les humains
- TAC0 : +2 contre les humains

Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires contre les humains

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 3

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires contre les humains

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3

Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
The halfling Tip Eldermaple was noted in his town for never losing at cards. The halfling attributed his good fortune to the blessings of Tyche and lived a long, quiet, and very prosperous life. 

When Tip finally died at the age of one hundred and three, he left his favorite belt to his son, who discovered that the belt buckle had caught a four-leaf clover in the clasp. Whether Tip had placed the clover there himself, or whether it had simply been stuck there after a tumble down a hill in his youth, no one will ever know. What is known is that Tip’s fortune passed down to his son, until the belt was stolen from him by an ogre while he was traveling along the Sword Coast.


Equipped abilities:
– Luck

Weight: 2
The halfling Tip Eldermaple was noted in his town for never losing at cards. The halfling attributed his good fortune to the blessings of Tyche and lived a long, quiet, and very prosperous life. 

When Tip finally died at the age of one hundred and three, he left his favorite belt to his son, who discovered that the belt buckle had caught a four-leaf clover in the clasp. Whether Tip had placed the clover there himself, or whether it had simply been stuck there after a tumble down a hill in his youth, no one will ever know. What is known is that Tip’s fortune passed down to his son, until the belt was stolen from him by an ogre while he was traveling along the Sword Coast.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Vol à la tire : +5 %
- Crochetage de serrures : +5 %
- Détection des illusions : +5 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : +5 %
- Pose de pièges : +5 %
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : +5 %
- Furtivité : +5 %
- Immunité au sort Luck
- Chance : Passe à 1

Poids : 2
Belt of the Skillful Blade
A blacksmith in Cormyr is responsible for designing this item. Say'an Keenedge was renowned for designing the sharpest, best balanced, and most beautiful blades in the country. She was also a bit of a hothead and grew furious when she saw less-skilled fighters wielding her weapons. For her finest work she handed out one of these belts free with purchase, in order that her weapons never be mishandled.


Equipped abilities:
– Slashing Damage: +10% bonus
– THAC0: +2 bonus with the off hand (Blades and Swashbucklers only)

Weight: 2
A blacksmith in Cormyr is responsible for designing this item. Say'an Keenedge was renowned for designing the sharpest, best balanced, and most beautiful blades in the country. She was also a bit of a hothead and grew furious when she saw less-skilled fighters wielding her weapons. For her finest work she handed out one of these belts free with purchase, in order that her weapons never be mishandled.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- MONK : 10
- TAC0 de la main secondaire : +2

Poids : 2
Belt of the Cunning Rogue
This wide leather belt has been dyed a deep magenta. The belt was created over a decade ago by a human thief who saw his larcenous activities as a means of worshiping Mask. All his burglaries were undertaken with prayers to Mask, and he hoarded his stolen goods at a hidden altar to the god of thieves. He favored purple clothing, believing it was a color the god preferred, and he crafted this belt to match his ensemble. The thief was eventually caught and killed on one of his missions and the belt confiscated by the city guard. The next night, the belt vanished from a locked chest in the guardhouse, though, whisked away by Mask so that it could continue to serve the god's ends. Even today, the belt often finds its way into the path of those who will put it to good use.

The pouches attached to the belt contain a number of small tools, wires, picks, and blades that can be used to pick locks and disable traps. 


Equipped abilities:
– Open Locks: +15%
– Find Traps: +15%

Weight: 2
This wide leather belt has been dyed a deep magenta. The belt was created over a decade ago by a human thief who saw his larcenous activities as a means of worshiping Mask. All his burglaries were undertaken with prayers to Mask, and he hoarded his stolen goods at a hidden altar to the god of thieves. He favored purple clothing, believing it was a color the god preferred, and he crafted this belt to match his ensemble. The thief was eventually caught and killed on one of his missions and the belt confiscated by the city guard. The next night, the belt vanished from a locked chest in the guardhouse, though, whisked away by Mask so that it could continue to serve the god's ends. Even today, the belt often finds its way into the path of those who will put it to good use.

The pouches attached to the belt contain a number of small tools, wires, picks, and blades that can be used to pick locks and disable traps. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Crochetage de serrures : +15 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : +15 %

Poids : 2
The Protector of the Unworthy
Girdle of Blades: The Protector of the Unworthy
The most infamous owner of this item forever tainted its reputation, though it is still a truly useful item. Morinden of the Wicked Heart made his living looting the bodies of those he slew. He would goad true warriors into duels of honor—though he had little knowledge of the subject—and laugh as their blades glanced off him. Eventually he met his end at the hands of a frustrated woodsman, who had wisely cast his sword aside in favor of a tree stump.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +4 bonus vs. slashing attacks
– Armor Class: -4 penalty vs. crushing attacks
– May only be removed by a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 2
Girdle of Blades: The Protector of the Unworthy
The most infamous owner of this item forever tainted its reputation, though it is still a truly useful item. Morinden of the Wicked Heart made his living looting the bodies of those he slew. He would goad true warriors into duels of honor—though he had little knowledge of the subject—and laugh as their blades glanced off him. Eventually he met his end at the hands of a frustrated woodsman, who had wisely cast his sword aside in favor of a tree stump.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Classe d'armure : -4 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +4 contre les armes tranchantes

Poids : 2
Golden Girdle
Though its battered condition speaks to its past use in combat, few of the cuts in this leather girdle were made by an enemy's blade. It would seem the magical symbols gouged into the hide have the practical effect of making the item's wearer less vulnerable to the swords of their foes.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3 vs. slashing attacks

Weight: 2
Though its battered condition speaks to its past use in combat, few of the cuts in this leather girdle were made by an enemy's blade. It would seem the magical symbols gouged into the hide have the practical effect of making the item's wearer less vulnerable to the swords of their foes.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes

Poids : 2
Girdle of Bluntness
Covered in intricate designs sewn into its leather with golden thread, at first glance this girdle seems more decorative than practical. Closer examination is rewarded by the realization that it functions as far more than it appears, bestowing magical protection from hammers, clubs, and other blunt weapons to its wearer.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +4 vs. crushing attacks

Weight: 2
Covered in intricate designs sewn into its leather with golden thread, at first glance this girdle seems more decorative than practical. Closer examination is rewarded by the realization that it functions as far more than it appears, bestowing magical protection from hammers, clubs, and other blunt weapons to its wearer.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +4 contre les armes contondantes

Poids : 2
Girdle of Piercing
Fabricated from crudely cut, unadorned leather, this loin belt was obviously created with utility rather than beauty (or even comfort) in mind. Though not pretty, it is useful, enchanted with warding spells that grant its wearer some magical protection from the slings and arrows of their enemies.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3 vs. missile and piercing attacks

Weight: 2
Fabricated from crudely cut, unadorned leather, this loin belt was obviously created with utility rather than beauty (or even comfort) in mind. Though not pretty, it is useful, enchanted with warding spells that grant its wearer some magical protection from the slings and arrows of their enemies.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes perforantes

Poids : 2
Mosela's Cudgel +2
Mosela was disappointed when she learned that she would be finishing her apprenticeship under the tutelage of a sorcerer—sorcerers were not known for their instructional genius—but the opportunity to work with golems was one that no enterprising young mage could reasonably pass up, and that happened to be Listrom’s specialty.

Unfortunately—and it took Mosela only a few short days to discover this—Listrom knew more about making the golems than he did about controlling them, and by the end of Mosela’s first week she realized that she would need some means of protecting herself. Thus was created this cudgel that, she hoped, would keep the misbehaving constructs at bay. When Listrom lost what little sanity he had, Mosela discovered that her invention worked just as well on raving lunatics.


Equipped abilities:
– Save vs. Alteration spells: +2

THAC0: +2, +3 vs. constructs
Damage: 1d6+2, +3 vs. constructs
Damage type: Crushing
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
Mosela was disappointed when she learned that she would be finishing her apprenticeship under the tutelage of a sorcerer—sorcerers were not known for their instructional genius—but the opportunity to work with golems was one that no enterprising young mage could reasonably pass up, and that happened to be Listrom’s specialty.

Unfortunately—and it took Mosela only a few short days to discover this—Listrom knew more about making the golems than he did about controlling them, and by the end of Mosela’s first week she realized that she would need some means of protecting herself. Thus was created this cudgel that, she hoped, would keep the misbehaving constructs at bay. When Listrom lost what little sanity he had, Mosela discovered that her invention worked just as well on raving lunatics.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +3 contre les golems
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les sorts de l'école de l'Altération
- TAC0 : +1 contre les golems

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts contondants supplémentaires contre les golems

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Club
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Cudgel of Montgomer +1
As a young man, the adventurer Montgomer signed aboard the "Fairest Wind" and worked twice as hard as any other mate. When pirates attacked, Montgomer threw himself into battle but promptly took a blow to the arm and lost his cutlass. Undaunted, he grabbed a belaying pin and used it bash pirate skulls. After the attack was over, Montgomer's mates praised his bravery and joked that he should always keep his "cudgel" at his side. Montgomer did so, eventually having the belaying pin enchanted with healing powers, but later traded it in for a more powerful (and wieldy) weapon.


Combat abilities:
– 10% chance per hit of casting Cure Light Wounds on the wielder

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 8
As a young man, the adventurer Montgomer signed aboard the "Fairest Wind" and worked twice as hard as any other mate. When pirates attacked, Montgomer threw himself into battle but promptly took a blow to the arm and lost his cutlass. Undaunted, he grabbed a belaying pin and used it bash pirate skulls. After the attack was over, Montgomer's mates praised his bravery and joked that he should always keep his "cudgel" at his side. Montgomer did so, eventually having the belaying pin enchanted with healing powers, but later traded it in for a more powerful (and wieldy) weapon.


Capacités de combat : 
- 11 % de chance de lancer le sort Cure Light Wounds (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Mace
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Martyr's Morningstar +2
Forged by Ilusarian Roan, a priest of Ilmater, this morning star sacrifices the wielder's strength in order to destroy the enemies of the faith. Roan used the morning star when he joined a company of knights and priests fighting against a cabal of Cyricists. He took down six cultists before he died, and the morning star was returned to the temple with his remains.


Equipped abilities:
– Hit Points: -10

Combat abilities:
– On a critical hit, target loses 15% of their maximum Hit Points

THAC0: +2
Damage: 2d4+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 9
Forged by Ilusarian Roan, a priest of Ilmater, this morning star sacrifices the wielder's strength in order to destroy the enemies of the faith. Roan used the morning star when he joined a company of knights and priests fighting against a cabal of Cyricists. He took down six cultists before he died, and the morning star was returned to the temple with his remains.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Points de vie maximum : -10

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 2d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
The Hydra +2
The three heads of this flail look like dragon heads, giving the weapon its fearsome name. As the wielder swings the weapon, its heads seem to blur and divide until a mass of hydra heads whips from the end of the chain. When the wielder ceases attacking, the weapon reverts to its original appearance.


Combat abilities: 
– 33% chance per hit of dealing +1d4, +2d4, or +3d4 points of piercing damage

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 12
The three heads of this flail look like dragon heads, giving the weapon its fearsome name. As the wielder swings the weapon, its heads seem to blur and divide until a mass of hydra heads whips from the end of the chain. When the wielder ceases attacking, the weapon reverts to its original appearance.


Capacités de combat : 
- 12 % de chance d'infliger 1d4 points de dégâts perforants supplémentaires
- 11 % de chance d'infliger 3d4 points de dégâts perforants supplémentaires
- 11 % de chance d'infliger 2d4 points de dégâts perforants supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
The Uncursed Staff +1
Decades ago, an adventuring priest of Gond discovered a cursed staff in a dungeon. Despite its curse, the staff was a well-crafted and fine-looking weapon, and the priest sought a way to lift the curse. Though he was never able to do so, he was able to add an enchantment to the staff, mostly negating its cursed properties and allowing him to carry it and put it away as desired. Though the staff was little better than a regular weapon, the priest carried it the rest of his days, as it boosted his ability to carry treasure out of subsequent dungeons.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: 18

THAC0: -2
Damage: 1d6-2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 4
Decades ago, an adventuring priest of Gond discovered a cursed staff in a dungeon. Despite its curse, the staff was a well-crafted and fine-looking weapon, and the priest sought a way to lift the curse. Though he was never able to do so, he was able to add an enchantment to the staff, mostly negating its cursed properties and allowing him to carry it and put it away as desired. Though the staff was little better than a regular weapon, the priest carried it the rest of his days, as it boosted his ability to carry treasure out of subsequent dungeons.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Force : Passe à 18

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +65534
Dégâts : 1d6 -2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Backwhacker +2
Most thieves favor bladed weapons when striking from the shadows, but not all. Whether due to religious convictions, personal preference, or anti-establishment tendencies, some thieves prefer to backstab their enemies with a blunt instrument.


Combat abilities: 
– Renders the target unconscious for 2 rounds when a backstab is performed (Save vs. Death negates)

THAC0: +2 
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing) 
Speed Factor: 2 
Proficiency Type: Club 
Type: One-handed 
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
Most thieves favor bladed weapons when striking from the shadows, but not all. Whether due to religious convictions, personal preference, or anti-establishment tendencies, some thieves prefer to backstab their enemies with a blunt instrument.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Club
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Glimmer of Hope +2
A pacifist priest of Ilmater carried this mace to warn off would-be evildoers, but never lifted the weapon in battle. He preached that all thinking creatures had the capacity for good in them, and that to destroy another life was to rob it of its potential. His fellow priests, though respectful of his views, did not take their philosophy to such an extreme. Few were surprised when the priest was waylaid by bandits and killed one day. His mace was recovered and brought back to the temple, and the other priests were amazed to find a small diamond embedded in the tip. The diamond flashes with brilliance from time to time, blessing its wielder and filling them with a sense of hope.


Equipped abilities:
– Wisdom: +1

Combat abilities:
– 10% chance per hit of casting Bless centered on the wielder


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 7
A pacifist priest of Ilmater carried this mace to warn off would-be evildoers, but never lifted the weapon in battle. He preached that all thinking creatures had the capacity for good in them, and that to destroy another life was to rob it of its potential. His fellow priests, though respectful of his views, did not take their philosophy to such an extreme. Few were surprised when the priest was waylaid by bandits and killed one day. His mace was recovered and brought back to the temple, and the other priests were amazed to find a small diamond embedded in the tip. The diamond flashes with brilliance from time to time, blessing its wielder and filling them with a sense of hope.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Sagesse : +1

Capacités de combat : 
- 11 % de chance de lancer le sort Bless (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Mace
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Blazing Glory +3
This glittering morningstar was crafted by weaponsmiths in the Temple of Tempus in Waterdeep. Fashioned as a weapon for Tempus's priests, who cannot use their deity's favored weapon due to its bladed edge, Blazing Glory has a black iron tip studded with points of alternating gold and ruby. Enchantments harden these points and add a flash of fire with every blow. The wielder of Blazing Glory never tires in battle, fortified by the will of the Lord of Battles himself. 


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to fatigue

Combat abilities:
– 10% chance of casting Chant centered on the wielder on each hit

THAC0: +3
Damage: 2d4+3 (crushing) +1 (fire)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 8
This glittering morningstar was crafted by weaponsmiths in the Temple of Tempus in Waterdeep. Fashioned as a weapon for Tempus's priests, who cannot use their deity's favored weapon due to its bladed edge, Blazing Glory has a black iron tip studded with points of alternating gold and ruby. Enchantments harden these points and add a flash of fire with every blow. The wielder of Blazing Glory never tires in battle, fortified by the will of the Lord of Battles himself. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Fatigue : Passe à 0 %
- Immunité à la fatigue

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires
- 11 % de chance de lancer le sort Chant (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 2d4 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Ettin Club +1
This club, fashioned out of a single giant legbone, is as unwieldy as it is heavy. In a giant's hands it would be a formidable weapon.


THAC0: -5 penalty
Damage: 2d6+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
 18 Strength

Weight: 20
This club, fashioned out of a single giant legbone, is as unwieldy as it is heavy. In a giant's hands it would be a formidable weapon.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +65531
Dégâts : 2d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 9
Type de compétence : Club
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 18
Soft Feet
These boots were crafted by a young mage who wished to be trained as a shadowdancer, but was turned away for being too loud when he walked. "A shadowdancer weaves between the shadows and makes no sound," they said. "You move like an elephant climbing a tree."

Undeterred, the mage crafted a set of boots that caused his feet to become insubstantial, allowing him to walk with quiet confidence and avoid stepping on nasty substances.


Equipped abilities:
– Move Silently: +25%
– Immunity to Grease, Entangle, and Web

Weight: 1
These boots were crafted by a young mage who wished to be trained as a shadowdancer, but was turned away for being too loud when he walked. "A shadowdancer weaves between the shadows and makes no sound," they said. "You move like an elephant climbing a tree."

Undeterred, the mage crafted a set of boots that caused his feet to become insubstantial, allowing him to walk with quiet confidence and avoid stepping on nasty substances.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Furtivité : +25 %
- Immunité au sort Web Tangle
- Immunité au sort Vortex Web
- Immunité au sort Entangle
- Immunité au sort Web
- Immunité au sort Grease

Poids : 1
Ostentatious Boots
These iridescent scaled boots gleam with a hundred shades of color. On a trade voyage across the Alamber Sea, a ship passed by a pitched battle between sahuagin marauders and a colony of merfolk. The ship's bard leaned over the rail and played a rousing ballad of courage. Bolstered, the merfolk overcame and drove off the vicious sahuagin. One of the mermaids swam up to the ship and handed the bard a glittering shed mermaid tail, telling him that any item fashioned from the scales would gain a valuable enchantment. The bard had the tail made into a pair of boots that have been passed on to his descendants, though their flashy nature makes the wearer quite memorable.


Equipped abilities: 
– Charisma: +1

Weight: 4
These iridescent scaled boots gleam with a hundred shades of color. On a trade voyage across the Alamber Sea, a ship passed by a pitched battle between sahuagin marauders and a colony of merfolk. The ship's bard leaned over the rail and played a rousing ballad of courage. Bolstered, the merfolk overcame and drove off the vicious sahuagin. One of the mermaids swam up to the ship and handed the bard a glittering shed mermaid tail, telling him that any item fashioned from the scales would gain a valuable enchantment. The bard had the tail made into a pair of boots that have been passed on to his descendants, though their flashy nature makes the wearer quite memorable.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Charisme : +1

Poids : 4
Star-Strewn Boots
These boots belonged to Crommus the Minstrel many centuries ago. When Artipheon the mage slew Crommus and severed the bard's voice, some of Artipheon's power infused Crommus's boots. The once ordinary midnight-blue leather boots now glitter as if hundreds of twinkling stars were embedded in the material.


Equipped abilities:
– Magic Resistance: +7%, +15% (Wizard Slayers)

Weight: 4
These boots belonged to Crommus the Minstrel many centuries ago. When Artipheon the mage slew Crommus and severed the bard's voice, some of Artipheon's power infused Crommus's boots. The once ordinary midnight-blue leather boots now glitter as if hundreds of twinkling stars were embedded in the material.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance à la magie : +7 %
- Résistance à la magie : +8 % (uniquement pour les Wizard Slayer)

Poids : 4
Boots of Speed
These boots are made from the tanned hide of an animal such as a horse or a cheetah. They are then enchanted to enable the wearer to move nearly as fast as that animal. Footgear of this sort is prized for allowing one to outmaneuver or even escape one's foes. The boots do not fatigue the wearer beyond what would result from moving at a normal rate.


Equipped abilities:
– Doubles movement rate

Weight: 4
These boots are made from the tanned hide of an animal such as a horse or a cheetah. They are then enchanted to enable the wearer to move nearly as fast as that animal. Footgear of this sort is prized for allowing one to outmaneuver or even escape one's foes. The boots do not fatigue the wearer beyond what would result from moving at a normal rate.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vitesse de déplacement : Passe à 30

Poids : 4
The Paws of the Cheetah
Boots of Speed: The Paws of the Cheetah
These enchanted boots were once the property of a deadly assassin fond of chasing down his prey. He moved with such speed that his targets often didn't have the opportunity to respond, even on horseback. Over time the assassin's fame spread, and though his name was never known, all knew to fear the words last heard by his victims, "You can hide, but you cannot run!"


Equipped abilities:
– Doubles movement rate

Weight: 4
Boots of Speed: The Paws of the Cheetah
These enchanted boots were once the property of a deadly assassin fond of chasing down his prey. He moved with such speed that his targets often didn't have the opportunity to respond, even on horseback. Over time the assassin's fame spread, and though his name was never known, all knew to fear the words last heard by his victims, "You can hide, but you cannot run!"


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vitesse de déplacement : +100 %

Poids : 4
Sidestep Slippers
These soft leather slippers are favored by monks, who benefit from their enchanted traction when executing their specialized fighting style. The grip and control provided by the slippers allow a monk to dodge all but the most deadly attacks.


Equipped abilities:
– Dexterity: +1
– Armor Class: +1
– Save vs. Invocation spells: +2

Weight: 3
These soft leather slippers are favored by monks, who benefit from their enchanted traction when executing their specialized fighting style. The grip and control provided by the slippers allow a monk to dodge all but the most deadly attacks.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les sorts de l'école de l'Invocation
- Dextérité : +1

Poids : 3
Blightbringer +1
The favored weapon of the goblin shaman Kirrkuk Redrats, this bow's components were each painstakingly molded for their purpose by its creator. The wood of its body was cut from a juniper sapling grown in the ashes of a gnome slain by Kirrkuk in battle. The string was made from silk produced by worms feeding on the bound, living bodies of a dwarven cleric captured by Kirrkuk's tribe. Throughout his life, Kirrkuk used the bow during his shamanic workings. In doing so, his essence was infused into the weapon. Arrows flying from its string seem to seek out gnomes and dwarves, and can, on occasion, afflict their targets with a sickness that weighs their limbs down, making them easier prey for the bow's wielder.


Combat abilities:
– 10% chance that the target must save vs. Death or be afflicted by a foul disease, thereby losing 2 points of Dexterity (non-cumulative) and becoming slowed for 3 rounds

THAC0: +1, +3 vs. dwarves and gnomes
Damage: +1, +3 vs. dwarves and gnomes
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Shortbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
The favored weapon of the goblin shaman Kirrkuk Redrats, this bow's components were each painstakingly molded for their purpose by its creator. The wood of its body was cut from a juniper sapling grown in the ashes of a gnome slain by Kirrkuk in battle. The string was made from silk produced by worms feeding on the bound, living bodies of a dwarven cleric captured by Kirrkuk's tribe. Throughout his life, Kirrkuk used the bow during his shamanic workings. In doing so, his essence was infused into the weapon. Arrows flying from its string seem to seek out gnomes and dwarves, and can, on occasion, afflict their targets with a sickness that weighs their limbs down, making them easier prey for the bow's wielder.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 : 0 contre les gnomes
- TAC0 : 0 contre les nains
- Inflige  points de dégâts supplémentaires contre les gnomes
- Inflige  points de dégâts supplémentaires contre les nains
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Shortbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Corinth's Bow +2
Though obviously well-used, someone has taken excellent care of this finely crafted bow. A small golden seal on one side appears to be a family crest.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1

Combat abilities: 
– After scoring a critical hit, the wielder is affected by the Luck spell

THAC0: +3
Damage: +4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
 18 Strength

Weight: 8
Though obviously well-used, someone has taken excellent care of this finely crafted bow. A small golden seal on one side appears to be a family crest.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : +4
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Longbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 18
Fleshripper +2
Despite this short bow's intimidating name, it carries no gruesome history. Kitsana, an elven ranger, designed this bow for her own use and could fire it with astonishing rapidity. One night at camp Kitsana's party each took a turn trying to master the unusually thin bowstring and uniquely curved grip of the weapon. None shot as poorly as the fighter, a braggart named Tirrel, who not only missed his target by a foot but who snapped the bowstring down the length of his forearm and tore off a strip of skin. Kitsana and her party faded into obscurity decades ago but her bow still circulates.


Combat abilities:
– 5% chance per hit of hasting the wielder for 4 rounds

Equipped abilities: 
– Movement Speed: +2

THAC0: +2
Damage: +2
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Shortbow
Type: Two-handed
 3 Strength
16 Dexterity

Weight: 1
Despite this short bow's intimidating name, it carries no gruesome history. Kitsana, an elven ranger, designed this bow for her own use and could fire it with astonishing rapidity. One night at camp Kitsana's party each took a turn trying to master the unusually thin bowstring and uniquely curved grip of the weapon. None shot as poorly as the fighter, a braggart named Tirrel, who not only missed his target by a foot but who snapped the bowstring down the length of his forearm and tore off a strip of skin. Kitsana and her party faded into obscurity decades ago but her bow still circulates.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2
- Vitesse de déplacement : +2

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Shortbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
- Dextérité : 16
Bow of the Banshee +2
A wooden face carved mid-scream stares out from the shaft of this hardwood bow. It's whispered that the half-orc archer Zavruk had an elven soul bound into the bow, but the bow's lack of a necromantic aura casts doubt on the story. What's certain is that the bowstring makes a horrible screeching noise whenever fired, instilling fear in the wielder's enemies.


Combat abilities:
– 10% chance per hit of casting Cloak of Fear centered on the wielder
– Deals 1 extra point of magic damage to panicked targets

THAC0: +3
Damage: +2
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 3
A wooden face carved mid-scream stares out from the shaft of this hardwood bow. It's whispered that the half-orc archer Zavruk had an elven soul bound into the bow, but the bow's lack of a necromantic aura casts doubt on the story. What's certain is that the bowstring makes a horrible screeching noise whenever fired, instilling fear in the wielder's enemies.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Capacités de combat : 
- 11 % de chance de lancer le sort Cloak of Fear (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Longbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Savage Shortbow +2
This bow appears crudely made. The knotty length of wood has numerous stumps where twigs were pruned away, and living leaves still spring from it. In spite of its apparent poor quality, the bow has clearly been enhanced with nature magic. It is rumored the wild elves of the Chondalwood make good use of such weapons, especially against invading orcs and ogres.


Equipped abilities:
– Constitution: +1 (elves and half-elves)

THAC0: +2
Damage: +2, +3 extra vs. orcs, half-orcs, and ogres
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Shortbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
This bow appears crudely made. The knotty length of wood has numerous stumps where twigs were pruned away, and living leaves still spring from it. In spite of its apparent poor quality, the bow has clearly been enhanced with nature magic. It is rumored the wild elves of the Chondalwood make good use of such weapons, especially against invading orcs and ogres.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2
- Constitution : +1 (uniquement pour les demi-elfes)
- Constitution : +1 (uniquement pour les elfes)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Shortbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Corwin's Bow +1
This enchanted bow enhances the wielder's dexterity, allowing them to fire more accurately. Every so often, a shot will explode into a shower of wooden splinters that sprout and grasp the target firmly, preventing any escape.

Equipped abilities: 
– Dexterity: +1

Combat abilities: 
– 10% chance per hit of entangling the target for 3 rounds (Save vs. Breath negates)


THAC0: +2
Damage: +3
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
 18 Strength

Weight: 9
This enchanted bow enhances the wielder's dexterity, allowing them to fire more accurately. Every so often, a shot will explode into a shower of wooden splinters that sprout and grasp the target firmly, preventing any escape.

Equipped abilities: 
– Dexterity: +1

Combat abilities: 
– 10% chance per hit of entangling the target for 3 rounds (Save vs. Breath negates)


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2
- Dextérité : +1

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Longbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 18
Bracers of the Shuttered Lid
Rumor tells that a remote sect of monks, living in deep caverns beneath the Spine of the World, learned to fight in absolute darkness. The sound of their enemy's movement and breathing were enough for them to accurately target their blows. These bracers put their enemy on an even footing.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +2 (unarmed attacks)
– Immunity to blindness

Combat abilities:
– On a critical hit, the target is blinded for 2 rounds (no save)

Weight: 2
Rumor tells that a remote sect of monks, living in deep caverns beneath the Spine of the World, learned to fight in absolute darkness. The sound of their enemy's movement and breathing were enough for them to accurately target their blows. These bracers put their enemy on an even footing.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 des poings : +2
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Blind
- Immunité au sort Darkness, 15' Radius
- Immunité au sort Blindness
- Immunité à l'aveuglement

Poids : 2
Jester's Bracers
These bracers once belonged to a traveling bard famed for his sharp tongue and quick retorts. One rainy night, the bard took refuge in a rickety inn on the road to Shadowdale. There he performed for his supper, sprinkling his routine with caustic jibes as was his custom. One of the drinkers in the tavern, an old woman, stood up midway through the performance and snapped, "You think it clever to insult and belittle others? Do so, then, for as long as you live!" The bard found himself unable to remove his now-cursed protective bracers and was forced to spout corny jokes until he could pay a wizard to remove them.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 5
– Charisma: -1 (except for Jesters)
– Wearer is forced to tell corny jokes 
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 2
These bracers once belonged to a traveling bard famed for his sharp tongue and quick retorts. One rainy night, the bard took refuge in a rickety inn on the road to Shadowdale. There he performed for his supper, sprinkling his routine with caustic jibes as was his custom. One of the drinkers in the tavern, an old woman, stood up midway through the performance and snapped, "You think it clever to insult and belittle others? Do so, then, for as long as you live!" The bard found himself unable to remove his now-cursed protective bracers and was forced to spout corny jokes until he could pay a wizard to remove them.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Charisme : -1
- Charisme : +1

Poids : 2
Nimblefinger Gloves
Fashioned from the finest doeskin available, this pair of gloves was obviously designed for gnomish hands (though dwarves and other shorter races might also be able to use them). For the right wearer, the gloves offer protection and comfort in equal proportion. Fitting like a second skin, the user becomes more sensitive to what their hands are doing; this added focus increases the wearer's nimbleness and dexterity.


Equipped abilities:
– Dexterity: +2 (gnomes), +1 (halflings, dwarves, and goblins)
– Pick Pockets: +25%
– Set Traps: +25%

Weight: 2
Fashioned from the finest doeskin available, this pair of gloves was obviously designed for gnomish hands (though dwarves and other shorter races might also be able to use them). For the right wearer, the gloves offer protection and comfort in equal proportion. Fitting like a second skin, the user becomes more sensitive to what their hands are doing; this added focus increases the wearer's nimbleness and dexterity.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vol à la tire : +25 %
- Pose de pièges : +25 %
- Dextérité : +1 (uniquement pour les gobelins)
- Dextérité : +1 (uniquement pour les nains)
- Dextérité : +1 (uniquement pour les petite-personnes)
- Dextérité : +2 (uniquement pour les gnomes)

Poids : 2
Gloves of Gripping
Found in the possession of Einer the ogre, these gloves, while roomy, give you a measure of gripping power, even to greased metal.


Weight: 2
Found in the possession of Einer the ogre, these gloves, while roomy, give you a measure of gripping power, even to greased metal.


Poids : 2
Stalker Gauntlets
These gauntlets assist in the stalking and killing of prey. Favored by hunters and rogues of all kinds, they display their full power when donned by a Stalker. Made of supple leather with brass-buckled straps along the side, these gauntlets are often decorated with embroidered figures of stags, foxes, or, as is the case with this pair, wolves.


Equipped abilities:
– Dexterity: +1
– Hide in Shadows: +15% (+30% for Stalkers)
– Backstab Multiplier: +1 (Stalkers only)

Weight: 2
These gauntlets assist in the stalking and killing of prey. Favored by hunters and rogues of all kinds, they display their full power when donned by a Stalker. Made of supple leather with brass-buckled straps along the side, these gauntlets are often decorated with embroidered figures of stags, foxes, or, as is the case with this pair, wolves.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Dextérité : +1
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : +15 %
- Multiplicateur d'attaque sournoise : +1 (uniquement pour les Stalker)
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : +15 % (uniquement pour les Stalker)

Poids : 2
Gauntlets of Weapon Skill
These magical gauntlets aid the wearer in the use of weapons. Even an unfamiliar weapon may be used with some skill.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +1

Weight: 2
These magical gauntlets aid the wearer in the use of weapons. Even an unfamiliar weapon may be used with some skill.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 : +1

Poids : 2
Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise
Highly sought after among novice warriors, these gauntlets grant the bearer mastery over all forms of weapons.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +1
– Damage: +2

Weight: 1
Highly sought after among novice warriors, these gauntlets grant the bearer mastery over all forms of weapons.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 : +1
- Dégâts : +2

Poids : 1
Bracers of Defense AC 6
Standard bracers support the forearm, which often proves handy in combat situations. This magically altered pair is handier still, bestowing the wearer with protection comparable to a full suit of armor. Unlike armor, the bracers allow a full range of motion. This makes them highly prized by wizards and sorcerers, who cannot allow physical restriction to be imposed upon them if they're to successfully manipulate the Weave.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 6

Weight: 2
Standard bracers support the forearm, which often proves handy in combat situations. This magically altered pair is handier still, bestowing the wearer with protection comparable to a full suit of armor. Unlike armor, the bracers allow a full range of motion. This makes them highly prized by wizards and sorcerers, who cannot allow physical restriction to be imposed upon them if they're to successfully manipulate the Weave.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 6

Poids : 2
Bracers of Defense AC 5
Standard bracers support the forearm, which often proves handy in combat situations. This magically altered pair is handier still, bestowing the wearer with protection comparable to a full suit of armor. Unlike armor, the bracers allow a full range of motion. This makes them highly prized by wizards and sorcerers, who cannot allow physical restriction to be imposed upon them if they're to successfully manipulate the Weave.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 5

Weight: 2
Standard bracers support the forearm, which often proves handy in combat situations. This magically altered pair is handier still, bestowing the wearer with protection comparable to a full suit of armor. Unlike armor, the bracers allow a full range of motion. This makes them highly prized by wizards and sorcerers, who cannot allow physical restriction to be imposed upon them if they're to successfully manipulate the Weave.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 5

Poids : 2
Bracers of Perseverance
Each of these soft leather bracers, dyed gray, displays the embroidered figure of a boar in shimmering red thread. The bracers were crafted by a monk of the Black Raven Monastery who took longer to achieve mastery of her art than her peers, but reached her goals eventually.


Equipped abilities:
– Hit Points: +10

Combat abilities:
– When the wearer suffers a critical miss,  is affected by the Aid spell

Weight: 2
Each of these soft leather bracers, dyed gray, displays the embroidered figure of a boar in shimmering red thread. The bracers were crafted by a monk of the Black Raven Monastery who took longer to achieve mastery of her art than her peers, but reached her goals eventually.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Points de vie maximum : +10

Poids : 2
Jegg's Leathers +2
A set of armor specially made for the goblin M'Khiin by the dwarven smith Jegg Hillcarver, this leather armor has been significantly modified so that it can be worn by its intended user. A valuable item indeed, at least to a goblin; for others, it functions as little more than dead weight.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +20%
– Cold Resistance: +20%

Armor Class: 5 (3 vs. slashing, 4 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 8
A set of armor specially made for the goblin M'Khiin by the dwarven smith Jegg Hillcarver, this leather armor has been significantly modified so that it can be worn by its intended user. A valuable item indeed, at least to a goblin; for others, it functions as little more than dead weight.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Résistance au feu : +20 %
- Résistance au froid : +20 %

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Kruntur's Armor +3
Once worn by the dekanter goblin warlord Kruntur, this armor is of an unusually high quality considering the race of its owner—most non-goblin smiths won't bother making armor suitable for goblinoid physiques, while those few goblins who know how to use a forge are generally more focused on weaponry. Kruntur prized this armor to such a degree that, upon his death, he refused to leave it. To this day, more than a hundred years later, his spirit still permeates the armor, whispering threats to all who dare wear it and generally making a nuisance of himself. He cannot directly harm the wearer, however, and for a goblinoid, the chance to have such fine protection might well make up for the aggravation the armor brings with it.


Equipped abilities:
– Wisdom: -1
– Open Locks: -10%
– Find Traps: -10%
– Pick Pockets: -10%
– Move Silently: -20%
– Immunity to stun

Armor Class: 3 (5 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 20
Once worn by the dekanter goblin warlord Kruntur, this armor is of an unusually high quality considering the race of its owner—most non-goblin smiths won't bother making armor suitable for goblinoid physiques, while those few goblins who know how to use a forge are generally more focused on weaponry. Kruntur prized this armor to such a degree that, upon his death, he refused to leave it. To this day, more than a hundred years later, his spirit still permeates the armor, whispering threats to all who dare wear it and generally making a nuisance of himself. He cannot directly harm the wearer, however, and for a goblinoid, the chance to have such fine protection might well make up for the aggravation the armor brings with it.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 3
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Sagesse : -1
- Vol à la tire : -10 %
- Crochetage de serrures : -10 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : -10 %
- Furtivité : -20 %
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Stun
- Immunité au sort Symbol, Stun
- Immunité à l'étourdissement
- Empêche l'utilisation des chants de barde

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Crusader Uniform
This colorful tunic displays the sigil of Caelar's crusaders.


Weight: 10
This colorful tunic displays the sigil of Caelar's crusaders.


Poids : 10
Commander's Chain Mail +3
Though the dents and dull spots of this chain mail show its use, someone has taken good care of the armor. Patches of bright new links show where the armor has been carefully mended. The lack of ornamentation or gilded patterns on the suit give it an honest look, as if this were the armor of a soldier who served well and honorably.


Equipped abilities:
– Charisma: +1
– The wearer and any allies within  visual radius are immune to fear and morale failure

Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. slashing, 4 vs. crushing)
 8 Strength

Weight: 9
Though the dents and dull spots of this chain mail show its use, someone has taken good care of the armor. Patches of bright new links show where the armor has been carefully mended. The lack of ornamentation or gilded patterns on the suit give it an honest look, as if this were the armor of a soldier who served well and honorably.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 2
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Charisme : +1
- Moral : Passe à -1
- Immunité à la peur
- Immunité à l'horreur
- Immunité à la panique
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Corwin's Armor +2
This suit of light chain armor was commissioned for Captain Schael Corwin by her father, a gift for her when she first joined the Flaming Fist. It has been crafted to fit her form and no one else's. The unusual lightness and enchantments of the armor kept the suit from interfering with her abilities, despite its metal composition.


Equipped abilities:
– Movement Speed: +1
– Magic Resistance: +10%

Armor Class: 3 (1 vs. slashing, 5 vs. crushing)
 5 Strength

Weight: 7
This suit of light chain armor was commissioned for Captain Schael Corwin by her father, a gift for her when she first joined the Flaming Fist. It has been crafted to fit her form and no one else's. The unusual lightness and enchantments of the armor kept the suit from interfering with her abilities, despite its metal composition.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 3
- Vitesse de déplacement : +1
- Résistance à la magie : +10 %

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Stalwart Scales +2
Noted dwarven smith Hedda Perigot crafted this suit of armor in response to a challenge. Fellow smiths discussed their disdain of working with non-metal or stone materials at the tavern one night, and Hedda bragged that she had no such difficulties. The smiths challenged her to create a hybrid suit of half-metal, half-armor. Hedda set to work making the lightest, most flexible steel plates she could and affixing them to a well-made leather breastplate. The result was a shimmering suit of splint mail that weighed less than a normal suit and proved most useful against slashing attacks. Hedda won the bet, and free drinks for a month.


Equipped abilities:
– Slashing Resistance: +10%

Armor Class: 2 (1 vs. piercing and missile, 0 vs. crushing)
 8 Strength

Weight: 15
Noted dwarven smith Hedda Perigot crafted this suit of armor in response to a challenge. Fellow smiths discussed their disdain of working with non-metal or stone materials at the tavern one night, and Hedda bragged that she had no such difficulties. The smiths challenged her to create a hybrid suit of half-metal, half-armor. Hedda set to work making the lightest, most flexible steel plates she could and affixing them to a well-made leather breastplate. The result was a shimmering suit of splint mail that weighed less than a normal suit and proved most useful against slashing attacks. Hedda won the bet, and free drinks for a month.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 2
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Résistance aux dégâts tranchants : +10 %
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 15

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Mail of the Hallowed Hero +3
This armor was first worn by Olen Argent, Caelar's great-grandfather. Olen Argent's quest to hunt down a cult of Malar led him to the Misty Forest, where he encountered a group of elves living in the woods. At first, the elves were suspicious of Olen and tried to drive him out of the forest, but he spoke so eloquently of his quest that they agreed to help him. The elves tracked the cult to their hiding place within the forest, where Olen eradicated the cultists for their murderous deeds. Thankful to have the evil presence out of their homeland, the elves crafted a fine suit of mail for the paladin.


Equipped abilities:
– Protection From Evil
– Immunity to poison and disease

Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. slashing, 4 vs. crushing)
 6 Strength

Weight: 7
This armor was first worn by Olen Argent, Caelar's great-grandfather. Olen Argent's quest to hunt down a cult of Malar led him to the Misty Forest, where he encountered a group of elves living in the woods. At first, the elves were suspicious of Olen and tried to drive him out of the forest, but he spoke so eloquently of his quest that they agreed to help him. The elves tracked the cult to their hiding place within the forest, where Olen eradicated the cultists for their murderous deeds. Thankful to have the evil presence out of their homeland, the elves crafted a fine suit of mail for the paladin.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 2
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les créatures mauvaises
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les créatures mauvaises
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Résistance aux poisons : +100 %
- Immunité à la maladie
- Immunité aux poisons
- Immunité contre les attaques des démons convoqués
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Sable Cloak
An explorer traveling to the Spine of the World commissioned this cloak when she heard a white dragon had been spotted in the area. After she safely returned to the warmth of the south, she sold the elegant sable cloak.


Equipped abilities:
– Cold Resistance: +40%
– Immunity to slow

Weight: 3
An explorer traveling to the Spine of the World commissioned this cloak when she heard a white dragon had been spotted in the area. After she safely returned to the warmth of the south, she sold the elegant sable cloak.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au froid : +40 %
- Immunité au sort Golem Slow
- Immunité au sort Slow
- Immunité à la lenteur

Poids : 3
Crommus's Capelet
This homespun capelet appears to have been hand-embroidered. The delicate scrollwork around its edges shows how much time and care went into the garment's creation. Crommus, the cloak's original owner, was a ghost for many years, and some of his incorporeal essence seems to have seeped into the fabric of the capelet.


Equipped abilities:
– Each time the wearer is hit, there is a 5% chance that  will be affected by the Blur spell
– Save vs. Enchantment spells: +2

Weight: 3
This homespun capelet appears to have been hand-embroidered. The delicate scrollwork around its edges shows how much time and care went into the garment's creation. Crommus, the cloak's original owner, was a ghost for many years, and some of his incorporeal essence seems to have seeped into the fabric of the capelet.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les sorts de l'école de l'Enchantement

Poids : 3
Cloak of the Beluir Watch
Beluir is the capital city in the halfling kingdom of Luiren, and many brave halflings show their loyalty to their home by serving in the city watch. Like any large city, Beluir has its share of crime, and city guards must show alertness and courage every day they serve. While some halflings serve only a few years before moving on to other jobs or out of the city, many become lifelong members of the watch. This cloak is a reward for five years of service and bears an inscripion in Luiren on the clasp. The inscription reads, "Lead By Example," one of the tenets of the halfling god Yondalla.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2 vs. giant humanoids
– Hit Points: +5 (halflings)

Weight: 3
Beluir is the capital city in the halfling kingdom of Luiren, and many brave halflings show their loyalty to their home by serving in the city watch. Like any large city, Beluir has its share of crime, and city guards must show alertness and courage every day they serve. While some halflings serve only a few years before moving on to other jobs or out of the city, many become lifelong members of the watch. This cloak is a reward for five years of service and bears an inscripion in Luiren on the clasp. The inscription reads, "Lead By Example," one of the tenets of the halfling god Yondalla.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les géants
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les géants
- Points de vie maximum : +5 (uniquement pour les petite-personnes)

Poids : 3
Cloak of the Gargoyle
Though this dark gray cloak appears to be made of stone, it is soft and flexible as cloth. When donned, it allows its wearer to assume a statue-like form once per day. These cloaks are often found among the duergar, who first designed them, but occasionally one winds up on the surface. 


Equipped abilities:
– Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
– Protects against critical hits

Charge abilities:
– Stone Form once per day
  Armor Class: 0
  Saving Throws: +3
  Dexterity: -3
  Duration: 5 turns

Weight: 2
Though this dark gray cloak appears to be made of stone, it is soft and flexible as cloth. When donned, it allows its wearer to assume a statue-like form once per day. These cloaks are often found among the duergar, who first designed them, but occasionally one winds up on the surface. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance aux dégâts physiques : +5 %

Capacités de charge : 
- Stone Form (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 2
Cloak of Minor Arcana
Embroidered silver stars hide within the folds of this shimmering blue cloak. Wizards, especially those just beginning careers as adventurers, wear such items to aid them in their travels. As wizards grow in power and begin crafting their own equipment, they often gift these cloaks to apprentices.


Equipped abilities:
– Caster Level: +1 (Mages, Sorcerers, and Bards)
– Lore: +10

Charge abilities:
– Generates a random arcane scroll of level 3 or below

Weight: 3
Embroidered silver stars hide within the folds of this shimmering blue cloak. Wizards, especially those just beginning careers as adventurers, wear such items to aid them in their travels. As wizards grow in power and begin crafting their own equipment, they often gift these cloaks to apprentices.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Niveau de lanceur de sorts profanes : +1
- Connaissance : +10

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (10 fois par jour)
  6 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  6 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente
  5 % de chance de créer un objet (Cloak of the Gargoyle) de manière permanente

Poids : 3
Elements' Fury +2
The mage who crafted this strange dagger was obsessed with the four elemental planes and sought to create a means to join them together. Opening portals to all of them at once, he managed to join their energies together to enchant this relic, giving it properties of each plane.

Unfortunately, he happened to be standing between the portals, holding the dagger in his hand; when the energies converged, they converged on him. It was the mage’s apprentice who discovered the dagger, clutched in his master’s charred and frozen hands.


Combat abilities:
– Deals an extra 1d4 cold damage to fire elementals
– Deals an extra 1d4 fire damage to water elementals
– Deals an extra 1d4 acid damage to earth elementals
– Deals an extra 1d4 electrical damage to air elementals

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+2, +1 fire, cold, electrical, or acid damage (random)
Damage type: Piercing
Speed Factor: 0 
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
The mage who crafted this strange dagger was obsessed with the four elemental planes and sought to create a means to join them together. Opening portals to all of them at once, he managed to join their energies together to enchant this relic, giving it properties of each plane.

Unfortunately, he happened to be standing between the portals, holding the dagger in his hand; when the energies converged, they converged on him. It was the mage’s apprentice who discovered the dagger, clutched in his master’s charred and frozen hands.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1d4 points de dégâts d'électricité supplémentaires contre les élémentaires d'air
- Inflige 1d4 points de dégâts d'acide supplémentaires contre les élémentaires de terre
- Inflige 1d4 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires contre les élémentaires d'eau
- Inflige 1d4 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires contre les élémentaires de feu
- 26 % de chance d'infliger 1 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires
- 25 % de chance d'infliger 1 points de dégâts d'acide supplémentaires
- 25 % de chance d'infliger 1 points de dégâts d'électricité supplémentaires
- 25 % de chance d'infliger 1 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Dagger of Troll-fighting +1
Dagger of Troll-fighting


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d4+1, +1d4 fire
Damage Type: Piercing
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 3
Dagger of Troll-fighting


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1d6 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Gemblade +1
A halfling named Tinny originally owned this bejeweled dagger. A thief on the streets of Saerloon, Tinny always scraped to make ends meet. Sick of being poor, he prayed to Brandobaris every night for a month, begging the god to help him become the richest thief in Saerloon. 

Finally, one night Tinny stabbed his mark in a mugging gone wrong and was shocked to see a gem fall out of the victim's wound. Tinny eagerly grabbed the gem, rejoicing in his newfound wealth. Stories of Tinny's good fortune spread quickly. A few days later, he was found stabbed to death in his bed, his dagger gone.


Combat abilities:
– 20% chance per hit that a random gem will be generated in the wielder's inventory

THAC0: +1 
Damage: 1d4+1 (piercing) 
Speed Factor: 0 
Proficiency Type: Dagger 
Type: One-handed 
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
A halfling named Tinny originally owned this bejeweled dagger. A thief on the streets of Saerloon, Tinny always scraped to make ends meet. Sick of being poor, he prayed to Brandobaris every night for a month, begging the god to help him become the richest thief in Saerloon. 

Finally, one night Tinny stabbed his mark in a mugging gone wrong and was shocked to see a gem fall out of the victim's wound. Tinny eagerly grabbed the gem, rejoicing in his newfound wealth. Stories of Tinny's good fortune spread quickly. A few days later, he was found stabbed to death in his bed, his dagger gone.


Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (30 fois par jour)
  9 % de chance de créer un objet (Dagger of Troll-fighting +1) de manière permanente
  6 % de chance de créer un objet (Dagger of Troll-fighting +1) de manière permanente
  4 % de chance de créer un objet (Dagger of Troll-fighting +1) de manière permanente
  2 % de chance de créer un objet (Dagger of Troll-fighting +1) de manière permanente

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Throwing Dagger +1
The typical throwing dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger. Unlike a normal dagger, this one has a smaller handle and is balanced for throwing. It is also enchanted to make it more effective in combat. Since the throwing dagger is designed differently than a normal dagger, it is not very effective as a melee weapon.


THAC0: +1
Damage (melee): 1d3+1
Damage (ranged): 1d4+1
Damage Type (melee): Piercing
Damage Type (ranged): Missile
Speed Factor (melee): 2
Speed Factor (ranged): 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 0
The typical throwing dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger. Unlike a normal dagger, this one has a smaller handle and is balanced for throwing. It is also enchanted to make it more effective in combat. Since the throwing dagger is designed differently than a normal dagger, it is not very effective as a melee weapon.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Capacités de charge : 
- Thrown (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)

Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 1

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d3 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 2

Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Acid-Etched Dagger +2
This dagger, though old, was obviously crafted well and enchanted carefully. An ordinary dagger would have long ago dissolved in the juices of the albino wyrmling's stomach. Though the dagger is still intact and boasts a sharp edge, its time in the wyrmling's stomach has left swirling patterns of acid etching along the blade and hilt.


Combat abilities: 
– 15% chance per hit that the target takes 1 extra point of acid damage per round during the next 3 rounds

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+2, +1 (acid)
Damage Type: Piercing
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
This dagger, though old, was obviously crafted well and enchanted carefully. An ordinary dagger would have long ago dissolved in the juices of the albino wyrmling's stomach. Though the dagger is still intact and boasts a sharp edge, its time in the wyrmling's stomach has left swirling patterns of acid etching along the blade and hilt.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts d'acide supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Gemblade +2
The original Gemblade produced brilliant jewels when it struck. Now the weapon has used up its ability to create these valuable stones. Instead it has developed a new ability and increases the owner's intelligence so long as it is carried.


Equipped abilities:
– Intelligence: +1

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+2 (piercing) 
Speed Factor: 0 
Proficiency Type: Dagger 
Type: One-handed 
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
The original Gemblade produced brilliant jewels when it struck. Now the weapon has used up its ability to create these valuable stones. Instead it has developed a new ability and increases the owner's intelligence so long as it is carried.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Intelligence : +1

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Biter +2
This dart gleams like a streak of light when flying through the air. When it hits its target, it releases a tiny acid droplet before soaring back to the hand that threw it. Sometimes the acid manages to burn a hole in the target's armor.


Combat abilities:
– 10% chance per hit of penalizing the target's Armor Class by 1 for 1 turn (Save vs. Breath negates)
– Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d3+2, +1 acid
Damage Type: Missile
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
This dart gleams like a streak of light when flying through the air. When it hits its target, it releases a tiny acid droplet before soaring back to the hand that threw it. Sometimes the acid manages to burn a hole in the target's armor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Capacités de combat : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts d'acide supplémentaires
- 11 % de chance de modifier la classe d'armure de la cible de -1 pendant 1 tour (jet de sauvegarde contre les souffles pour éviter)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d3 +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Stone Dowser
This amulet, in the shape of an elemental's eye, is designed to lead its user to a weak point in Toril's surface.


Weight: 1
This amulet, in the shape of an elemental's eye, is designed to lead its user to a weak point in Toril's surface.


Poids : 1
Storm Pike +2
Storm giants seldom do favors for humans, but when Threk Boltwielder was saved by the wizard Alimor, Threk offered his services as a conduit for the wizard's enchanting spells. Alimor borrowed a lightning bolt from the storm giant to craft this halberd for his companion, Haldus, who had often complained about how the party never found any magic halberds despite it being his chosen weapon. Haldus was so excited by the storm giant's gift that he wielded it immediately, striking a boulder that happened to be nearby, and was promptly struck dead by the captured lightning's power.


Combat abilities:
– 15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates)
– On a critical miss, the halberd deals 1d4 electrical damage to the wielder

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing or piercing, whichever is better), +1 electrical
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: Two-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 12
Storm giants seldom do favors for humans, but when Threk Boltwielder was saved by the wizard Alimor, Threk offered his services as a conduit for the wizard's enchanting spells. Alimor borrowed a lightning bolt from the storm giant to craft this halberd for his companion, Haldus, who had often complained about how the party never found any magic halberds despite it being his chosen weapon. Haldus was so excited by the storm giant's gift that he wielded it immediately, striking a boulder that happened to be nearby, and was promptly struck dead by the captured lightning's power.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts d'électricité supplémentaires
- 16 % de chance d'étourdir la cible pendant 1 round (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant / Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Halberd
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Festering Spear +1
The razor-sharp tip of this spear easily cuts through armor and down to the bone. Victims of its devastating attacks bleed heavily as their wounds instantly fester and weep, dazing them with pain and making it difficult to continue the battle.


Combat abilities:
– Inflicts 2 points of bleeding damage per hit (1 point per round)
– On a critical hit, the target is infected by disease (-2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity for 1 turn, non-cumulative)

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 5
The razor-sharp tip of this spear easily cuts through armor and down to the bone. Victims of its devastating attacks bleed heavily as their wounds instantly fester and weep, dazing them with pain and making it difficult to continue the battle.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Spear
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Cold Fury +2
Chilly blue frost trails like fog off the blade of this halberd. A palpable aura of cold surrounds the weapon, dealing frost damage to most enemies but wounding those that dwell in flame most severely.


Combat abilities:
– Each hit slows fire-dwelling and fire-using creatures for 3 rounds (Save vs. Spell negates)

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2, +1d2 cold
Damage Type: Slashing or piercing, whichever is better
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 12
Chilly blue frost trails like fog off the blade of this halberd. A palpable aura of cold surrounds the weapon, dealing frost damage to most enemies but wounding those that dwell in flame most severely.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1d2 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant / Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Halberd
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Sundermaul +3
Legends speak of a hammer with the power of the gods themselves called Crom Faeyr. A smith once forged an inferior hammer and claimed it Crom Faeyr. Such was the retribution of the gods that ever since, when the name "Crom Faeyr" is uttered, the very earth beneath the wielder's feet may rip and tear asunder, threatening to bury the blasphemer and any who happen to be standing nearby.


Combat abilities:
– 15% chance per hit of inflicting a -1 penalty to Armor Class for 1 turn (Save vs. Spell negates)
– 2% chance per hit that an earthquake is triggered, centered on the wielder

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d4+4 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 4
Legends speak of a hammer with the power of the gods themselves called Crom Faeyr. A smith once forged an inferior hammer and claimed it Crom Faeyr. Such was the retribution of the gods that ever since, when the name "Crom Faeyr" is uttered, the very earth beneath the wielder's feet may rip and tear asunder, threatening to bury the blasphemer and any who happen to be standing nearby.


Capacités de combat : 
- 16 % de chance de modifier la classe d'armure de la cible de -1 pendant 1 tour (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter)
- 2 % de chance de lancer le sort Earthquake (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d4 +4
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Voidhammer +3
To all appearances a standard war hammer, one lingering long in its presence will soon discover it is far more than that. Specially made by Jegg Hillcarver of Bridgefort, this hammer has several voidstone shards worked into its metal head. A powerful weapon when used against most targets, its one great deficiency is in its utility against the undead. Objects of the Negative Material Plane have no effect on the unliving; neither then does this normally devastating weapon.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: -1

Combat abilities:
– The target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates)
– Does no damage to undead
– Bonuses to hit and damage based on Strength do not apply to this weapon

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d4+4 (magic)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 4
To all appearances a standard war hammer, one lingering long in its presence will soon discover it is far more than that. Specially made by Jegg Hillcarver of Bridgefort, this hammer has several voidstone shards worked into its metal head. A powerful weapon when used against most targets, its one great deficiency is in its utility against the undead. Objects of the Negative Material Plane have no effect on the unliving; neither then does this normally devastating weapon.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Force : -1

Capacités de combat : 
- Inefficace contre les morts-vivants pendant 1 seconde
- Inflige 1d4 +4 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Throwing Hammer +1

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d4+2 (1d3+2 melee)
Damage type: missile (crushing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 1

Capacités de charge : 
- Thrown (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)

Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 2

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d3 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3

Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Dread Hammer +2
A Cold, Dread Hammer from a Cold, Dead Hand
Once the property of dwarven cleric of Abbathor, Gurn Coldhearth, this mighty war hammer was infused with dark magics soon after Coldhearth's transformation into a lich. The brown leather of the handle and gray metal of the head are purest black now, seemingly forged of a darkness so deep no light can escape it. Any hand that holds it soon grows cold and numb, but those strong enough to endure the discomfort will wield a weapon of formidable power.


Equipped abilities:
– On a critical miss, the wielder takes 1d4 points of cold damage

Combat abilities:
– Deals an extra 2d4 points of cold damage vs. good-aligned Clerics

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+3, +1 cold
Damage Type: Crushing
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 5
A Cold, Dread Hammer from a Cold, Dead Hand
Once the property of dwarven cleric of Abbathor, Gurn Coldhearth, this mighty war hammer was infused with dark magics soon after Coldhearth's transformation into a lich. The brown leather of the handle and gray metal of the head are purest black now, seemingly forged of a darkness so deep no light can escape it. Any hand that holds it soon grows cold and numb, but those strong enough to endure the discomfort will wield a weapon of formidable power.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Crown of Lies
This glittering golden crown looks impressive, but its substance is base fool's gold and the "gems" set around it are bits of colored glass. Placing the crown on one's head allows the wearer to prepare extra spells but fills the head with false knowledge. 


Equipped abilities:
– Can memorize 2 extra 3rd-level, 1 extra 4th-level, and 1 extra 5th-level wizard spell
– Lore: -30

Weight: 1
This glittering golden crown looks impressive, but its substance is base fool's gold and the "gems" set around it are bits of colored glass. Placing the crown on one's head allows the wearer to prepare extra spells but fills the head with false knowledge. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Mémorisation d'un sort profane supplémentaire de niveau 5
- Mémorisation d'un sort profane supplémentaire de niveau 4
- Mémorisation de 2 sorts profanes supplémentaires de niveau 3
- Connaissance : -30

Poids : 1
Quality Helmet
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
The Guardian Devil
This black iron helm has a rough, spiked texture on the outside and a fanged devil's head engraved above the brow. Despite its uncomfortable appearance, its padded interior comfortably fits its wearer's head as though it was designed for it. Not only does the helm protect the wearer from critical hits, but it extends its protection to the rest of the wearer's body.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Slashing Damage Resistance: +15%
– Piercing Damage Resistance: +15%
– Missile Damage Resistance: +15%
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This black iron helm has a rough, spiked texture on the outside and a fanged devil's head engraved above the brow. Despite its uncomfortable appearance, its padded interior comfortably fits its wearer's head as though it was designed for it. Not only does the helm protect the wearer from critical hits, but it extends its protection to the rest of the wearer's body.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Résistance aux dégâts tranchants : +15 %
- Résistance aux dégâts perforants : +15 %
- Résistance aux dégâts de projectiles : +15 %

Poids : 2
Battle Tankard
This enormous tankard seems sized for a giant. Indeed, a rune on the tankard's base indicates it may come from the halls of Gerti Orelsdottr far to the north. Someone has carved eye and mouth holes in the tankard's side so it can be used as a helmet. Wine stains and the pervasive smell of stale beer indicate that the wearer of this "helmet" is used to reveling late into the night (or perhaps early into the morning).


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to fatigue
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This enormous tankard seems sized for a giant. Indeed, a rune on the tankard's base indicates it may come from the halls of Gerti Orelsdottr far to the north. Someone has carved eye and mouth holes in the tankard's side so it can be used as a helmet. Wine stains and the pervasive smell of stale beer indicate that the wearer of this "helmet" is used to reveling late into the night (or perhaps early into the morning).


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Fatigue : Passe à 0 %
- Immunité à la fatigue

Poids : 2
Helm of Equus
This finely crafted helm, with intricate gold designs set in black metal and attractive horse hair plumage, lends its wearer an air of authority and gravitas. This effect is only mildly impaired by the distinct odor of horse manure that lingers in the air around it.


Equipped abilities:
– Charisma: +2
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This finely crafted helm, with intricate gold designs set in black metal and attractive horse hair plumage, lends its wearer an air of authority and gravitas. This effect is only mildly impaired by the distinct odor of horse manure that lingers in the air around it.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Charisme : +2

Poids : 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
Helmet of Dumathoin
A glittering green jewel adorns this battered metal helm infused with the power of the dwarven god Dumathoin.


Equipped abilities:
– Physical Damage Resistance: +3%
– Constitution: +2 (dwarves), +1 (others)
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 1
A glittering green jewel adorns this battered metal helm infused with the power of the dwarven god Dumathoin.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Constitution : +1
- Résistance aux dégâts tranchants : +3 %
- Résistance aux dégâts contondants : +3 %
- Résistance aux dégâts perforants : +3 %
- Résistance aux dégâts de projectiles : +3 %
- Constitution : +1 (uniquement pour les nains)

Poids : 1
Helm of Unwavering Purpose
This pitted bronze helmet boasts a dark crest that stretches laterally across the crown. Three silver coins, blackened with tarnish, are set in a line over the brow. The helm carries a sense of ancient resolve, of a purpose not yet fulfilled but never abandoned.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Immunity to confusion
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This pitted bronze helmet boasts a dark crest that stretches laterally across the crown. Three silver coins, blackened with tarnish, are set in a line over the brow. The helm carries a sense of ancient resolve, of a purpose not yet fulfilled but never abandoned.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Immunité à la confusion

Poids : 2
Headband of Focus
A worshipper of Nobanion crafted this gold silk headband, embroidered with abstract running lions along its length, while meditating on the teachings of Lord Firemane. When the headband was complete, the worshipper found that Nobanion had rewarded his fealty by granting the headband the ability to conjure a surge of might within the wearer.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +2 (unarmed attacks)
– Critical Hit Chance: +5% (unarmed attacks)

Charge abilities:
– Draw Upon Holy Might once per day

Weight: 1
A worshipper of Nobanion crafted this gold silk headband, embroidered with abstract running lions along its length, while meditating on the teachings of Lord Firemane. When the headband was complete, the worshipper found that Nobanion had rewarded his fealty by granting the headband the ability to conjure a surge of might within the wearer.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 des poings : +2
- Chance d'infliger un coup critique : +5 %

Capacités de charge : 
- Draw Upon Holy Might (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 1
Circlet of Lost Souls
Adventurers delving in a tomb centuries ago were set upon by ghosts and spectres when they entered the central crypt. The adventurers fought bravely but, one by one, they fell to the ghosts' attacks. Years later, the daughter of one of the adventurers hired a team to delve into the tomb and recover the bodies. The daughter told her group not to disturb anything but the dead adventurers they had come to collect, and the spirits of the tomb let them be. The woman kept her dead father's circlet as a memento of his bravery.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +2
– Caster Level: +1
– Summoned spirits are constantly under the effects of the Bless spell

Weight: 1
Adventurers delving in a tomb centuries ago were set upon by ghosts and spectres when they entered the central crypt. The adventurers fought bravely but, one by one, they fell to the ghosts' attacks. Years later, the daughter of one of the adventurers hired a team to delve into the tomb and recover the bodies. The daughter told her group not to disturb anything but the dead adventurers they had come to collect, and the spirits of the tomb let them be. The woman kept her dead father's circlet as a memento of his bravery.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 : +2
- Niveau de lanceur de sorts divins : Passe à 1

Poids : 1
Voghiln's Helmet
This helmet is light and strong enough to be used as a secondary weapon in battle, delivering headbutts between weapon strikes. A few dents near the rounded mithral crown indicate it has been used for this purpose in the past.


Equipped abilities:
– Magic Resistance: +5%
– Protects against critical hits

Combat abilities:
– 15% chance per melee hit that humanoid opponents are stunned for 1 round (Save vs. Wand negates)

Weight: 1
This helmet is light and strong enough to be used as a secondary weapon in battle, delivering headbutts between weapon strikes. A few dents near the rounded mithral crown indicate it has been used for this purpose in the past.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Résistance à la magie : +5 %

Poids : 1
This class of open-face helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers most of the head save the face and neck. These helmets commonly provide protection for the nose. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of open-face helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers most of the head save the face and neck. These helmets commonly provide protection for the nose. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
Cornugon's Revenge +2
The devil Thel’blax was a scourge against the armies of the Abyss until he was assassinated by the servants of his own master, Dispater. With his final breath, Thel’blax cursed his own body to never lie still even in death. When his body was carried to the Iron Tower, Thel’blax’s horns and barbs continued to thrash about as though alive.

The cursed cornugon’s body was dismantled by his peers, in the hopes that destroying him would end the curse; but the disparate pieces of Thel’blax’s body continued to prick and tear at any who approached. At last, Dispater ordered his ironsmiths to forge the pieces into a suit of armor, intending to use it as a means of torturing insubordinates. Inevitably, the armor fell into the hands of intrepid (if foolhardy) adventurers, who then brought the piece to Faerûn.

Even now, the curse of Thel’blax affects the armor, causing its barbs to sink painfully into the flesh of anyone wearing it. It provides a measure of protection, behaving like hide armor, and even allows the wearer to benefit from Thel’blax’s resilience; but the constant stinging and flaying from the cornugon’s still-living barbs make this armor unsuitable for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach.


Equipped abilities:
– Open Locks: -10%
– Find Traps: -10%
– Pick Pockets: -10%
– Move Silently: -20%
– Regenerate 2 Hit Points every round
– Constitution: -2
– Wearer cannot be protected from evil
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Armor Class: 4 (6 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 35
The devil Thel’blax was a scourge against the armies of the Abyss until he was assassinated by the servants of his own master, Dispater. With his final breath, Thel’blax cursed his own body to never lie still even in death. When his body was carried to the Iron Tower, Thel’blax’s horns and barbs continued to thrash about as though alive.

The cursed cornugon’s body was dismantled by his peers, in the hopes that destroying him would end the curse; but the disparate pieces of Thel’blax’s body continued to prick and tear at any who approached. At last, Dispater ordered his ironsmiths to forge the pieces into a suit of armor, intending to use it as a means of torturing insubordinates. Inevitably, the armor fell into the hands of intrepid (if foolhardy) adventurers, who then brought the piece to Faerûn.

Even now, the curse of Thel’blax affects the armor, causing its barbs to sink painfully into the flesh of anyone wearing it. It provides a measure of protection, behaving like hide armor, and even allows the wearer to benefit from Thel’blax’s resilience; but the constant stinging and flaying from the cornugon’s still-living barbs make this armor unsuitable for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 4
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Régénère 1 point de vie toutes les 3 secondes
- Constitution : -2
- Vol à la tire : -10 %
- Crochetage de serrures : -10 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : -10 %
- Furtivité : -20 %
- Immunité au sort Protection From Evil, 10' Radius
- Immunité au sort Protection From Evil

Poids : 35

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Goblin Hide Armor +2
Though old, and in a couple of spots digested by giant spiders, this armor is nevertheless fairly high in quality, at least as far as protection specifically designed for goblins goes.


Equipped abilities:
– Constitution: +1
– Open Locks: -10%
– Find Traps: -10%
– Pick Pockets: -10%
– Move Silently: -20%

Combat abilities:
– If the wielder becomes poisoned, the armor automatically casts Slow Poison on 

Armor Class: 4 (6 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 25
Though old, and in a couple of spots digested by giant spiders, this armor is nevertheless fairly high in quality, at least as far as protection specifically designed for goblins goes.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 4
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Constitution : +1
- Vol à la tire : -10 %
- Crochetage de serrures : -10 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : -10 %
- Furtivité : -20 %

Poids : 25

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Raconteur's Regalia +2
When the half-elven bard Beleress left his home in Evereska, his musical tutor gave him this suit of armor as a parting gift. The brightly colored armor looks stylish as it protects, though it wasn't able to keep its original owner from falling prey to hill giants on his travels. On the breastplate of the armor appears a stylized golden heart, a mark of respect to Hanali Celanil. When Beleress died, a scar appeared on the golden heart that persists to this day.


Equipped abilities:
– Pick Pockets: +10%
– Spellcasting is not disabled

Armor Class: 5 (3 vs. slashing, 4 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 8
When the half-elven bard Beleress left his home in Evereska, his musical tutor gave him this suit of armor as a parting gift. The brightly colored armor looks stylish as it protects, though it wasn't able to keep its original owner from falling prey to hill giants on his travels. On the breastplate of the armor appears a stylized golden heart, a mark of respect to Hanali Celanil. When Beleress died, a scar appeared on the golden heart that persists to this day.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Vol à la tire : +10 %

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Changeling's Vest
These rare suits of armor allow the wearer to assume a number of interesting forms.


Charge abilities:
– Polymorph into a bugbear, baby wyvern, or ice salamander three times per day

Armor Class: 5 (3 vs. slashing, 4 vs. piercing and missile)
 4 Strength

Weight: 8
These rare suits of armor allow the wearer to assume a number of interesting forms.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Dragonscale Armor
This shimmering viridian suit of leather armor is soft and supple despite the strength in the plates of green dragon scale. The wearer of this armor is protected from even the heaviest blows as well as from poison.


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to poison

Armor Class: 4 (2 vs. slashing, 3 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 7
This shimmering viridian suit of leather armor is soft and supple despite the strength in the plates of green dragon scale. The wearer of this armor is protected from even the heaviest blows as well as from poison.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure de base : 4
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Résistance aux poisons : +100 %
- Immunité aux poisons

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Goblin Leathers +1
While seasoned warriors of civilized races would doubtless turn their noses up at this patchwork of leather fragments strung together to form a small vest, most goblins cannot afford to be so choosy when it comes to personal defense. This armor may not look like much—it may barely even look like armor—but it's preferable to a blade buried in the chest.


Equipped abilities:
– Wearer is immune to the Entangle spell

Armor Class: 6 (4 vs. slashing, 5 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 15
While seasoned warriors of civilized races would doubtless turn their noses up at this patchwork of leather fragments strung together to form a small vest, most goblins cannot afford to be so choosy when it comes to personal defense. This armor may not look like much—it may barely even look like armor—but it's preferable to a blade buried in the chest.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 6
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Immunité au sort Entangle

Poids : 15

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
The Night's Embrace +3
A thief from Iriaebor who feared being captured by the city guard was known to have favored this armor. She designed the suit so that if she were ever incapacitated in any way, she would be rendered temporarily invisible. The armor did its job, and the thief had a long and successful career in the city. When she retired, she gifted the armor to her younger brother, and it has changed hands many times since then.


Equipped abilities:
– If the wearer is rendered helpless (e.g. by a Hold Person spell),  becomes invisible for 1 turn
– Hide In Shadows: +20%

Armor Class: 5 (7 vs. piercing and missile)
 3 Strength

Weight: 5
A thief from Iriaebor who feared being captured by the city guard was known to have favored this armor. She designed the suit so that if she were ever incapacitated in any way, she would be rendered temporarily invisible. The armor did its job, and the thief had a long and successful career in the city. When she retired, she gifted the armor to her younger brother, and it has changed hands many times since then.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : +20 %

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Hide Armor +1
Hide armor is made from the thick hide of a very large animal (an elephant for example) or from many layers of normal leather from common animals, like cows. Hide armor is far too bulky, inflexible and heavy to be used much in advanced human cultures. However, among the barbaric humanoid masses throughout the dark forests and misty jungles of the world, hide armor is common. Even though it does offer more protection than leather armor, one must get by the offensive odor and shoddy appearance in order to wear it effectively. Even though Thieves can wear this armor, it has a negative effect on their abilities. This armor is enchanted, granting the wearer additional protection.


Equipped abilities:
– Open Locks: -10%
– Find Traps: -10%
– Pick Pockets: -10% 
– Move Silently: -20%

Armor Class: 5 (7 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 30
Hide armor is made from the thick hide of a very large animal (an elephant for example) or from many layers of normal leather from common animals, like cows. Hide armor is far too bulky, inflexible and heavy to be used much in advanced human cultures. However, among the barbaric humanoid masses throughout the dark forests and misty jungles of the world, hide armor is common. Even though it does offer more protection than leather armor, one must get by the offensive odor and shoddy appearance in order to wear it effectively. Even though Thieves can wear this armor, it has a negative effect on their abilities. This armor is enchanted, granting the wearer additional protection.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Vol à la tire : -10 %
- Crochetage de serrures : -10 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : -10 %
- Furtivité : -20 %

Poids : 30

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Cloak of the Strange Beast
This thick pelt can be worn as a cloak by human-sized creatures, or a loincloth by larger creatures. The beast that contributed its hide for this item is a mystery, but long slashes in skin indicate it was stabbed to death with sharp objects. Despite its enchanted nature, the hide still attracts fleas and retains the sweat and odors of its wearer.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Charisma: -1

Weight: 3
This thick pelt can be worn as a cloak by human-sized creatures, or a loincloth by larger creatures. The beast that contributed its hide for this item is a mystery, but long slashes in skin indicate it was stabbed to death with sharp objects. Despite its enchanted nature, the hide still attracts fleas and retains the sweat and odors of its wearer.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Charisme : -1

Poids : 3
Purification Stone
This smooth silvery-gray stone floats in the air around its user's head, untethered by gravity or other earthly concerns. Protecting its user from poison and disease, it can be used once a day to cleanse mortal bodies of unnatural contamination.


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to poison and disease

Charge abilities:
– Neutralize Poison once per day

Weight: 0
This smooth silvery-gray stone floats in the air around its user's head, untethered by gravity or other earthly concerns. Protecting its user from poison and disease, it can be used once a day to cleanse mortal bodies of unnatural contamination.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance aux poisons : +100 %
- Immunité à la maladie
- Immunité aux poisons

Capacités de charge : 
- Neutralize Poison (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 0
Reed of Echoes
A Harper bard crafted this item, intending it to be a gift for Storm Silverhand. Once completed, however, its maker decided that the reed was simply too plain. He gave it instead to a fellow Harper, the bard who carried it on missions for many years. The reed has changed hands many times since, and though it still serves its original purpose—allowing its bearer to prepare additional spells—when played as an instrument, it emits a mournful tone no musician, however skilled, can vitiate.


Equipped abilities: 
– Can memorize 2 extra 1st-level, 1 extra 2nd-level, and 1 extra 3rd-level wizard spell

Weight: 1
A Harper bard crafted this item, intending it to be a gift for Storm Silverhand. Once completed, however, its maker decided that the reed was simply too plain. He gave it instead to a fellow Harper, the bard who carried it on missions for many years. The reed has changed hands many times since, and though it still serves its original purpose—allowing its bearer to prepare additional spells—when played as an instrument, it emits a mournful tone no musician, however skilled, can vitiate.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Mémorisation d'un sort profane supplémentaire de niveau 3
- Mémorisation d'un sort profane supplémentaire de niveau 2
- Mémorisation de 2 sorts profanes supplémentaires de niveau 1

Poids : 1
Medal of Valor
A Waterdhavian medal awarded for bravery in combat. Its silver shine has dulled over the years.


Equipped abilities: 
– THAC0: +2

Weight: 0
A Waterdhavian medal awarded for bravery in combat. Its silver shine has dulled over the years.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Chances de toucher : +2

Poids : 0
Ordinary Boots
A pair of ordinary, well-made boots.


Weight: 4
A pair of ordinary, well-made boots.


Poids : 4
Lucky Boots
An exquisitely crafted pair of bearskin boots.


Equipped abilities:
– Saving Throws: +3 (dwarves)

Weight: 4
An exquisitely crafted pair of bearskin boots.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +3 (uniquement pour les nains)

Poids : 4
Mizhena's Amulet
Mizhena's Amulet

This simple wooden amulet has the holy symbol of Tempus carved on its front and two sets of initials carved on the reverse side.
Mizhena's Amulet

This simple wooden amulet has the holy symbol of Tempus carved on its front and two sets of initials carved on the reverse side.

Poids : 1
Daeros's Full Plate +1
This heavy steel breastplate bears the image of a soaring copper dragon on the front. The lightness of the breastplate and the fine detail on the dragon's image suggest dwarven craftsmanship.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +40%
– Save vs. Breath: +2

Armor Class: 0 (-4 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile)
 15 Strength

Weight: 30
This heavy steel breastplate bears the image of a soaring copper dragon on the front. The lightness of the breastplate and the fine detail on the dragon's image suggest dwarven craftsmanship.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +4 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 0
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les souffles
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Résistance au feu : +40 %
- Résistance aux dégâts de feu magiques : +40 %
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 30

Nécessite : 
- Force : 15
Bloody Bone Plate +2
The warrior who once wore this armor died at the hands of a friend she trusted. The mark of her betrayal remains in the bloodstains that have darkened to brown on the gleaming bone-white armor. The armor functions properly, though it makes the wearer unappealing to look at.


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to backstab
– Charisma: -1

Armor Class: 1 (-2 vs. slashing)
 8 Strength

Weight: 20
The warrior who once wore this armor died at the hands of a friend she trusted. The mark of her betrayal remains in the bloodstains that have darkened to brown on the gleaming bone-white armor. The armor functions properly, though it makes the wearer unappealing to look at.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 1
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Charisme : -1
- Immunité aux attaques sournoises
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Rhino Beetle Plate
Constructed from a rhino beetle's sturdy shell, this armor offers its wearer excellent protection without impeding their motion to the same extent as traditional metal plate mail. The unusual material makes this suit of armor particularly effective against missile weapons.


Equipped abilities:
– Missile Damage Resistance: +25%

Armor Class: 1 (-2 vs. slashing, 0 vs. piercing and missile)
 8 Strength

Weight: 25
Constructed from a rhino beetle's sturdy shell, this armor offers its wearer excellent protection without impeding their motion to the same extent as traditional metal plate mail. The unusual material makes this suit of armor particularly effective against missile weapons.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 1
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Résistance aux dégâts de projectiles : +25 %
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 25

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Ring of the Tiny Fiend
Every elemental plane has its own native creatures, the lowest of which are the mephits. These imp-like creatures appear composed of whatever element dominates their home plane. They are remarkably clever for such unintelligent creatures and can often be found serving as wizard familiars. This ornate gold ring displays four chips of precious stone—emerald, ruby, sapphire, and diamond—surrounding a grinning mephit's face.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +10%
– Cold Resistance: +10%
– Electricity Resistance: +10%
– Acid Resistance: +10%

Charge abilities: 
– Summon 1d4 mephits once per day
  Duration: 1 turn

Weight: 0
Every elemental plane has its own native creatures, the lowest of which are the mephits. These imp-like creatures appear composed of whatever element dominates their home plane. They are remarkably clever for such unintelligent creatures and can often be found serving as wizard familiars. This ornate gold ring displays four chips of precious stone—emerald, ruby, sapphire, and diamond—surrounding a grinning mephit's face.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au feu : +10 %
- Résistance au froid : +10 %
- Résistance à l'électricité : +10 %
- Résistance à l'acide : +10 %

Capacités de charge : 
- Summon Mephit (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 0
Lexa's Ring
This simple silver band is the same width as the ring mark on the finger of the dead woman.


Weight: 0
This simple silver band is the same width as the ring mark on the finger of the dead woman.


Poids : 0
Ring of the Crusade
Two small round topazes flank the symbol of Caelar Argent engraved on this ring's silver band. Such rings testify to the high status of crusaders who have shown their prowess in battle or in some way demonstrated unwavering commitment to the Shining Lady's cause.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1, +3 vs. demons and devils
– Saving Throws: +1, +3 vs. demons and devils

Weight: 0
Two small round topazes flank the symbol of Caelar Argent engraved on this ring's silver band. Such rings testify to the high status of crusaders who have shown their prowess in battle or in some way demonstrated unwavering commitment to the Shining Lady's cause.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les démons
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les démons
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 0
Ring of Protection +1
A ring of protection improves the wearer's Armor Class and Saving Throws versus all forms of attack. The magical properties of such a ring prevent it from being worn with other magical items of protection, including enchanted armor.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1

Weight: 0
A ring of protection improves the wearer's Armor Class and Saving Throws versus all forms of attack. The magical properties of such a ring prevent it from being worn with other magical items of protection, including enchanted armor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 0
Ring of Protection +2
A ring of protection improves the wearer's Armor Class and Saving Throws versus all forms of attack. The magical properties of such a ring prevent it from being worn with other magical items of protection, including enchanted armor.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– Saving Throws: +2

Weight: 0
A ring of protection improves the wearer's Armor Class and Saving Throws versus all forms of attack. The magical properties of such a ring prevent it from being worn with other magical items of protection, including enchanted armor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2

Poids : 0
Ring of Wizardry
This ring doubles the number of 1st-level spells a wizard may prepare each day. Only wizards (including sorcerers and single, dual or multi-classed mages) can benefit from a ring of wizardry. Other classes, even those with spell abilities, can neither use nor understand the working of such a ring.


Equipped abilities:
– Can memorize double the amount of 1st-level wizard spells

Weight: 0
This ring doubles the number of 1st-level spells a wizard may prepare each day. Only wizards (including sorcerers and single, dual or multi-classed mages) can benefit from a ring of wizardry. Other classes, even those with spell abilities, can neither use nor understand the working of such a ring.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Unique : Un seul exemple peut être équipé
- Double le nombre de sorts profanes mémorisables de niveau 1
- Empêche d'utiliser Evermemory

Poids : 0
Ring of Free Action
Enemies have a hard time slowing this ring's wearer down. The runes etched in the silver band ward off spells designed to impede movement, granting its owner a freedom of mobility others affected by such magic are denied.


Equipped abilities:
– The wearer is immune to everything, magical and otherwise, that affects mobility in any way. This includes Haste and Slow spells.

Weight: 0
Enemies have a hard time slowing this ring's wearer down. The runes etched in the silver band ward off spells designed to impede movement, granting its owner a freedom of mobility others affected by such magic are denied.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vitesse de déplacement : 0
- Immunité au sort Improved Haste
- Immunité au sort Defensive Spin
- Immunité au sort Plant Growth
- Immunité au sort Entangle
- Immunité au sort Golem Slow
- Immunité au sort Slow
- Immunité au sort Vortex Web
- Immunité au sort Haste
- Immunité à la paralysie
- Immunité à l'étourdissement de manière permanente
- Immunité aux effets affectant la mobilité
- Immunité aux toiles
- Immunité à la lenteur
- Immunité à la hâte
- Action libre

Poids : 0
Ring of Purity
This ring, designed for the hero Zachiira, is engraved with holy symbols. When Zachiira requested aid from King Strohm III, it was the king’s royal advisor, the great and powerful Theurgist Karlash Arnostognas, who made this item, in the hope that it would aid the hero in her battle against a demon vampire. Zachiira survived the encounter, but sadly her triumphal return was met with rather less celebration and rather more grief, as the good king was already dead when she arrived. Zachiira laid the holy artifact at the entrance to the king’s tomb, and it was there the relic was discovered by wandering thrill-seekers.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2 vs. evil creatures
– Hit Points: +10
– Chant

Weight: 0
This ring, designed for the hero Zachiira, is engraved with holy symbols. When Zachiira requested aid from King Strohm III, it was the king’s royal advisor, the great and powerful Theurgist Karlash Arnostognas, who made this item, in the hope that it would aid the hero in her battle against a demon vampire. Zachiira survived the encounter, but sadly her triumphal return was met with rather less celebration and rather more grief, as the good king was already dead when she arrived. Zachiira laid the holy artifact at the entrance to the king’s tomb, and it was there the relic was discovered by wandering thrill-seekers.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les créatures mauvaises
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les créatures mauvaises
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Points de vie maximum : +10
- Chance : Passe à 1 (non cumulable)

Poids : 0
Ring of Fire Resistance
The wearer of this ring enjoys partial resistance to flame, whether its origins be in mundane sources, like torches or bonfires, or magical ones, such as fiery dragon breath or spells.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +40%

Weight: 0
The wearer of this ring enjoys partial resistance to flame, whether its origins be in mundane sources, like torches or bonfires, or magical ones, such as fiery dragon breath or spells.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au feu : +40 %

Poids : 0
Robe of Arcane Aptitude
The provenance of this dark purple robe has been lost in the mists of history, but a faint odor of stale magic lingers in the air around the threadbare garment. The one who wore it was clearly no stranger to the Weave. Closely examining the robe, you are able to pick out a stylized flame design woven into the fabric. It seems likely the intricate pattern was always subtle, but even were that not true, countless years of wear have rendered the flames all but invisible.


Equipped abilities:
– Intelligence: +1
– Armor Class: 5

Charge abilities:
– Spell Sequencer once per day

Weight: 3
The provenance of this dark purple robe has been lost in the mists of history, but a faint odor of stale magic lingers in the air around the threadbare garment. The one who wore it was clearly no stranger to the Weave. Closely examining the robe, you are able to pick out a stylized flame design woven into the fabric. It seems likely the intricate pattern was always subtle, but even were that not true, countless years of wear have rendered the flames all but invisible.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Intelligence : +1

Capacités de charge : 
- Spell Sequencer (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1) (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 3
Robe of Netheril
In the days of Netheril, the sorcerer Elemin Vael was so powerful that he could make and unmake the world around him as he saw fit, or so history claims. Legends and rumors surrounding the source of his power have passed their way across the centuries, but all stories share one vital fact: that in the peak of his power, Elemin's magic proved too powerful for him to control, and he lost his entire family. He created this robe, so the stories claim, from the tears of Mystryl, to stanch his power and protect him from its influence. When he became sick in his later years, Elemin refused to remove the garment in order to let the priests work their magic on him. "I have had enough of this world of magic," he said. "Let me die an ordinary man." And so he did.


Equipped abilities:
– Magic Resistance: +50%
– Disables spellcasting
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 3
In the days of Netheril, the sorcerer Elemin Vael was so powerful that he could make and unmake the world around him as he saw fit, or so history claims. Legends and rumors surrounding the source of his power have passed their way across the centuries, but all stories share one vital fact: that in the peak of his power, Elemin's magic proved too powerful for him to control, and he lost his entire family. He created this robe, so the stories claim, from the tears of Mystryl, to stanch his power and protect him from its influence. When he became sick in his later years, Elemin refused to remove the garment in order to let the priests work their magic on him. "I have had enough of this world of magic," he said. "Let me die an ordinary man." And so he did.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts divins
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'incantation des sorts innés
- Empêche l'incantation des sorts divins
- Empêche l'incantation des sorts profanes
- Résistance à la magie : +50 %

Poids : 3
The Ghostdreamers' Robe
Seemingly little more than rags stitched together, the Ghostdreamers' Robe is actually an artifact of great historical significance to the dak'Dekanter goblin tribe. Each of the robe's dozens of patches was cut from the robe of an enemy tribe's shaman. This makes the Ghostdreamers' Robe more than an article of clothing; it is a physical representation of the dak'Dekanters' victories over the centuries and a symbol of power for the shaman who wears it.


Equipped abilities: 
– Armor Class: 5
– Improves casting speed by 1
– Vocalize

Weight: 3
Seemingly little more than rags stitched together, the Ghostdreamers' Robe is actually an artifact of great historical significance to the dak'Dekanter goblin tribe. Each of the robe's dozens of patches was cut from the robe of an enemy tribe's shaman. This makes the Ghostdreamers' Robe more than an article of clothing; it is a physical representation of the dak'Dekanters' victories over the centuries and a symbol of power for the shaman who wears it.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Vitesse d'incantation : +1
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Silence
- Immunité au sort Silence, 15' Radius
- Immunité au silence

Poids : 3
Cleric's Vestments
These dark red and green robes are of a simple dwarven design, but made with material of the highest quality and care. The sleeves and fringe end in gold trim, and the lining is a soft and luxurious silk as is traditional for dwarven noble wear.


Weight: 4
These dark red and green robes are of a simple dwarven design, but made with material of the highest quality and care. The sleeves and fringe end in gold trim, and the lining is a soft and luxurious silk as is traditional for dwarven noble wear.


Poids : 4
Robe of Red Flames
This heavy crimson robe trimmed in gold signifies the importance of the wearer. Once the property of Edwin Odesserion, Red Wizard of Thay, the robe was designed to further enhance his already significant magical prowess. Anyone who dons the Robe of Red Flames will deal additional damage whenever they use fire-based magic and will be less likely hurt by it.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +30%
– All fire damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 10%

Weight: 4
This heavy crimson robe trimmed in gold signifies the importance of the wearer. Once the property of Edwin Odesserion, Red Wizard of Thay, the robe was designed to further enhance his already significant magical prowess. Anyone who dons the Robe of Red Flames will deal additional damage whenever they use fire-based magic and will be less likely hurt by it.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Dégâts de feu : Passe à 10 %
- Résistance au feu : +30 %

Poids : 4
Buckler of the Fist +2
Members of the Flaming Fist mercenary company that serves Baldur's Gate and surrounding areas often carry these bucklers. A red flame emblazoned on the front of the shining bucklers clearly identifies the bearer's loyalty. Experienced Flaming Fist members often have their shields enchanted.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3
– No protection against missile and piercing attacks
– Immunity to Hold Person

 4 Strength

Weight: 1
Members of the Flaming Fist mercenary company that serves Baldur's Gate and surrounding areas often carry these bucklers. A red flame emblazoned on the front of the shining bucklers clearly identifies the bearer's loyalty. Experienced Flaming Fist members often have their shields enchanted.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -3 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : -3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3
- Immunité au sort Hold Person

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
The Suncatcher +2
Shield of Barnassus: The Suncatcher
Barnassus, a cleric of Lathander, created a polished bronze shield hundreds of years ago in order to battle a medusa rumored to be lurking in the catacombs beneath his city. Barnassus tracked the medusa to her lair and realized, almost too late, that what he faced was no ordinary medusa but one that had also succumbed to the curse of vampirism.

Barnassus closed his eyes and charged forward, ready to take down his enemy or die trying. Lathander rewarded Barnassus's bravery by filling the room with sunlight while the priest slew the medusa.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3
– 15% chance that anyone attacking the wielder in melee takes 1d4 points of fire damage and becomes blinded for 2 rounds (Save vs. Spell halves damage and negates blindness)
– No protection against missile attacks

Charge abilities:
– Sunfire once per day

 4 Strength

Weight: 2
Shield of Barnassus: The Suncatcher
Barnassus, a cleric of Lathander, created a polished bronze shield hundreds of years ago in order to battle a medusa rumored to be lurking in the catacombs beneath his city. Barnassus tracked the medusa to her lair and realized, almost too late, that what he faced was no ordinary medusa but one that had also succumbed to the curse of vampirism.

Barnassus closed his eyes and charged forward, ready to take down his enemy or die trying. Lathander rewarded Barnassus's bravery by filling the room with sunlight while the priest slew the medusa.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3
- Classe d'armure : -3 contre les projectiles

Capacités de charge : 
- Sunfire (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Shield of Egons +2
The Egons were a family of well-respected Lathander worshippers that earned their fortune protecting those weaker than themselves. Though the Egon line has ended, its influence is still felt in the form of this shield, which is imbued with some of the power of the Morninglord himself.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3
– Turn Undead Level: +2 (Priests of Lathander and Undead Hunters), +1 (others)

 12 Strength

Weight: 6
The Egons were a family of well-respected Lathander worshippers that earned their fortune protecting those weaker than themselves. Though the Egon line has ended, its influence is still felt in the form of this shield, which is imbued with some of the power of the Morninglord himself.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3
- Niveau de repousser les morts-vivants : +1
- Niveau de repousser les morts-vivants : +1 (uniquement pour les Undead Hunter)
- Niveau de repousser les morts-vivants : +1 (uniquement pour les Priest of Lathander)

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Rhino Beetle Shield +2
The rhino beetle's carapace makes a most effective shield provided one can survive long enough to pry a piece off the creature. Lightweight but sturdy, this item makes a powerful argument for the premise that the best shields are found in nature, not the forge. The unusual material makes the shield particularly effective against missile weapons.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3, an extra +2 vs. missile attacks
– Missile Damage Resistance: +15%

 10 Strength

Weight: 6
The rhino beetle's carapace makes a most effective shield provided one can survive long enough to pry a piece off the creature. Lightweight but sturdy, this item makes a powerful argument for the premise that the best shields are found in nature, not the forge. The unusual material makes the shield particularly effective against missile weapons.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3
- Résistance aux dégâts de projectiles : +15 %

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Dragonscale Shield +3
The shimmering viridian surface of this shield is made of interlocking dragon scales, each one hard as stone. Though thin and light, the shield is strong enough to turn aside even the heaviest blows.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +4
– Save vs. Death: +3

 8 Strength

Weight: 5
The shimmering viridian surface of this shield is made of interlocking dragon scales, each one hard as stone. Though thin and light, the shield is strong enough to turn aside even the heaviest blows.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +4
- Jets de sauvegarde : +3 contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Steadfast +2
This buckler is of fine dwarven make. Its surface displays the image of a stout dwarven warrior, his face glaring resolutely at whatever foe the bearer faces. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3
– No protection against missile and piercing attacks
– Hit Points: +10 (dwarves), +5 (others)

 4 Strength

Weight: 2
This buckler is of fine dwarven make. Its surface displays the image of a stout dwarven warrior, his face glaring resolutely at whatever foe the bearer faces. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -3 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : -3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3
- Points de vie maximum : +5
- Points de vie maximum : +5 (uniquement pour les nains)

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
M'Khiin's Buckler +2
Significant effort has been expended trying to scratch the emblem of Clangeddin Silverbeard from this small, battered buckler, but the dwarven battlegod's symbol stubbornly refuses to be completely eradicated. Stolen from its original owner by one of M'Khiin Grubdoubler's tribesmen, it was presented to her as a gift from a would-be suitor. While she had little interest in romance, M'Khiin was very interested in self-defense, and so she accepted the gift shortly before she set out to seek her destiny beyond what goblin society had prescribed for her.


Equipped abilities:
– Hit Points: +10
– Armor Class: +3
– No protection against missile and piercing attacks

 4 Strength

Weight: 2
Significant effort has been expended trying to scratch the emblem of Clangeddin Silverbeard from this small, battered buckler, but the dwarven battlegod's symbol stubbornly refuses to be completely eradicated. Stolen from its original owner by one of M'Khiin Grubdoubler's tribesmen, it was presented to her as a gift from a would-be suitor. While she had little interest in romance, M'Khiin was very interested in self-defense, and so she accepted the gift shortly before she set out to seek her destiny beyond what goblin society had prescribed for her.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -3 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : -3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3
- Points de vie maximum : +10

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
The Bloodied Guardian +2
This shield was carried by a mercenary working with the Order of the Steel Fang. The warriors of the order were impressed with the mercenary's tenacity and courage. She charged into battle without hesitation and seemed to fight all the harder when she was wounded. When their quest was completed, the Order of the Steel Fang gifted a battleaxe to the mercenary as thanks for her service. In turn she gave the order her shield as a sign of respect. The shield stayed in the order for years until it was lost on a battlefield.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3, an extra +1 vs. missile attacks
– Fire Resistance: +25%

Combat abilities:
– When the wielder's Hit Points drop below 50%,  gains +1 to Strength for 5 rounds

 10 Strength

Weight: 4
This shield was carried by a mercenary working with the Order of the Steel Fang. The warriors of the order were impressed with the mercenary's tenacity and courage. She charged into battle without hesitation and seemed to fight all the harder when she was wounded. When their quest was completed, the Order of the Steel Fang gifted a battleaxe to the mercenary as thanks for her service. In turn she gave the order her shield as a sign of respect. The shield stayed in the order for years until it was lost on a battlefield.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3
- Résistance au feu : +25 %
- Résistance aux dégâts de feu magiques : +25 %

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Solar Aegis +3
Engraved wings stretch across the face of this ornate shield. The silver shield, inlaid with pure sapphire, gleams with a high polish no matter how much damage it suffers or what rough environs it is carried through. Often crafted for paladins and members of holy militaristic orders, a solar aegis provides substantial protection for the pure of heart.


Equipped abilities:
– Constitution: +1
– Armor Class: +4
– Fire Resistance: +40%

 12 Strength

Weight: 3
Engraved wings stretch across the face of this ornate shield. The silver shield, inlaid with pure sapphire, gleams with a high polish no matter how much damage it suffers or what rough environs it is carried through. Often crafted for paladins and members of holy militaristic orders, a solar aegis provides substantial protection for the pure of heart.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +4
- Constitution : +1
- Résistance au feu : +40 %
- Résistance aux dégâts de feu magiques : +40 %

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Wooden Staff
This weathered wooden staff has seen much use. The top of the staff is broken, as if a headpiece has been snapped off.


Damage: 1d6 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 4
This weathered wooden staff has seen much use. The top of the staff is broken, as if a headpiece has been snapped off.


Dégâts : 1d6 
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Firefly +2
This sling, carefully carved from yew wood, has tiny fireflies engraved along its length. When a slingstone is fired, the fireflies glow with a soft golden light. The sling was crafted and blessed by a priestess of Yondalla and so grants its full abilities only to halfling wielders.


Equipped abilities:
– Saving Throws: +2 (halflings)

THAC0: +2
Damage: +2, +1 (fire)
Damage Type: Missile
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 0
This sling, carefully carved from yew wood, has tiny fireflies engraved along its length. When a slingstone is fired, the fireflies glow with a soft golden light. The sling was crafted and blessed by a priestess of Yondalla and so grants its full abilities only to halfling wielders.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 (uniquement pour les petite-personnes)

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Sling
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Shadowed Spear +2
Rumor has it that a cult of Shar crafted this spear for blackguards in their service, but the spear was liberated during an attack by knights of Lathander. The Temple of Lathander in Athkatla hid the spear away for many years before it was stolen one night by burglars in service to Mask. Since then multiple copies of the spear have been spotted, presumably duplicated by the clergy of Mask. Shadows cling to the black shaft of the spear and the wielder seems to flicker in and out of reality.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2

Combat abilities: 
– 20% chance per hit to teleport to a random enemy and receive a +4 THAC0 bonus for 1 round
– 5% chance per hit to teleport to a random enemy and become ethereal for 1 round

Charge abilities:
– Etherealness
  Special: Wearer is immune to normal weapons. Spells may still be cast, and weapons may still be used.
  Duration: 1 round

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Spear 
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
Rumor has it that a cult of Shar crafted this spear for blackguards in their service, but the spear was liberated during an attack by knights of Lathander. The Temple of Lathander in Athkatla hid the spear away for many years before it was stolen one night by burglars in service to Mask. Since then multiple copies of the spear have been spotted, presumably duplicated by the clergy of Mask. Shadows cling to the black shaft of the spear and the wielder seems to flicker in and out of reality.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2

Capacités de combat : 
- 5 % de chance de lancer le sort Etherealness

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Spear
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Brevin's Quarterstaff +1
The soldier Brevin brought this quarterstaff from home when he first left to make his fortune. Once he earned enough money to purchase a better weapon, the quarterstaff wound up in a weapons supply in Candlekeep. At some point it was retrieved and enchanted, switching owners several times along the way.


Equipped abilities:
– Lore: +10

Charge abilities:
– Friends once per day

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 4
The soldier Brevin brought this quarterstaff from home when he first left to make his fortune. Once he earned enough money to purchase a better weapon, the quarterstaff wound up in a weapons supply in Candlekeep. At some point it was retrieved and enchanted, switching owners several times along the way.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Connaissance : +10

Capacités de charge : 
- Friends (1 fois par jour)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
The Soulherder's Staff +2
A gnarled wooden staff cut from the dak'Dekanter goblin tribe's sacred tree, this item was a symbol of spiritual power for centuries. It disappeared during a hard-fought battle between the dak'Dekanters and a dwarven clan whose name is lost to history, and those few who remembered it once existed thought it lost forever. It was found discarded in the lost dwarven town of Kanaglym, among other treasures the dwarves stole from their goblin enemies over the years.


Equipped abilities:
– Magic Resistance: +15%
– Summoned spirits gain a +1 to Strength

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6, +2 (magic)
Damage Type: Crushing
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
A gnarled wooden staff cut from the dak'Dekanter goblin tribe's sacred tree, this item was a symbol of spiritual power for centuries. It disappeared during a hard-fought battle between the dak'Dekanters and a dwarven clan whose name is lost to history, and those few who remembered it once existed thought it lost forever. It was found discarded in the lost dwarven town of Kanaglym, among other treasures the dwarves stole from their goblin enemies over the years.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance à la magie : +15 %

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Echo of the Fiend +3
A devil of Avernus once possessed this gnarled wooden staff. Though the devil long since escaped from the staff, a residue of its essence permeated the weapon and lingers still. When a command word is spoken, an aura of fire springs up around anyone wielding the staff; though the flames leave the wielder untouched, they sear others with devastating heat.


Combat abilities:
– 5% chance per hit of triggering a Sunfire spell centered on the wielder

Charge abilities:
– Fireshield (Red) twice per day

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 2
A devil of Avernus once possessed this gnarled wooden staff. Though the devil long since escaped from the staff, a residue of its essence permeated the weapon and lingers still. When a command word is spoken, an aura of fire springs up around anyone wielding the staff; though the flames leave the wielder untouched, they sear others with devastating heat.


Capacités de charge : 
- Fireshield (Red) (2 fois par jour)

Capacités de combat : 
- 6 % de chance de lancer le sort Sunfire (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 10)

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Crimson Dawn +2
Legend tells that this elegant blade appeared at the moment the sun rose over the eastern horizon. As the dawn's rosy light flooded the forest, the blade shimmered into being atop a flat stone. Local foresters, even warriors, were afraid to touch the weapon lest it was cursed. Finally, a brave old man who had been a fighter in his youth grasped the hilt and claimed the blade as its own. Terrifying beasts sprang at him a moment later, creatures of red mist and fangs and claws. The old man clung to his courage and lay about him with the sword. He grew faster with every monster he killed until finally the clearing was empty. The old man was feasted in the village for days and then set off to live his final years seeking adventure on the road.


Equipped abilities: 
– Critical Hit Chance: +5% (with this weapon only)

Combat abilities:
– 15% chance per kill of hasting the wielder for 3 rounds

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
Legend tells that this elegant blade appeared at the moment the sun rose over the eastern horizon. As the dawn's rosy light flooded the forest, the blade shimmered into being atop a flat stone. Local foresters, even warriors, were afraid to touch the weapon lest it was cursed. Finally, a brave old man who had been a fighter in his youth grasped the hilt and claimed the blade as its own. Terrifying beasts sprang at him a moment later, creatures of red mist and fangs and claws. The old man clung to his courage and lay about him with the sword. He grew faster with every monster he killed until finally the clearing was empty. The old man was feasted in the village for days and then set off to live his final years seeking adventure on the road.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Chance d'infliger un coup critique : +5 %

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Katana
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Tongue of Acid +3
This infernal longsword, forged to resemble a devil's tongue, has a blade "sharper than any scream" according to the writing on the hilt. Its edge cuts easily through armor and bone and leaves acid sizzling in the wounds it inflicts. The pain its wounds inflict is so severe that its victims have difficulty functioning, even walking, due to the agony.


Combat abilities:
– 10% chance per hit of slowing the target for 3 rounds (Save vs. Spell negates)

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3, +1d3 (acid)
Damage Type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
This infernal longsword, forged to resemble a devil's tongue, has a blade "sharper than any scream" according to the writing on the hilt. Its edge cuts easily through armor and bone and leaves acid sizzling in the wounds it inflicts. The pain its wounds inflict is so severe that its victims have difficulty functioning, even walking, due to the agony.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1d4 points de dégâts d'acide supplémentaires

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Eadro's Blade +1
Legend has it that this elegant curving blade was forged deep beneath the sea by merfolk and its hilt bound in enchanted eelskin. The truth of the matter is more mundane. The blade was crafted in Iriaebor and given to a mercenary commander who protected cargo barges moving up and down the river Chionthar. Still, it is a finely made and serviceable weapon.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2 vs. elementals and mephits

Combat abilities:
– A critical hit against an elemental or mephit will instantly banish the creature to its home plane

THAC0: +1, +2 vs. elementals and mephits
Damage: 1d8+1, +2 vs. elementals and mephits
Damage Type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 3
Legend has it that this elegant curving blade was forged deep beneath the sea by merfolk and its hilt bound in enchanted eelskin. The truth of the matter is more mundane. The blade was crafted in Iriaebor and given to a mercenary commander who protected cargo barges moving up and down the river Chionthar. Still, it is a finely made and serviceable weapon.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +2 contre les méphites
- Enchantement : +2 contre les élémentaires
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les méphites
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les élémentaires
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les méphites
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les élémentaires
- TAC0 : +1 contre les méphites
- TAC0 : +1 contre les élémentaires

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les méphites
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les élémentaires

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Bartleby's Wakizashi +1
This wakizashi is finely made, but gaudy false gems have been glued on to its hilt. The weapon was procured by Bartleby, a local thug whose obsession with the continent of Kara-Tur has made him one of the most obnoxious mercenaries in the local taverns. He rambles for hours on how different the foreign culture is to that of the Sword Coast and prides himself on being a "city samurai," a title that is as offensive as it is undeserved.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2 vs. slashing attacks (Kensai)

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 2
This wakizashi is finely made, but gaudy false gems have been glued on to its hilt. The weapon was procured by Bartleby, a local thug whose obsession with the continent of Kara-Tur has made him one of the most obnoxious mercenaries in the local taverns. He rambles for hours on how different the foreign culture is to that of the Sword Coast and prides himself on being a "city samurai," a title that is as offensive as it is undeserved.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes (uniquement pour les Kensai)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Gift of the Demon +5
This onyx blade pulses with a sickly green light. The hilt is carved of bone and the pommel resembles the grinning skull of a gelugon. Demons rarely give gifts to mortals, and those they do always possess some sort of drawback.


Equipped abilities:
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

THAC0: +5
Damage: 1d8+5 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
This onyx blade pulses with a sickly green light. The hilt is carved of bone and the pommel resembles the grinning skull of a gelugon. Demons rarely give gifts to mortals, and those they do always possess some sort of drawback.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction

Enchantement : +5
TAC0 : +5
Dégâts : 1d8 +5
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Voidsword +3
To all appearances a standard long sword, one standing long in its presence will soon discover it is far more than that. Specially made by Jegg Hillcarver of Bridgefort, this sword has several voidstone shards worked into the metal of the blade. A powerful weapon when used against most targets, its one great deficiency is in its utility against the undead. Objects of the Negative Material Plane have no effect on the unliving; neither then does this blade.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: -1

Combat abilities:
– The target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates)
– Does no damage to undead
– Bonuses to hit and damage based on Strength do not apply to this weapon

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3 (magic)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
To all appearances a standard long sword, one standing long in its presence will soon discover it is far more than that. Specially made by Jegg Hillcarver of Bridgefort, this sword has several voidstone shards worked into the metal of the blade. A powerful weapon when used against most targets, its one great deficiency is in its utility against the undead. Objects of the Negative Material Plane have no effect on the unliving; neither then does this blade.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Force : -1

Capacités de combat : 
- Inefficace contre les morts-vivants pendant 1 seconde
- Inflige 1d8 +3 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Pritchard's Family Stiletto +2
This thin, nasty-looking blade was wielded by the gnomish Gardnersonson family in two Dragonspear Wars. Though delicate in appearance and obviously designed for a smaller than human hand, the weapon is extraordinarily effective when turned against ogres, giants, ettins, and other similarly sized creatures.


Equipped abilities: 
– Armor Class: +2 vs. giant humanoids

THAC0: +2, +4 vs. giant humanoids
Damage: 1d4+2 (piercing), +4 giant humanoids
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
This thin, nasty-looking blade was wielded by the gnomish Gardnersonson family in two Dragonspear Wars. Though delicate in appearance and obviously designed for a smaller than human hand, the weapon is extraordinarily effective when turned against ogres, giants, ettins, and other similarly sized creatures.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +4 contre les géants
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les géants
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les géants
- TAC0 : +2 contre les géants

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires contre les géants

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Dervish Crescent +2
The length of this blade is etched with flames, genies, and whirlwinds. Small glittering particles along its length evoke a sandstorm. The style and quality of the blade indicates it was made in Calimshan.


Equipped abilities:
– Movement Speed: +1

Combat abilities:
– 10% chance per kill that the wielder will be affected by Fireshield (Red)

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2, +1 fire
Damage Type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 3
The length of this blade is etched with flames, genies, and whirlwinds. Small glittering particles along its length evoke a sandstorm. The style and quality of the blade indicates it was made in Calimshan.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vitesse de déplacement : +1

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Herdrin's Short Sword +2
The short sword wielded by one-time caravan guard Herdrin, who died in defense of Bridgefort. The sword is of a simple and solid design, a utilitarian blade with a wolf's head carved on the pommel. Herdrin's sword strikes swiftly and keenly and serves its wielder well.


Combat abilities:
– Critical Hit Chance: +10% (this weapon)

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 2
The short sword wielded by one-time caravan guard Herdrin, who died in defense of Bridgefort. The sword is of a simple and solid design, a utilitarian blade with a wolf's head carved on the pommel. Herdrin's sword strikes swiftly and keenly and serves its wielder well.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Chance d'infliger un coup critique : +10 %

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Short Sword +2
This short sword has been forged by hands both magical and highly skilled. Neither nicks nor stains mar the flawless blade. When used in battle, the blade radiates magic and gifts the wielder with increased skill.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 2
This short sword has been forged by hands both magical and highly skilled. Neither nicks nor stains mar the flawless blade. When used in battle, the blade radiates magic and gifts the wielder with increased skill.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Fractal Blade +3
A line of diamond-shaped mirrors run up the center of this short sword's blade. The smallest bit of light catches the mirrors, flashing and flickering as the wielder fights. Rumor has it that the blade was constructed by a particularly vain fighter from Sembia who later lost it in a duel. The fighter became distracted by his own reflection in a nearby shop window and failed to parry his opponent's blow.


Equipped abilities:
– Whenever the wielder is hit, there is a 10% chance  is surrounded by 3 mirror images for 3 rounds

Combat abilities:
– 50% chance per hit of dispelling all illusionary spells (e.g. Mirror Image or Improved Invisibility) affecting the target

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 2
A line of diamond-shaped mirrors run up the center of this short sword's blade. The smallest bit of light catches the mirrors, flashing and flickering as the wielder fights. Rumor has it that the blade was constructed by a particularly vain fighter from Sembia who later lost it in a duel. The fighter became distracted by his own reflection in a nearby shop window and failed to parry his opponent's blow.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Ophyllis's Short Sword +2
This much-used but still razor-sharp blade was found in the chest of Ophyllis, a treasurer of the Ducal Palace in Baldur's Gate. While his position ensured that Ophyllis possessed many chests, he only used one to house his lungs, and it was in this particular chest the sword was placed. Ophyllis died an agonized, painful death, but not before he gave the sword to a  to whom he owed a deep personal debt. His mournful voice can still be heard by those who wield the blade.

Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to Command, Greater Command, and Power Word (any)

Combat abilities:
– 20% chance per hit of casting Deafness on the target


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 2
This much-used but still razor-sharp blade was found in the chest of Ophyllis, a treasurer of the Ducal Palace in Baldur's Gate. While his position ensured that Ophyllis possessed many chests, he only used one to house his lungs, and it was in this particular chest the sword was placed. Ophyllis died an agonized, painful death, but not before he gave the sword to a  to whom he owed a deep personal debt. His mournful voice can still be heard by those who wield the blade.

Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to Command, Greater Command, and Power Word (any)

Combat abilities:
– 20% chance per hit of casting Deafness on the target


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Kill
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Blind
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Stun
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Silence
- Immunité au sort Power Word, Sleep
- Immunité au sort Greater Command
- Immunité au sort Command

Capacités de combat : 
- 21 % de chance de lancer le sort Deafness (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Vexation +2
This blade appears smooth and whole at first glance, but on closer examination, its surface is made of thousands of tiny overlapping scales. When the sword is used to stab a target unawares, scales break off and lodge in the wound, irritating the victim and draining their strength.


Combat abilities:
– Inflicts 2 points of bleeding damage per hit (one point per round)
– Drains 2 points of Strength from the target and transfers them to the wielder for 5 rounds when a successful backstab is performed (non-cumulative)


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 2
This blade appears smooth and whole at first glance, but on closer examination, its surface is made of thousands of tiny overlapping scales. When the sword is used to stab a target unawares, scales break off and lodge in the wound, irritating the victim and draining their strength.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Severance +2
Anyone who draws this well-balanced blade feels a surge of vitality in their body. The sword was originally wielded by a fighter who found the bloody business of war exhausting. He hated to make his enemies suffer and trained to be a better warrior solely so he could end battles quickly. With this enchanted blade, he destroyed his enemies with speedy precision, not leaving them to linger on the battlefield. When death finally came for him in a duel, he was reported to have said, "At last," with a sigh of relief before he expired.


Equipped abilities:
– Hit Points: +5

Combat abilities:
– 15% chance per hit of draining 1d4 Hit Points from the target and transferring them to the wielder. This will not heal beyond the wielder's maximum. Does not affect undead, constructs, and extraplanar creatures.

THAC0: +2
Damage: 2d4+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: One-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 7
Anyone who draws this well-balanced blade feels a surge of vitality in their body. The sword was originally wielded by a fighter who found the bloody business of war exhausting. He hated to make his enemies suffer and trained to be a better warrior solely so he could end battles quickly. With this enchanted blade, he destroyed his enemies with speedy precision, not leaving them to linger on the battlefield. When death finally came for him in a duel, he was reported to have said, "At last," with a sigh of relief before he expired.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Points de vie maximum : +5

Capacités de combat : 
- 16 % de chance de lancer le sort Drain Life (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 2d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Bastard Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Scimitar +2
The scimitar, or "shamshir" as it was originally called, has a single-edged blade with a significant curve and is tapered to an elongated, sharp point. It is perhaps slower than other weapons of the same type, though it compensates by the amount of damage it is capable of. This particular weapon has been enhanced magically to complement the skill of the wielder.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 4
The scimitar, or "shamshir" as it was originally called, has a single-edged blade with a significant curve and is tapered to an elongated, sharp point. It is perhaps slower than other weapons of the same type, though it compensates by the amount of damage it is capable of. This particular weapon has been enhanced magically to complement the skill of the wielder.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Short Sword +2
The term "short sword" does not exist in sword classifications, but has come to describe the earliest type of sword, a double-edged blade about two feet in length. There are etched runes on the surface of this weapon that glow during combat, indicating it has undergone some form of enchantment, but no identifying marks can be recognized.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 2
The term "short sword" does not exist in sword classifications, but has come to describe the earliest type of sword, a double-edged blade about two feet in length. There are etched runes on the surface of this weapon that glow during combat, indicating it has undergone some form of enchantment, but no identifying marks can be recognized.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Spell Breaker +2
Power can corrupt even the noblest of mages, and the long-lived elves of Faerûn have seen what devastating consequences can occur when a mage loses control. This elegant longsword, its silver hilt decorated with clear blue gems, was crafted to deal with arcane spellcasters who have abused their gift. The sword assists any hunter who tracks down out-of-control mages, and has particular potency in the hands of wizard slayers or inquisitors.


Equipped abilities: 
– Save vs. Spell: +4 (Wizard Slayers and Inquisitors), +2 (others)

Combat abilities:
– On a critical hit, the target is affected by Dispel Magic

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 3
Power can corrupt even the noblest of mages, and the long-lived elves of Faerûn have seen what devastating consequences can occur when a mage loses control. This elegant longsword, its silver hilt decorated with clear blue gems, was crafted to deal with arcane spellcasters who have abused their gift. The sword assists any hunter who tracks down out-of-control mages, and has particular potency in the hands of wizard slayers or inquisitors.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les sorts
- À chaque coup critique: Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les sorts
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les sorts (uniquement pour les Inquisitor)
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les sorts (uniquement pour les Wizard Slayer)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Aster's Edge +3
Legend tells that a powerful angelic being gifted this blade to a member of the Order of the Aster long ago. Details of the legend have been lost over time, but many believe the sword was a reward for slaying a monstrous fiend, perhaps even a balor. Delicate etchings of asters decorate the blade, which glows with a silver-blue flame when drawn.


Equipped abilities:
– Magic Resistance: +30%

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3, +2 extra vs. fiends
Damage type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 2
Legend tells that a powerful angelic being gifted this blade to a member of the Order of the Aster long ago. Details of the legend have been lost over time, but many believe the sword was a reward for slaying a monstrous fiend, perhaps even a balor. Delicate etchings of asters decorate the blade, which glows with a silver-blue flame when drawn.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance à la magie : +30 %

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les démons

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Gift of the Demon +1
This onyx blade pulses with a sickly green light. The hilt is carved of bone and the pommel resembles the grinning skull of a gelugon. The blade has snapped in half, leaving the sword disappointingly less powerful than it was before. Demonic gifts come with a catch, and this one has just revealed itself.


Equipped abilities:
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
This onyx blade pulses with a sickly green light. The hilt is carved of bone and the pommel resembles the grinning skull of a gelugon. The blade has snapped in half, leaving the sword disappointingly less powerful than it was before. Demonic gifts come with a catch, and this one has just revealed itself.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Dragon Blade +3
A silver dragon with sapphire eyes curls around the hilt of this powerful two-handed sword. It is said that a legendary Rashemi warrior was given the sword for demonstrating exceptional valor in battle where he fought side by side with a silver dragon but the details of the tale have been lost to time. 


Equipped abilities:
– While enraged, the chance to score a critical hit is increased by 10% (Berserkers, Barbarians, and Rashemi warriors)

Combat abilities:
– Deals an extra 2d4 points of cold damage and slows the target for 1 round (no save) on a critical hit

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d10+3, +1 cold
Damage Type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 14 Strength

Weight: 9
A silver dragon with sapphire eyes curls around the hilt of this powerful two-handed sword. It is said that a legendary Rashemi warrior was given the sword for demonstrating exceptional valor in battle where he fought side by side with a silver dragon but the details of the tale have been lost to time. 


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d10 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Sword of Troll Decapitation +1
Runes along the length of this powerful blade spell ""death to trolls"" in multiple languages. A green gem set in the weapon's hilt glows with a pale green light. Legend tells that the famous dwarf Durlag Trollkiller used this sword in his adventuring days, but lost it during a particularly brutal fight in the Troll Hills.

Despite the item's name, it does not actually decapitate trolls. A rumor sprung up regarding its powers and despite evidence to the contrary, the sword has never shaken the nickname.


Combat abilities:
– On a critical hit against a troll, the wearer gains +1 to Strength for 1 turn (non-cumulative)

THAC0: +1, +3 vs. trolls
Damage: 1d10+1, +2 fire vs. trolls
Damage Type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 14 Strength

Weight: 12
Runes along the length of this powerful blade spell ""death to trolls"" in multiple languages. A green gem set in the weapon's hilt glows with a pale green light. Legend tells that the famous dwarf Durlag Trollkiller used this sword in his adventuring days, but lost it during a particularly brutal fight in the Troll Hills.

Despite the item's name, it does not actually decapitate trolls. A rumor sprung up regarding its powers and despite evidence to the contrary, the sword has never shaken the nickname.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +3 contre les trolls
- TAC0 : +2 contre les trolls

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires contre les trolls

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d10 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 9
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Sword of Ruin +2
This wide, heavy blade gives way to jagged teeth near its tip, a serrated edge designed to rip and tear flesh. Little is known of the blade's origin, but the elaborate grip marked with worn runes hints that it may have been crafted in ancient Unther.


Equipped abilities:
– Critical Hit Chance: +5%

Combat abilities:
– Deals an extra 2d4 points of slashing damage on a critical hit


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 14 Strength

Weight: 10
This wide, heavy blade gives way to jagged teeth near its tip, a serrated edge designed to rip and tear flesh. Little is known of the blade's origin, but the elaborate grip marked with worn runes hints that it may have been crafted in ancient Unther.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Chance d'infliger un coup critique : +5 %

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 8
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Astral Crossbow +2
The silvery string of this elegant weapon gleams like the silver strings connecting Astral Travelers to their bodies. Legends speak of a deva who crafted this weapon out of bits of soul from astral travelers, willingly given to the deva to forge a weapon of good. The deva passed the crossbow down to a champion of good on the mortal Plane, who wielded it for many years before falling under a glabrezu's claws.


Combat abilities: 
– On a critical hit, the target falls to the ground rendered unconscious for 1 round (no save) as they are stricken with a vision of their soul leaving their body.

THAC0: +2, +4 vs. evil creatures
Damage: +2 (missile), +4 vs. evil creatures
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 5
The silvery string of this elegant weapon gleams like the silver strings connecting Astral Travelers to their bodies. Legends speak of a deva who crafted this weapon out of bits of soul from astral travelers, willingly given to the deva to forge a weapon of good. The deva passed the crossbow down to a champion of good on the mortal Plane, who wielded it for many years before falling under a glabrezu's claws.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1
- TAC0 : +2 contre les créatures mauvaises

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts de projectiles supplémentaires contre les créatures mauvaises

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Harold +2
When Fitzallus the Footpad, a Sembian bard, had this heavy crossbow commissioned, he talked endlessly about how incredible the weapon would be. His friends teased him that the crossbow was his new "best friend" and that he should name it. Finally, the crossbow was ready, and Fitzallus strode into the tavern with the gleaming weapon and proudly introduced it as "Harold." Fitzallus died during a burglary several months later, and though his will specified he be buried with Harold, the crossbow vanished before the ceremony.


Combat abilities:
– 15% chance per hit of casting Doom on the target

THAC0: +2
Damage: +4 (missile)
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 12 Strength

Weight: 11
When Fitzallus the Footpad, a Sembian bard, had this heavy crossbow commissioned, he talked endlessly about how incredible the weapon would be. His friends teased him that the crossbow was his new "best friend" and that he should name it. Finally, the crossbow was ready, and Fitzallus strode into the tavern with the gleaming weapon and proudly introduced it as "Harold." Fitzallus died during a burglary several months later, and though his will specified he be buried with Harold, the crossbow vanished before the ceremony.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +4
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 8
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 11

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Golden Girdle of Urnst
Created to protect a powerful wizard against malevolent warriors, this magical garment is made of red silk strewn with golden flakes. It is enchanted to give limited protection against slashing weapons of any type.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3 vs. slashing attacks

Weight: 2
Created to protect a powerful wizard against malevolent warriors, this magical garment is made of red silk strewn with golden flakes. It is enchanted to give limited protection against slashing weapons of any type.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes

Poids : 2
Destroyer of the Hills
Girdle of Bluntness: Destroyer of the Hills
Having lost friends and loved ones to a series of raids by hill giants, Garrar the Powerful made it his mission to cleanse his homeland of their presence. It is not known where he acquired this item, but with it he single-handedly dispatched dozens of the creatures, all the while protected from the blows of their clubs. The remaining giants fled to neighboring lands—lands that lacked a similar champion and did not fare as well.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +4 vs. crushing attacks

Weight: 2
Girdle of Bluntness: Destroyer of the Hills
Having lost friends and loved ones to a series of raids by hill giants, Garrar the Powerful made it his mission to cleanse his homeland of their presence. It is not known where he acquired this item, but with it he single-handedly dispatched dozens of the creatures, all the while protected from the blows of their clubs. The remaining giants fled to neighboring lands—lands that lacked a similar champion and did not fare as well.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +4 contre les armes contondantes

Poids : 2
Elves' Bane
Girdle of Piercing: Elves' Bane
An infamous highwayman in his day, Pandar of Scardale made quite a name for himself vexing the elves of Cormanthor forest. To their annoyance, he continually used the wood to escape the law—and with the aid of this girdle, the elves' arrows as well. Unfortunately for Pandar, pit traps and starvation proved a slower, but effective, substitution.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3 vs. missile and piercing attacks

Weight: 2
Girdle of Piercing: Elves' Bane
An infamous highwayman in his day, Pandar of Scardale made quite a name for himself vexing the elves of Cormanthor forest. To their annoyance, he continually used the wood to escape the law—and with the aid of this girdle, the elves' arrows as well. Unfortunately for Pandar, pit traps and starvation proved a slower, but effective, substitution.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes perforantes

Poids : 2
Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity
The cursed Girdle of Femininity and Masculinity, a rare yet oft-discussed magical item, is wrought with a most powerful magic. Anyone unfortunate enough to secure it around their waist instantly finds their gender to be transformed. It is said that not fifty years past, a nameless court jester was beheaded for presenting the girdle as a gift to Duke Lobelahn's lover.


Equipped abilities:
– Changes the wearer's gender
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 2
The cursed Girdle of Femininity and Masculinity, a rare yet oft-discussed magical item, is wrought with a most powerful magic. Anyone unfortunate enough to secure it around their waist instantly finds their gender to be transformed. It is said that not fifty years past, a nameless court jester was beheaded for presenting the girdle as a gift to Duke Lobelahn's lover.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Change le sexe du porteur

Poids : 2
Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
This plain belt makes the wearer as strong as a hill giant, but does not make him or her giant size. Many a cocky warrior has been surprised by a much smaller opponent with remarkable strength. More often than not a belt such as this is the reason.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: 19

Weight: 2
This plain belt makes the wearer as strong as a hill giant, but does not make him or her giant size. Many a cocky warrior has been surprised by a much smaller opponent with remarkable strength. More often than not a belt such as this is the reason.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Force : Passe à 19

Poids : 2
Girdle of Stone Giant Strength
As a young boy, Stewart Elttil was kidnapped by raiding kobolds after his family was slain. However, en route to their den, the kobolds surprised a family of stone giants. These giants rescued Stewart and raised him as their own. It soon became apparent that the boy, no matter how hard he tried, could not compete in the family rock-throwing contests. The stone giant father bartered with a local wizard for this girdle, which made Stewart as strong as his brothers and sisters. When Stewart met an untimely end, the girdle was stolen away.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: 20

Weight: 2
As a young boy, Stewart Elttil was kidnapped by raiding kobolds after his family was slain. However, en route to their den, the kobolds surprised a family of stone giants. These giants rescued Stewart and raised him as their own. It soon became apparent that the boy, no matter how hard he tried, could not compete in the family rock-throwing contests. The stone giant father bartered with a local wizard for this girdle, which made Stewart as strong as his brothers and sisters. When Stewart met an untimely end, the girdle was stolen away.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Force : Passe à 20

Poids : 2
Belt of Inertial Barrier
When worn, this belt creates a dense curtain of air around the wearer. This curtain, or barrier, provides superior protection against breath attacks as well as magic. By the scorch marks on the worn leather, it is obvious that this belt has been worn at least once against a dragon.


Equipped abilities:
– Save vs. Breath: +5
– Resistance to Missile Damage: +25%
– Resistance to Magic Damage: +50%

Weight: 2
When worn, this belt creates a dense curtain of air around the wearer. This curtain, or barrier, provides superior protection against breath attacks as well as magic. By the scorch marks on the worn leather, it is obvious that this belt has been worn at least once against a dragon.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +5 contre les souffles
- Résistance aux dégâts magiques : +50 %
- Résistance aux dégâts de projectiles : +25 %

Poids : 2
Big-Fisted Belt
Cursed Girdle of Hill Giant Strength: Big-Fisted Belt
A fist-shaped brass buckle secures this belt of thick elk hide. The old bloodstains on the leather hint at unspeakable carnage, but the misspelled graffiti scratched into its surface suggests that the girdle's former owners were none too bright.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: 19
– Intelligence: 6
– May only be removed by a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 2
Cursed Girdle of Hill Giant Strength: Big-Fisted Belt
A fist-shaped brass buckle secures this belt of thick elk hide. The old bloodstains on the leather hint at unspeakable carnage, but the misspelled graffiti scratched into its surface suggests that the girdle's former owners were none too bright.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Force : Passe à 19
- Intelligence : Passe à 6

Poids : 2
Belt of Antipode
Trimmed in the fur of a polar bear, this sturdy belt is tooled with images of blue moons and white ice floes. The wearer is immune to all cold-based effects but suffers double any fire damage.


Equipped abilities:
– Cold Resistance: +100%
– Doubles all fire-based damage taken

Weight: 2
Trimmed in the fur of a polar bear, this sturdy belt is tooled with images of blue moons and white ice floes. The wearer is immune to all cold-based effects but suffers double any fire damage.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au feu : -100 %
- Résistance au froid : +100 %

Poids : 2
Flail +1
The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is either a hinge or chain link. The weapon has been enhanced magically, effectively forming a bond between the weapon and its wielder.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 13
The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is either a hinge or chain link. The weapon has been enhanced magically, effectively forming a bond between the weapon and its wielder.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 13

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Mace +1
The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a wooden shaft with an iron head mounted on the end. In this case, the head is pyramidal and seems to glow with an inner blue light as it sits atop a polished oak shaft.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 8
The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a wooden shaft with an iron head mounted on the end. In this case, the head is pyramidal and seems to glow with an inner blue light as it sits atop a polished oak shaft.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Mace
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Morning Star +1
The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head covered by a spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet. This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 2d4+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 10
The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head covered by a spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet. This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 2d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Kiel's Morning Star +3
This is the morning star of Kiel the Legion Killer, firstborn son of Durlag Trollkiller and Clan-prince of his father's ill-fated tower. He was wielding it in his final hour as he rushed to warn his father of the doppelgangers' infiltration of their Clan-home. It is said that the intensity of his rage in these final moments permanently imprinted itself upon the weapon. All who wield it are overcome with this battle anger whenever an enemy is sighted.


– Causes the wielder to go berserk
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

THAC0: +3
Damage: 2d4+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 10
This is the morning star of Kiel the Legion Killer, firstborn son of Durlag Trollkiller and Clan-prince of his father's ill-fated tower. He was wielding it in his final hour as he rushed to warn his father of the doppelgangers' infiltration of their Clan-home. It is said that the intensity of his rage in these final moments permanently imprinted itself upon the weapon. All who wield it are overcome with this battle anger whenever an enemy is sighted.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Provoque la rage du berserker chez le porteur

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 2d4 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
The Root of the Problem +1
This enchanted club is said to have existed since the time of the fall of Netheril and the birth of the great Anauroch Desert. While the toll on civilization was great, the true victims of this age were nature's creatures, condemned to stand and watch as their homes decayed and died. As habitats receded, those that remained were invaded by displaced hordes of creatures, the more impatient of which marched on unspoiled land taking whatever they wished. This particular weapon is said to have come from a dryad's tree, a final gift to nature's cause from a woodland spirit that could not hold back the invaders of her land. Hers was a bittersweet pain, as her wood might not have suffered so if it had not been so strong and lush. Less respecting scholars have since bestowed the item's ironic name, though the humor is not appreciated among nature's more devout followers.


THAC0: +1, +3 vs. unnatural creatures
Damage: 1d6+1, +3 vs. unnatural creatures
Damage type: Crushing
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 3
This enchanted club is said to have existed since the time of the fall of Netheril and the birth of the great Anauroch Desert. While the toll on civilization was great, the true victims of this age were nature's creatures, condemned to stand and watch as their homes decayed and died. As habitats receded, those that remained were invaded by displaced hordes of creatures, the more impatient of which marched on unspoiled land taking whatever they wished. This particular weapon is said to have come from a dryad's tree, a final gift to nature's cause from a woodland spirit that could not hold back the invaders of her land. Hers was a bittersweet pain, as her wood might not have suffered so if it had not been so strong and lush. Less respecting scholars have since bestowed the item's ironic name, though the humor is not appreciated among nature's more devout followers.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +3 contre les géants
- Enchantement : +3 contre les monstres
- Enchantement : +3 contre les morts-vivants
- TAC0 : +2 contre les morts-vivants
- TAC0 : +2 contre les monstres
- TAC0 : +2 contre les géants

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts contondants supplémentaires contre les géants
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts contondants supplémentaires contre les monstres
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts contondants supplémentaires contre les morts-vivants

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Club
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Krotan's Skullcrusher +2
Even the hordes have their heroes, and while they are vilified in civilized company, their deeds are sometimes impressive nonetheless. Krotan was an exceptionally intelligent orc, as far as orcs go, who commanded an ever-shifting legion of ogres, orcs, hobgoblins, and other assorted beasties during the Year of the Lost Lady, 1241 DR. It was in this year that a group of orc bandits allegedly kidnapped and killed a Tethyrian noblewoman, and the response from authorities was a genocidal slaughter of orcs throughout the south in her memory. Krotan mounted a defense that ensured his people were not entirely destroyed; though they were displaced. Krotan himself fell near the end of the conflict, and his head was mounted outside the graveyard where the young lady was buried. As a point of interest, orcs called this time the "Year of Pushing Too Far."


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 7
Even the hordes have their heroes, and while they are vilified in civilized company, their deeds are sometimes impressive nonetheless. Krotan was an exceptionally intelligent orc, as far as orcs go, who commanded an ever-shifting legion of ogres, orcs, hobgoblins, and other assorted beasties during the Year of the Lost Lady, 1241 DR. It was in this year that a group of orc bandits allegedly kidnapped and killed a Tethyrian noblewoman, and the response from authorities was a genocidal slaughter of orcs throughout the south in her memory. Krotan mounted a defense that ensured his people were not entirely destroyed; though they were displaced. Krotan himself fell near the end of the conflict, and his head was mounted outside the graveyard where the young lady was buried. As a point of interest, orcs called this time the "Year of Pushing Too Far."


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Mace
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Flail +2
The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is either a hinge or chain link. This particular flail has been magically enhanced.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 12
The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is either a hinge or chain link. This particular flail has been magically enhanced.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Morning Star +2
The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head covered by a spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet. Enchantments have made this morning star lighter, faster, and far more deadly than a normal weapon of this kind.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 2d4+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 9
The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head covered by a spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet. Enchantments have made this morning star lighter, faster, and far more deadly than a normal weapon of this kind.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 2d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Mace +2
The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a wooden shaft with an iron head mounted on the end. The shaft of this magical mace seems to guide the wielder, becoming an extension of  hand.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 7
The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a wooden shaft with an iron head mounted on the end. The shaft of this magical mace seems to guide the wielder, becoming an extension of  hand.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Mace
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Club +1
From chair legs to felled trees, clubs are the universal weapons of everyone from tavern brawlers to hill giants. A little extra weight, maybe a spike or two, and a little enchantment never hurt. Which is to say, it always hurts.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
From chair legs to felled trees, clubs are the universal weapons of everyone from tavern brawlers to hill giants. A little extra weight, maybe a spike or two, and a little enchantment never hurt. Which is to say, it always hurts.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Club
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Mighty Oak +2
Fashioned from the hardest old oak from the High Forest, this gnarled cudgel can fell an adult grizzly when wielded by a skilled warrior.


THAC0: +2 
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing) 
Speed Factor: 2 
Proficiency Type: Club 
Type: One-handed 
5 Strength

Weight: 3
Fashioned from the hardest old oak from the High Forest, this gnarled cudgel can fell an adult grizzly when wielded by a skilled warrior.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Club
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Night Club +1
This darkwood shaft surrounds a core of lead, giving it both stealth and heft. Its enchantment connects the club to the Shadow Weave, lending it greater power under cloak of night.


THAC0: +1, +2 at night
Damage: 1d6+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
This darkwood shaft surrounds a core of lead, giving it both stealth and heft. Its enchantment connects the club to the Shadow Weave, lending it greater power under cloak of night.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Club
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
The Thresher +2
With one rod of steel and another of bronze, this double-headed flail metes out punishment right and left. The weapon's carved wooden haft depicts scenes of battle in which champions of Helm, each wielding an identical flail, wade through a field of orcs, threshing them like so much wheat.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 13
With one rod of steel and another of bronze, this double-headed flail metes out punishment right and left. The weapon's carved wooden haft depicts scenes of battle in which champions of Helm, each wielding an identical flail, wade through a field of orcs, threshing them like so much wheat.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 13

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Chanserv's Fish +2
Those who claim something is better than a slap in the face with a wet fish never took a frozen fish to the noggin. This hefty halibut packs a wallop with a chill worthy of the North Wind.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2, +1d4 cold damage
Damage type: Crushing
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
Those who claim something is better than a slap in the face with a wet fish never took a frozen fish to the noggin. This hefty halibut packs a wallop with a chill worthy of the North Wind.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1d4 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Club
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
The Stupefier +1
Mace of Stunning: The Stupefier
This mace isn't just sleek and elegant, it's stunning. With a shot to just the right spot, it can render a foe completely paralytic.


Combat abilities:
– 10% chance per hit of stunning target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates)

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 8
Mace of Stunning: The Stupefier
This mace isn't just sleek and elegant, it's stunning. With a shot to just the right spot, it can render a foe completely paralytic.


Capacités de combat : 
- 11 % de chance d'étourdir la cible pendant 1 round (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Mace
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
The Paws of the Cheetah
Boots of Speed: The Paws of the Cheetah
These enchanted boots were once the property of a deadly assassin fond of chasing down his prey. He moved with such speed that his targets often didn't have the opportunity to respond, even on horseback. Over time the assassin's fame spread, and though his name was never known, all knew to fear the words last heard by his victims, "You can hide, but you cannot run!"


Equipped abilities:
– Doubles movement rate

Weight: 4
Boots of Speed: The Paws of the Cheetah
These enchanted boots were once the property of a deadly assassin fond of chasing down his prey. He moved with such speed that his targets often didn't have the opportunity to respond, even on horseback. Over time the assassin's fame spread, and though his name was never known, all knew to fear the words last heard by his victims, "You can hide, but you cannot run!"


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vitesse de déplacement : +100 %

Poids : 4
Worn Whispers
Boots of Stealth: Worn Whispers
In ages past, a king named Rhigaerd was renowned for the spies he kept. So skillful were they that no nook or cranny escaped their eyes, and maps were held for entire castles and towns. Eventually betrayed from within, the tools of their trade were taken and dispersed, ensuring that none could amass such a band again.


Equipped abilities:
– Move Silently: +20%
– Hide In Shadows: +15%

Weight: 4
Boots of Stealth: Worn Whispers
In ages past, a king named Rhigaerd was renowned for the spies he kept. So skillful were they that no nook or cranny escaped their eyes, and maps were held for entire castles and towns. Eventually betrayed from within, the tools of their trade were taken and dispersed, ensuring that none could amass such a band again.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : +15 %
- Furtivité : +20 %

Poids : 4
Worn Whispers
Boots of Stealth: Worn Whispers
In ages past, a king named Rhigaerd was renowned for the spies he kept. So skillful were they that no nook or cranny escaped their eyes, and maps were held for entire castles and towns. Eventually betrayed from within, the tools of their trade were taken and dispersed, ensuring that none could amass such a band again.


Equipped abilities:
– Move Silently: +20%
– Hide In Shadows: +15%

Weight: 4
Boots of Stealth: Worn Whispers
In ages past, a king named Rhigaerd was renowned for the spies he kept. So skillful were they that no nook or cranny escaped their eyes, and maps were held for entire castles and towns. Eventually betrayed from within, the tools of their trade were taken and dispersed, ensuring that none could amass such a band again.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : +15 %
- Furtivité : +20 %

Poids : 4
The Frost's Embrace
Boots of the North: The Frost's Embrace
Stranded by his company for a sack of gold, Daviol the Frozen was left for dead in the midst of the Great Glacier. His dying curse echoed across the barren wastelands to the ear of Auril, goddess of winter. She smiled upon him, and his bare body was protected and preserved by his newly enchanted Boots of the North. With them, he crossed the ice land in pursuit of his would-be murderers. Driven by rage, Daviol took his revenge upon his previous friends as they warmed themselves in a tavern of the closest city. After his thirst for blood was quenched, he continued to travel the frozen land, never to be seen again.


Equipped abilities:
– Cold Resistance: +50%

Weight: 4
Boots of the North: The Frost's Embrace
Stranded by his company for a sack of gold, Daviol the Frozen was left for dead in the midst of the Great Glacier. His dying curse echoed across the barren wastelands to the ear of Auril, goddess of winter. She smiled upon him, and his bare body was protected and preserved by his newly enchanted Boots of the North. With them, he crossed the ice land in pursuit of his would-be murderers. Driven by rage, Daviol took his revenge upon his previous friends as they warmed themselves in a tavern of the closest city. After his thirst for blood was quenched, he continued to travel the frozen land, never to be seen again.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au froid : +50 %

Poids : 4
Senses of the Cat
Boots of Avoidance: Senses of the Cat 
The magic of these boots was specifically designed to detect incoming missiles and aid the wearer in avoiding them. They were originally commissioned by the instructor of an archery academy who had tired of suffering "accidents" at the hands of his inexperienced students.


Equipped abilities: 
– Armor Class: +5 vs. missile attacks

Weight: 4
Boots of Avoidance: Senses of the Cat 
The magic of these boots was specifically designed to detect incoming missiles and aid the wearer in avoiding them. They were originally commissioned by the instructor of an archery academy who had tired of suffering "accidents" at the hands of his inexperienced students.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +5 contre les projectiles

Poids : 4
Talos's Gift
Boots of Grounding: Talos's Gift
Untold years ago, the Fortress of the Starspire Peninsula was placed under the direct torment of Talos when a favored Stormherald was murdered there. Talos promised the destruction of the city by earthquakes, its isolation by tidal waves, and the death of its citizens by storms. One pair of these boots was bestowed to ensure that none but a single man would survive to tell the story of his wrath. Later, travelers seeking fortune in the ruined city came upon an aged man, maddened by the continuous destruction around him; the boots he wore would carry to many a distant land the legend of a city consumed by a god's rage. 


Equipped abilities:
– Electrical Resistance: +50%

Weight: 4
Boots of Grounding: Talos's Gift
Untold years ago, the Fortress of the Starspire Peninsula was placed under the direct torment of Talos when a favored Stormherald was murdered there. Talos promised the destruction of the city by earthquakes, its isolation by tidal waves, and the death of its citizens by storms. One pair of these boots was bestowed to ensure that none but a single man would survive to tell the story of his wrath. Later, travelers seeking fortune in the ruined city came upon an aged man, maddened by the continuous destruction around him; the boots he wore would carry to many a distant land the legend of a city consumed by a god's rage. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance à l'électricité : +50 %

Poids : 4
Boots of Phasing
This item is cursed and can only be removed with a Remove Curse spell. Whether by mistake or malicious purposes, the creator of these boots enchanted them with dangerous magic. The wearer of the boots is constantly teleported from opponent to opponent, until either the wearer or all opponents in sight are slain. However, due to the boots' ability to phase, the wearer receives a +2 bonus to Armor Class.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– Wearer phases to a random enemy every 2 rounds (when an enemy is within sight)
– May only be removed with the Remove Curse spell

Weight: 3
This item is cursed and can only be removed with a Remove Curse spell. Whether by mistake or malicious purposes, the creator of these boots enchanted them with dangerous magic. The wearer of the boots is constantly teleported from opponent to opponent, until either the wearer or all opponents in sight are slain. However, due to the boots' ability to phase, the wearer receives a +2 bonus to Armor Class.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 3
Boots of Etherealness
Why these boots were ever made has long been the subject of speculation among the sages of Candlekeep. Some suggest that a certain noblewoman was gifted them by an ethereal lover, so that she could join him for a tryst. Others simply point out that the boots are useful for any Mage to become intangible to attacks while devastating an opponent with offensive magic.


Charge abilities :
– Etherealness: These boots can make a wearer ethereal for 5 rounds once per day. This makes the wearer immune to normal weapons. Spells may still be cast, and weapons may still be used.

Weight: 3
Why these boots were ever made has long been the subject of speculation among the sages of Candlekeep. Some suggest that a certain noblewoman was gifted them by an ethereal lover, so that she could join him for a tryst. Others simply point out that the boots are useful for any Mage to become intangible to attacks while devastating an opponent with offensive magic.


Capacités de charge : 
- Immunité contre les armes de mêlée non-magiques pendant 5 rounds (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 3
Gargoyle Boots
Legend holds that the Mage who created this magical footwear trapped the spirit of an actual gargoyle within these boots. Unfortunately, they couldn't protect the nameless wizard from the vengeance of the gargoyle's mate.


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to backstab

– Stoneskin twice per day
  Special: 2 skins
  Duration: 12 hours

Weight: 1
Legend holds that the Mage who created this magical footwear trapped the spirit of an actual gargoyle within these boots. Unfortunately, they couldn't protect the nameless wizard from the vengeance of the gargoyle's mate.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Immunité aux attaques sournoises

Capacités de charge : 
- Peau de pierre (2 peaux) pendant 60 tours (2 fois par jour)

Poids : 1
Composite Longbow +1
Composite bows are longbows or shortbows whose staves are made from more than one type of material. This gives greater flexibility and makes arrows fired from this bow deliver more damage. These were developed after the normal longbow.


THAC0: +2
Damage: +3
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
 18 Strength

Weight: 9
Composite bows are longbows or shortbows whose staves are made from more than one type of material. This gives greater flexibility and makes arrows fired from this bow deliver more damage. These were developed after the normal longbow.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Longbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 18
Longbow +1
The longbow is similar to the shortbow, except that the staff is about as tall as the archer is—usually six to six-and-a-half feet. It has better range and accuracy than the shortbow, but a slower Speed Factor. This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of perfection.


THAC0: +2
Damage: +1
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 3
The longbow is similar to the shortbow, except that the staff is about as tall as the archer is—usually six to six-and-a-half feet. It has better range and accuracy than the shortbow, but a slower Speed Factor. This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of perfection.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Longbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Shortbow +1
Shortbows were the first bows to be developed, although they were not called such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a longbow. This is a magical shortbow, giving the user an additional +1 to hit and damage.


THAC0: +1
Damage: +1
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Shortbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
Shortbows were the first bows to be developed, although they were not called such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a longbow. This is a magical shortbow, giving the user an additional +1 to hit and damage.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Shortbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
The Dead Shot +2
Longbow of Marksmanship: The Dead Shot
Driven by years of rivalry, the dukes of Spandeliyon and Delthuntle decided to organize a private contest that would proclaim the better archer between them. Both boasted the power of their magical bows, but that wasn't enough for Edwall Dest, Duke of Spandeliyon. He arranged for the theft of his opponent's bow, and on the day of the contest, he couldn't help gloat in his advantage. The Duke of Delthuntle, known only as Raymond, demanded a demonstration of Edwall's skill on a scarecrow that he had placed. Edwall Dest drew his longbow and released the arrow with determination, not stopping to think how uncannily the target resembled himself. The missile split the large voodoo doll's head in twain, and at that moment, Edwall's head did much the same.


THAC0: +3
Damage: +2
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
Longbow of Marksmanship: The Dead Shot
Driven by years of rivalry, the dukes of Spandeliyon and Delthuntle decided to organize a private contest that would proclaim the better archer between them. Both boasted the power of their magical bows, but that wasn't enough for Edwall Dest, Duke of Spandeliyon. He arranged for the theft of his opponent's bow, and on the day of the contest, he couldn't help gloat in his advantage. The Duke of Delthuntle, known only as Raymond, demanded a demonstration of Edwall's skill on a scarecrow that he had placed. Edwall Dest drew his longbow and released the arrow with determination, not stopping to think how uncannily the target resembled himself. The missile split the large voodoo doll's head in twain, and at that moment, Edwall's head did much the same.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Longbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Protector of the Dryads +2
Eagle Bow: Protector of the Dryads 
In order to protect their community from an encroaching orc logging encampment, the hero Hannable the White was given this magnificent bow by the dryads of Gulthmere Forest. A deadly confrontation followed when the loggers dared to try to cut down a great oak tree, nearly killing the dryad linked to it. With the help of powerful forest animals, Hannable slew entire bands of orcs before any more damage was inflicted upon the wood. The orcs were forced to abandon their plans, lest they suffer the continued wrath of Hannable and the forest. Needless to say, the hero who aided the grateful dryads lived happily... nay, VERY happily ever after!


THAC0: +2
Damage: +2
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Shortbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
Eagle Bow: Protector of the Dryads 
In order to protect their community from an encroaching orc logging encampment, the hero Hannable the White was given this magnificent bow by the dryads of Gulthmere Forest. A deadly confrontation followed when the loggers dared to try to cut down a great oak tree, nearly killing the dryad linked to it. With the help of powerful forest animals, Hannable slew entire bands of orcs before any more damage was inflicted upon the wood. The orcs were forced to abandon their plans, lest they suffer the continued wrath of Hannable and the forest. Needless to say, the hero who aided the grateful dryads lived happily... nay, VERY happily ever after!


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Shortbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Composite Longbow +2
This longbow is marked with the seal of a sunburst. It probably once was a bow used by guards in the service of the god Amaunator. These guards would use the enchanted bows to keep the priests of that long dead faith safe. Few of these bows still exist, so they are sought after by many archers looking to improve both their accuracy and their lethality. This bow requires a Strength of 18 to use.


THAC0: +3
Damage: +4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
 18 Strength

Weight: 8
This longbow is marked with the seal of a sunburst. It probably once was a bow used by guards in the service of the god Amaunator. These guards would use the enchanted bows to keep the priests of that long dead faith safe. Few of these bows still exist, so they are sought after by many archers looking to improve both their accuracy and their lethality. This bow requires a Strength of 18 to use.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : +4
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Longbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 18
Longbow +2
The longbow is similar to the shortbow, except that the staff is about as tall as the archer is—usually six to six-and-a-half feet. It has better range and accuracy than the shortbow, but a slower Speed Factor. The smooth staff of this bow is warm to the touch, just a hint of the energy that surges through the wood.


THAC0: +3
Damage: +2
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 3
The longbow is similar to the shortbow, except that the staff is about as tall as the archer is—usually six to six-and-a-half feet. It has better range and accuracy than the shortbow, but a slower Speed Factor. The smooth staff of this bow is warm to the touch, just a hint of the energy that surges through the wood.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Longbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Shortbow +2
Shortbows were the first bows to be developed, although they were not called such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a longbow. This shortbow is the rival of any of the larger bows. The magic inherent within it, whether from the wood or the spellcasting of a mage, makes this bow more accurate and damaging than a normal bow.


THAC0: +2
Damage: +2
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Shortbow
Type: Two-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 2
Shortbows were the first bows to be developed, although they were not called such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a longbow. This shortbow is the rival of any of the larger bows. The magic inherent within it, whether from the wood or the spellcasting of a mage, makes this bow more accurate and damaging than a normal bow.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Shortbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Bracers of Defense AC 8
Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or tied to a character's forearm. Generally, the magic that is instilled in bracers is good only during combat, since most bracers help protect the wearer from injury or improve their chances to strike an opponent. Exceptions do exist, though such specialized items are rare at best. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 8

Weight: 2
Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or tied to a character's forearm. Generally, the magic that is instilled in bracers is good only during combat, since most bracers help protect the wearer from injury or improve their chances to strike an opponent. Exceptions do exist, though such specialized items are rare at best. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 8

Poids : 2
Bracers of Defense AC 7
Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or tied to a character's forearm. Generally, the magic that is instilled in bracers is good only during combat, since most bracers help protect the wearer from injury or improve their chances to strike an opponent. Exceptions do exist, though such specialized items are rare at best.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 7

Weight: 2
Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or tied to a character's forearm. Generally, the magic that is instilled in bracers is good only during combat, since most bracers help protect the wearer from injury or improve their chances to strike an opponent. Exceptions do exist, though such specialized items are rare at best.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 7

Poids : 2
Bracers to the Death
Bracers of Defense AC 6: Bracers to the Death
These bracers were held for decades by an undefeated gladiator, and found extensive use in arena combat. The death of this champion marked the disappearance of this magical item, but rumors persist that they are used to this day in competitive combat across the lands. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 6

Weight: 2
Bracers of Defense AC 6: Bracers to the Death
These bracers were held for decades by an undefeated gladiator, and found extensive use in arena combat. The death of this champion marked the disappearance of this magical item, but rumors persist that they are used to this day in competitive combat across the lands. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 6

Poids : 2
The Dale's Protector
Bracers of Archery: The Dale's Protector
During a dangerous meeting with a rival ruler, the king of the Great Dale requested the protection of his best archers in addition to his usual guard. The archers, each equipped with an enchanted bow and bracers, hid within range of the gathering. As predicted, enemy troops attempted to seize the king and force their will over his rule, but none had anticipated the amazing accuracy and lethality of the hidden archers. The king was able to escape unharmed; in fact, none of the ambush members even lived to approach him. 


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +2 with missile weapons

Weight: 2
Bracers of Archery: The Dale's Protector
During a dangerous meeting with a rival ruler, the king of the Great Dale requested the protection of his best archers in addition to his usual guard. The archers, each equipped with an enchanted bow and bracers, hid within range of the gathering. As predicted, enemy troops attempted to seize the king and force their will over his rule, but none had anticipated the amazing accuracy and lethality of the hidden archers. The king was able to escape unharmed; in fact, none of the ambush members even lived to approach him. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 des armes à projectiles : +2

Poids : 2
Hands of Takkok
Gauntlets of Ogre Power: Hands of Takkok
The Hands of Takkok are exactly that: his very hands. He lost them when he attacked a strange man crossing the Spine of the World. The mysterious man turned out to be a mage of incredible power, and he used Takkok's hands to create this pair of ogre skin gauntlets.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: 18/00

Weight: 2
Gauntlets of Ogre Power: Hands of Takkok
The Hands of Takkok are exactly that: his very hands. He lost them when he attacked a strange man crossing the Spine of the World. The mysterious man turned out to be a mage of incredible power, and he used Takkok's hands to create this pair of ogre skin gauntlets.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Force : Passe à 18
- Force exceptionnelle : Passe à 100

Poids : 2
The Brawling Hands
Gauntlets of Dexterity: The Brawling Hands
This pair of gauntlets was likely developed in Kara-Tur to aid masters of the martial arts. Legends speak of such masters from the Far East bringing these items with them on their journeys, though details remain sketchy. 


Equipped abilities:
– Dexterity: 18

Weight: 2
Gauntlets of Dexterity: The Brawling Hands
This pair of gauntlets was likely developed in Kara-Tur to aid masters of the martial arts. Legends speak of such masters from the Far East bringing these items with them on their journeys, though details remain sketchy. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Dextérité : Passe à 18

Poids : 2
Elander's Gloves of Misplacement
Gauntlets of Fumbling: Elander's Gloves of Misplacement
With mischief in mind, the impetuous Elander set out to craft these cursed gauntlets to best a rival. It turns out his malice got the best of him, when he mistook these gloves for another pair. 


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: -10
– Dexterity: -2
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 2
Gauntlets of Fumbling: Elander's Gloves of Misplacement
With mischief in mind, the impetuous Elander set out to craft these cursed gauntlets to best a rival. It turns out his malice got the best of him, when he mistook these gloves for another pair. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- TAC0 : -10
- Dextérité : -2

Poids : 2
Xarrnous's Second Sword Arm
Gauntlets of Weapon Skill: Xarrnous's Second Sword Arm
Perhaps the most well-known owner of these gauntlets was a mercenary named Xarrnous. He specialized in smuggling and frequently loaned these gauntlets to clients if they were to travel with him. In his eyes, an extra sword arm was always handy.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +1

Weight: 2
Gauntlets of Weapon Skill: Xarrnous's Second Sword Arm
Perhaps the most well-known owner of these gauntlets was a mercenary named Xarrnous. He specialized in smuggling and frequently loaned these gauntlets to clients if they were to travel with him. In his eyes, an extra sword arm was always handy.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 : +1

Poids : 2
Legacy of the Masters
Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise: Legacy of the Masters 
Highly sought after among novice warriors, these items were once the property of the royal family of Threskel. Imparting a portion of the prince's legendary skill, these gauntlets grant the bearer mastery over all forms of weapons. The majority of their many previous owners seem to have come to bloody ends though: The gloves grant the ability of experience, but not the wisdom.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +1
– Damage: +2

Weight: 1
Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise: Legacy of the Masters 
Highly sought after among novice warriors, these items were once the property of the royal family of Threskel. Imparting a portion of the prince's legendary skill, these gauntlets grant the bearer mastery over all forms of weapons. The majority of their many previous owners seem to have come to bloody ends though: The gloves grant the ability of experience, but not the wisdom.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 : +1
- Dégâts : +2

Poids : 1
Bracers of Binding
The bracers appear to be Bracers of Specialization, but when donned they bind the wearer's wrists together, making it quite difficult to wield a weapon or cast a spell. These bracers are sometimes offered as rewards for services rendered by the drow. The recipient, believing them to be very powerful, will often don them before examining them. At this point, the drow find it amusing to conjure a hook horror.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: -5
– Damage: -5
– Casting failure: 75%
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 1
The bracers appear to be Bracers of Specialization, but when donned they bind the wearer's wrists together, making it quite difficult to wield a weapon or cast a spell. These bracers are sometimes offered as rewards for services rendered by the drow. The recipient, believing them to be very powerful, will often don them before examining them. At this point, the drow find it amusing to conjure a hook horror.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- TAC0 : -5
- Dégâts : -5
- Provoque l'échec de 75 % des sorts divins
- Provoque l'échec de 75 % des sorts profanes

Poids : 1
Bracers of Defense AC 3
Grinning Glen, the Knight of Fools, wore these bracers while competing in jousting tourneys. With his skill, charm, and bravado—no man other than he would joust without armor—he soon became a favorite to the ladies that watched the events. Too much of a favorite it would seem, for one afternoon he was caught frolicking with a knight's betrothed. A challenge was issued, but in his rush Glen forgot to don his bracers. Glen died with a confused grin on his face as the knight's sword struck him, never knowing his own folly.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 3

Weight: 2
Grinning Glen, the Knight of Fools, wore these bracers while competing in jousting tourneys. With his skill, charm, and bravado—no man other than he would joust without armor—he soon became a favorite to the ladies that watched the events. Too much of a favorite it would seem, for one afternoon he was caught frolicking with a knight's betrothed. A challenge was issued, but in his rush Glen forgot to don his bracers. Glen died with a confused grin on his face as the knight's sword struck him, never knowing his own folly.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 3

Poids : 2
Gloves of Missile Snaring
Foik Morur demonstrated the effectiveness of these gloves at a community fair near Beregost several years back. He paid a local archer to fire arrows at him. As the arrows approached, Foik's hands would move of their own accord, either knocking the arrow away or catching it. He earned more than a few pieces of gold for his troubles, and these earnings attracted some shadowy figures to Foik's tent that evening. The next morning, Foik was found dead and the gloves missing.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2 vs. missile attacks

Weight: 2
Foik Morur demonstrated the effectiveness of these gloves at a community fair near Beregost several years back. He paid a local archer to fire arrows at him. As the arrows approached, Foik's hands would move of their own accord, either knocking the arrow away or catching it. He earned more than a few pieces of gold for his troubles, and these earnings attracted some shadowy figures to Foik's tent that evening. The next morning, Foik was found dead and the gloves missing.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les projectiles

Poids : 2
Gauntlets of Crushing
A foreigner from the east who went by the name of Floating Bear became well-known through the Sword Coast. Unarmed and unarmored, he bested many powerful warriors. One night, in the arms of a lady of the night, he whispered his secret. His martial arts training was supplemented by the thin gauntlets he wore, which allowed him to hit more accurately and with harder punches than bare fists would normally allow. The woman stole the gloves and took the next boat out. Floating Bear soon left, returning to his homeland.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +4 when attacking with fists
– Damage: +4 when attacking with fists

Weight: 2
A foreigner from the east who went by the name of Floating Bear became well-known through the Sword Coast. Unarmed and unarmored, he bested many powerful warriors. One night, in the arms of a lady of the night, he whispered his secret. His martial arts training was supplemented by the thin gauntlets he wore, which allowed him to hit more accurately and with harder punches than bare fists would normally allow. The woman stole the gloves and took the next boat out. Floating Bear soon left, returning to his homeland.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 des poings : +4
- Dégâts des poings : +4

Poids : 2
Gloves of Healing
These gloves are usually given to novices of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart who have yet to acquire the ability to cast spells. For anyone outside of the Order to wear these gloves is a rare honor.


Charge abilities: 
– Heal up to 10 Hit Points and any poison effects once per day

Weight: 2
These gloves are usually given to novices of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart who have yet to acquire the ability to cast spells. For anyone outside of the Order to wear these gloves is a rare honor.


Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (1 fois par jour)
  Soigne +10 points de vie à la cible de manière permanente
  Neutralisation du poison de manière permanente

Poids : 2
Tzu-Zan's Bracers
Although Monks traditionally shun armor, these bracers of Grand Master Tzu-Zan are highly sought after by the practitioners of weaponless combat.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Hit Points: +15

Weight: 1
Although Monks traditionally shun armor, these bracers of Grand Master Tzu-Zan are highly sought after by the practitioners of weaponless combat.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Points de vie maximum : +15

Poids : 1
The Shadow's Blade +3
Short Sword of Backstabbing: The Shadow's Blade 
The Shadow's Blade was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. It is highly sought after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that possess it do not do so for long.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 3
Short Sword of Backstabbing: The Shadow's Blade 
The Shadow's Blade was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. It is highly sought after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that possess it do not do so for long.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inefficace contre les cibles immunisées au poison
- Inefficace contre les morts-vivants et les golems
- Empoisonne la cible et lui inflige 2 points de dégâts par seconde pendant 10 secondes (jet de sauvegarde à -4 contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)

Enchantement : +5
TAC0 : +5
Dégâts : 1d6 +5
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
The Shadow's Blade +3
Short Sword of Backstabbing: The Shadow's Blade 
The Shadow's Blade was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. It is highly sought after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that possess it do not do so for long.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 3
Short Sword of Backstabbing: The Shadow's Blade 
The Shadow's Blade was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. It is highly sought after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that possess it do not do so for long.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 10 points de dégâts d'acide supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde à -4 contre les souffles pour éviter)
- 51 % de chance d'aveugler la cible pendant 10 secondes (jet de sauvegarde à -4 contre les souffles pour éviter)

Enchantement : +5
TAC0 : +5
Dégâts : 1d6 +5
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Greenstone Amulet
The deep green stone at the center of the amulet seems to shimmer with an iridescent light almost as if it has a life of its own. Even without the powerful magics that are bestowed upon the amulet, it would be an extremely valuable addition to any collection.


Charge abilities:
– This amulet confers the wearer protection against charm, confusion, fear, domination, ESP, Detect Alignment, hold, stun, psionics, sleep, and feeblemind, much like the 8th-level wizard spell Mind Blank. However, the protection effect uses one charge each time it is used and will only last for 1 turn.

Weight: 1
The deep green stone at the center of the amulet seems to shimmer with an iridescent light almost as if it has a life of its own. Even without the powerful magics that are bestowed upon the amulet, it would be an extremely valuable addition to any collection.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance à la magie : Passe à 50 %
- Moral : Passe à -1
- Immunité au sort Maze
- Immunité au sort Domination
- Immunité au sort Ego Whip
- Immunité au sort Ballistic Attack
- Immunité au sort Detonate
- Immunité au sort Psionic Blast
- Immunité au sort Psionic Domination
- Immunité à la peur
- Immunité à l'horreur
- Immunité à la panique
- Immunité à la détection de l'alignement
- Immunité à la débilité mentale
- Immunité à la confusion
- Immunité à la paralysie
- Immunité aux charmes
- Immunité au sommeil
- Immunité à l'étourdissement

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (50 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)
  Moral : Passe à -1 pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Maze pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Blast pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Blast pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Blast pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Domination pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Ego Whip pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Ballistic Attack pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Detonate pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Blast pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sort Psionic Domination pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la peur
  Immunité à l'horreur pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la peur pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la panique pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la paralysie pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à l'étourdissement pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la détection de l'alignement pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à l'horreur pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la débilité mentale pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la paralysie pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la confusion pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à la paralysie pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sommeil pendant 1 tour
  Immunité aux charmes pendant 1 tour
  Immunité au sommeil pendant 1 tour
  Immunité à l'étourdissement pendant 1 tour

Poids : 1
Gift of Peace
Helm of Defense: Gift of Peace
Prized for its noble origin as much as for its benefits to the wearer, this helm was originally intended to be a simple gift. There was no great crisis at hand, nor dangerous evil to be overthrown; just a wish for a friend to give a gift to another. It could just have easily been a good book or bottle of wine, but adventurers are eminently more practical in their gift giving. The helm has seen many great battles since its creation, but the simple virtue at its core is what has always been remembered.


Equipped abilities:
– Saving Throws: +1
– Cold Resistance: +20%
– Fire Resistance: +20%
– Electrical Resistance: +20%
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 3
Helm of Defense: Gift of Peace
Prized for its noble origin as much as for its benefits to the wearer, this helm was originally intended to be a simple gift. There was no great crisis at hand, nor dangerous evil to be overthrown; just a wish for a friend to give a gift to another. It could just have easily been a good book or bottle of wine, but adventurers are eminently more practical in their gift giving. The helm has seen many great battles since its creation, but the simple virtue at its core is what has always been remembered.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Résistance au feu : +50 %
- Résistance au froid : +50 %
- Résistance à l'électricité : +50 %

Poids : 3
Chain Mail +1
Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen the impact of blows. 


Armor Class: 4 (2 vs. slashing, 6 vs. crushing)
 8 Strength

Weight: 20
Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen the impact of blows. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 4
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Mail of the Dead +2
A mage can make an extremely effective assassin, as Vorusta illustrated over four hundred years ago. He would create skeleton warriors equipped with this enchanted armor and a powerful blade, and give their circlet of power to the target as a friendly gift. When the killing machine was through with its work, Vorusta retrieved the equipment and started the entire process over.


Armor Class: 3 (1 vs. slashing, 5 vs. crushing)
 7 Strength

Weight: 10
A mage can make an extremely effective assassin, as Vorusta illustrated over four hundred years ago. He would create skeleton warriors equipped with this enchanted armor and a powerful blade, and give their circlet of power to the target as a friendly gift. When the killing machine was through with its work, Vorusta retrieved the equipment and started the entire process over.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 3
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 7
Splint Mail +1
Splint mail is a variant of banded mail in which the metal strips are applied vertically to the backing of chain, leather, or cloth rather than horizontally as in banded mail. Since the body does not swivel in mid-torso as much as it flexes back to front, splint mail is more restrictive in battle. This suit of armor is enchanted, granting the wearer an additional bonus of +1 to their Armor Class.


Armor Class: 3 (2 vs. piercing and missile, 1 vs. crushing)
 8 Strength

Weight: 20
Splint mail is a variant of banded mail in which the metal strips are applied vertically to the backing of chain, leather, or cloth rather than horizontally as in banded mail. Since the body does not swivel in mid-torso as much as it flexes back to front, splint mail is more restrictive in battle. This suit of armor is enchanted, granting the wearer an additional bonus of +1 to their Armor Class.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 3
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Mithral Chain Mail +4
This is the personal armor of Drizzt, the famous dark elf ranger. It was forged for him by his friend Bruenor.


Armor Class: 1 (-1 vs. slashing, 3 vs. crushing)
 5 Strength

Weight: 7
This is the personal armor of Drizzt, the famous dark elf ranger. It was forged for him by his friend Bruenor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 1
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Chain Mail +3
This perfectly crafted chain mail is the standard armor of deep dwarf elite fighters. It is comprised of a mithral alloy and offers protection from all but the most determined attackers.


Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. slashing, 4 vs. crushing)
 6 Strength

Weight: 9
This perfectly crafted chain mail is the standard armor of deep dwarf elite fighters. It is comprised of a mithral alloy and offers protection from all but the most determined attackers.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 2
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Chain Mail +2
Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen the impact of blows. Extra protection is given by magical enchantments placed on this armor.


Armor Class: 3 (1 vs. slashing, 5 vs. crushing)
 8 Strength

Weight: 10
Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen the impact of blows. Extra protection is given by magical enchantments placed on this armor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 3
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Elven Chain +1
Woven by the finest of elven craftsmen, this mail feels more akin to cloth than to metal. The armor may be worn by thieves with few penalties and by bards and fighter/mages without disabling their spellcasting abilities.


Equipped abilities:
– Open Locks: -5%
– Find Traps: -5%
– Pick Pockets: -20%
– Move Silently: -10%
– Spellcasting is not disabled

Armor Class: 4 (2 vs. slashing, 6 vs. crushing)
 5 Strength

Weight: 8
Woven by the finest of elven craftsmen, this mail feels more akin to cloth than to metal. The armor may be worn by thieves with few penalties and by bards and fighter/mages without disabling their spellcasting abilities.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 4
- Vol à la tire : -20 %
- Crochetage de serrures : -5 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : -5 %
- Furtivité : -10 %

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Cloak of Protection +1
This simple cloak has been imbued with some small magical properties to help protect its wearer. It does so by affecting both Saving Throws and Armor Class. It is ideal for Mages and others who cannot wear bulkier or more restrictive types of armor.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1

Weight: 3
This simple cloak has been imbued with some small magical properties to help protect its wearer. It does so by affecting both Saving Throws and Armor Class. It is ideal for Mages and others who cannot wear bulkier or more restrictive types of armor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 3
The Spirit's Shield +2
Cloak of Protection +2: The Spirit's Shield
This cloak is said to focus the energies of one's spirit into a force that protects him or her. Rumors of a vampire enslaved in the magical item are ever-present, but they are impossible to prove without destroying the cloak. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– Saving Throws: +2

Weight: 3
Cloak of Protection +2: The Spirit's Shield
This cloak is said to focus the energies of one's spirit into a force that protects him or her. Rumors of a vampire enslaved in the magical item are ever-present, but they are impossible to prove without destroying the cloak. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2

Poids : 3
Cloak of Displacement
The Cloak of Displacement is a magical item that causes subtle shifts in the image of its wearer. It has the power to actually shift an individual's image by as much as six inches in any direction from their actual location. Aside from being an effective defense in combat situations, it has also been the cause of serious eyestrain amongst fellow party members.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +4 vs. missile attacks
– Save vs. Death: +2
– Save vs. Breath: +2
– Save vs. Wand: +2

Weight: 3
The Cloak of Displacement is a magical item that causes subtle shifts in the image of its wearer. It has the power to actually shift an individual's image by as much as six inches in any direction from their actual location. Aside from being an effective defense in combat situations, it has also been the cause of serious eyestrain amongst fellow party members.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +4 contre les projectiles
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les baguettes, les sceptres et les bâtons
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les souffles
- Flou permanent

Poids : 3
Relair's Mistake
Cloak of the Wolf: Relair's Mistake 
A great amount of irony surrounds the creation of this magical cloak. Relair was a mage who overestimated the amount of control he had over magic, and in the course of creating this garment, he apparently inflicted lycanthropy upon himself. The wearer can change form whenever  wishes. Relair was not so lucky.


Equipped abilities:
– Polymorph into a wolf at will
  Duration: 2 turns

Weight: 3
Cloak of the Wolf: Relair's Mistake 
A great amount of irony surrounds the creation of this magical cloak. Relair was a mage who overestimated the amount of control he had over magic, and in the course of creating this garment, he apparently inflicted lycanthropy upon himself. The wearer can change form whenever  wishes. Relair was not so lucky.


Capacités de combat : 
- Shapeshift: Natural Form de manière permanente
- Crée une arme magique (Attack) pendant 2 tours

Poids : 3
Cloak of Balduran
This cloak was reputedly worn by Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate. Though it was never used in combat, it provides protection worthy of any great leader.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1
– Magic Resistance: +25%

Weight: 3
This cloak was reputedly worn by Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate. Though it was never used in combat, it provides protection worthy of any great leader.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Résistance à la magie : +25 %

Poids : 3
Whispers of Silence
Cloak of Non-Detection: Whispers of Silence 
Reportedly created for a lineage of the greatest burglars ever to walk the night, this cloak was apparently a success. No record exists of previous owners.


Equipped abilities: 
– Non-detectable by magical means such as Detect Invisibility and scrying

Weight: 3
Cloak of Non-Detection: Whispers of Silence 
Reportedly created for a lineage of the greatest burglars ever to walk the night, this cloak was apparently a success. No record exists of previous owners.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Non-détection permanente

Poids : 3
Nymph Cloak
The fabled Nymph Cloak is renowned for its ability to increase the Charisma of even the most surly dwarf. A Cormyrean noble hoping to make her politically convenient marriage more palatable apparently went to great expense to obtain one for herself and another for her husband.


Equipped abilities:
– Charisma: +2

Charge abilities:
– Charm Creature (Save vs. Breath at -1 negates)
  Range: Touch
  Duration: 12 hours
  Area of Effect: 1 creature

Weight: 3
The fabled Nymph Cloak is renowned for its ability to increase the Charisma of even the most surly dwarf. A Cormyrean noble hoping to make her politically convenient marriage more palatable apparently went to great expense to obtain one for herself and another for her husband.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Charisme : +2

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (100 fois par jour)
  Charme extrême pendant 60 tours (jet de sauvegarde à -1 contre les souffles pour éviter)
  91 % de chance d'être inefficace contre les elfes
  31 % de chance d'être inefficace contre les demi-elfes

Poids : 3
Algernon's Cloak
Algernon's cloak is imbued with magical properties such that the wearer will seem to shine with an inner glow.


Equipped abilities:
– Charisma: +2

Charge abilities:
– Charm Creature (Save vs. Breath at -1 negates)
  Range: 40 ft.
  Duration: 12 hours
  Area of Effect: 1 creature

Weight: 3
Algernon's cloak is imbued with magical properties such that the wearer will seem to shine with an inner glow.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Charisme : +2

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (1 fois par jour)
  Charme extrême pendant 60 tours (jet de sauvegarde à -1 contre les souffles pour éviter)
  91 % de chance d'être inefficace contre les elfes
  31 % de chance d'être inefficace contre les demi-elfes

Poids : 3
Mage Robe of Cold Resistance
These are a common sight in the Sword Coast region, especially as one travels north toward Neverwinter and Icewind Dale. Many young mages receive it as a gift from their instructors upon successfully completing their first five years of study. As with other such robes, they can only be worn by those of the wizardly profession.


Equipped abilities:
– Cold Resistance: +20%

Weight: 3
These are a common sight in the Sword Coast region, especially as one travels north toward Neverwinter and Icewind Dale. Many young mages receive it as a gift from their instructors upon successfully completing their first five years of study. As with other such robes, they can only be worn by those of the wizardly profession.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au froid : +20 %

Poids : 3
Mage Robe of Fire Resistance
Due to the extremely volatile nature of most magics, Mage Robes of Fire Resistance are not uncommon among young acolytes and their wizardly tutors. As with other such robes, they cannot be worn except by wizards.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +20%

Weight: 3
Due to the extremely volatile nature of most magics, Mage Robes of Fire Resistance are not uncommon among young acolytes and their wizardly tutors. As with other such robes, they cannot be worn except by wizards.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au feu : +20 %

Poids : 3
Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance
While seen with less frequency than some other mage robes, those of electrical resistance can hardly be considered a rarity. Some are worn by paranoiacs seeking protection from a ragged mountain storm, but many more are worn by mages seeking to protect themselves from the intrigues of others of their kind. As with all such robes, a Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance can only be worn by those of the wizardly profession.


Equipped abilities:
– Electrical Resistance: +20%

Weight: 3
While seen with less frequency than some other mage robes, those of electrical resistance can hardly be considered a rarity. Some are worn by paranoiacs seeking protection from a ragged mountain storm, but many more are worn by mages seeking to protect themselves from the intrigues of others of their kind. As with all such robes, a Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance can only be worn by those of the wizardly profession.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance à l'électricité : +20 %

Poids : 3
Knave's Robe
A favorite among mage/thieves, the Knave's Robe has been enchanted to shield its wearer from the blades and poisons of any darkened alley. As with others of its type, however, its use is restricted to students of the arcane.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1 vs. slashing attacks
– Save vs. Death: +1

Weight: 4
A favorite among mage/thieves, the Knave's Robe has been enchanted to shield its wearer from the blades and poisons of any darkened alley. As with others of its type, however, its use is restricted to students of the arcane.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes tranchantes
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1 contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons

Poids : 4
Traveler's Robe
This mage robe has been perfected for use by any rambling, itinerant mage that travels from town to town. Its enchantments provide protection from the bandit's arrow and from the jealous mage/thief that lies in ambush with his Stinking Cloud. As with other robes of its kind, the Traveler's Robe can only be worn by wizards. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1 vs. missile attacks
– Save vs. Breath: +1

Weight: 4
This mage robe has been perfected for use by any rambling, itinerant mage that travels from town to town. Its enchantments provide protection from the bandit's arrow and from the jealous mage/thief that lies in ambush with his Stinking Cloud. As with other robes of its kind, the Traveler's Robe can only be worn by wizards. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1 contre les souffles

Poids : 4
Adventurer's Robe
This robe has been specially enchanted to meet the eclectic needs of the adventuring mage. Aside from shielding the wearer from various forms of crushing damage, it also provides protection from the basilisk's petrifying gaze and polymorphing powers of rival mages. As with other such robes, the Adventurer's Robe can only be worn by those engaged in the wizardly profession.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1 vs. crushing attacks
– Save vs. Petrification/Polymorph: +1

Weight: 4
This robe has been specially enchanted to meet the eclectic needs of the adventuring mage. Aside from shielding the wearer from various forms of crushing damage, it also provides protection from the basilisk's petrifying gaze and polymorphing powers of rival mages. As with other such robes, the Adventurer's Robe can only be worn by those engaged in the wizardly profession.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes contondantes
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1 contre la pétrification et la métamorphose

Poids : 4
Robe of the Good Archmagi
This powerful mage robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's Magic Resistance and Saving Throws. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by wizards of good alignment.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 5
– Saving Throws: +1
– Magic Resistance: +5%

Weight: 6
This powerful mage robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's Magic Resistance and Saving Throws. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by wizards of good alignment.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Résistance à la magie : +5 %

Poids : 6
Robe of the Neutral Archmagi
This powerful mage robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's Magic Resistance and Saving Throws. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by wizards of neutral alignment.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 5
– Saving Throws: +1
– Magic Resistance: +5%

Weight: 6
This powerful mage robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's Magic Resistance and Saving Throws. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by wizards of neutral alignment.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Résistance à la magie : +5 %

Poids : 6
Robe of the Evil Archmagi
This powerful mage robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's Magic Resistance and Saving Throws. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by wizards of evil alignment.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 5
– Saving Throws: +1
– Magic Resistance: +5%

Weight: 6
This powerful mage robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's Magic Resistance and Saving Throws. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by wizards of evil alignment.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Résistance à la magie : +5 %

Poids : 6
Cloak of the Shield
This cloak projects a sphere of energy that protects the wearer from missile weapons. It also slows melee weapons somewhat.


Charge abilities: 
– Armor Class: +5 vs. missile weapons, +1 vs. melee weapons
  Duration: 1 turn

Weight: 4
This cloak projects a sphere of energy that protects the wearer from missile weapons. It also slows melee weapons somewhat.


Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (50 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)
  Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes tranchantes pendant 1 tour
  Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes pendant 1 tour
  Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes contondantes pendant 1 tour
  Classe d'armure : +5 contre les projectiles pendant 1 tour

Poids : 4
Holy Cloak
This cloak is a holy artifact of the inhabitants of the island village. An item with more symbolic value than actual enchantments, as it is a remnant from when they first arrived on the island.


Weight: 3
This cloak is a holy artifact of the inhabitants of the island village. An item with more symbolic value than actual enchantments, as it is a remnant from when they first arrived on the island.


Poids : 3
Shandalar's Cloak
This cloak was originally stolen from Shandalar by the powerful mage Semia, presumably for the powerful magics woven into the fabric. How it has come to be in your possession and the fate of Semia are complete mysteries, and ones not likely to be solved. Much like the exact workings of the cloak, which would remain a mystery even to a powerful mage.


Weight: 3
This cloak was originally stolen from Shandalar by the powerful mage Semia, presumably for the powerful magics woven into the fabric. How it has come to be in your possession and the fate of Semia are complete mysteries, and ones not likely to be solved. Much like the exact workings of the cloak, which would remain a mystery even to a powerful mage.


Poids : 3
Cloak of Reflection
Vorn Druidslayer crafted this cloak and used it with great success in his campaign to eliminate the druids from all the woods south of Baldur's Gate. His campaign ended abruptly when he encountered a flock of wyverns, who were attracted by the cloak's sheen. They killed Vorn and used the cloak to cover their nest, serving to protect their young during electrical storms.


Equipped abilities:
– Electrical Resistance: 100%
– Reflects all electrical damage back to the source

Weight: 3
Vorn Druidslayer crafted this cloak and used it with great success in his campaign to eliminate the druids from all the woods south of Baldur's Gate. His campaign ended abruptly when he encountered a flock of wyverns, who were attracted by the cloak's sheen. They killed Vorn and used the cloak to cover their nest, serving to protect their young during electrical storms.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance à l'électricité : Passe à 100 %
- Renvoie les éclairs

Poids : 3
Cloak of Bravery
This cloak is an evil thing, albeit powerful. Made from the poorly stitched together skin of innocent nymphs, this cloak grants the wearer immunity to fear and panic.


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to fear and panic

Weight: 3
This cloak is an evil thing, albeit powerful. Made from the poorly stitched together skin of innocent nymphs, this cloak grants the wearer immunity to fear and panic.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Moral : Passe à -1
- Immunité à la peur
- Immunité à l'horreur
- Immunité à la panique

Poids : 3
Improved Cloak of Protection +2
The abilities conferred by this powerfully enchanted cloak attest to the fact that protection can take many forms—including hiding from view and running away. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– Saving Throws: +2

Charge abilities:
– Improved Haste once per day
– Improved Invisibility once per day

Weight: 3
The abilities conferred by this powerfully enchanted cloak attest to the fact that protection can take many forms—including hiding from view and running away. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2

Capacités de charge : 
- Improved Haste (1 fois par jour)
- Improved Invisibility (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 3
Dagger +1
The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter. This dagger is magical, improving speed, accuracy, and damage.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d4+1 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter. This dagger is magical, improving speed, accuracy, and damage.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Heart of the Golem +2
There are no records of this weapon's creator. Nevertheless, its existence can be traced back among thieves and murderers to before Dalereckoning. Its blackened blade was apparently forged from the arcane metals of an iron golem, giving the weapon an appearance as dark as its history.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
There are no records of this weapon's creator. Nevertheless, its existence can be traced back among thieves and murderers to before Dalereckoning. Its blackened blade was apparently forged from the arcane metals of an iron golem, giving the weapon an appearance as dark as its history.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
The Grave Binder +2
Longtooth: The Grave Binder 
Discovered relatively recently by adventurers in the south, the abilities of this weapon went unknown for several years. Magical tomes eventually revealed its extensive history as an assassin's tool, and it was dubbed the Grave Binder. It was stolen soon after.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 2
Longtooth: The Grave Binder 
Discovered relatively recently by adventurers in the south, the abilities of this weapon went unknown for several years. Magical tomes eventually revealed its extensive history as an assassin's tool, and it was dubbed the Grave Binder. It was stolen soon after.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Werebane +1
This +1 dagger acts as a +4 dagger vs. lycanthropes. Dynala Goldenhand, an elven Ranger who wished to rid her homeland of its werejackal problem, forged the dagger. She was killed by a tribe of orcs in the Graypeak Mountains as she tracked the werejackal leader.


THAC0: +1, +4 vs. lycanthropes
Damage: 1d4+1, +4 vs. lycanthropes
Damage type: Piercing
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
This +1 dagger acts as a +4 dagger vs. lycanthropes. Dynala Goldenhand, an elven Ranger who wished to rid her homeland of its werejackal problem, forged the dagger. She was killed by a tribe of orcs in the Graypeak Mountains as she tracked the werejackal leader.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +4 contre les loups-garous
- TAC0 : +3 contre les loups-garous

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 3 points de dégâts perforants supplémentaires contre les loups-garous

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Soultaker Dagger
This dagger weighs heavily in your hand and is warm to the touch. Merely having it on your person makes you feel uneasy for some reason. The gem mounted in the hilt seems to have an inner light of some sort, though how it can have such illuminations and still be so deathly black at its core, you do not know.


Damage: 1d4 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
This dagger weighs heavily in your hand and is warm to the touch. Merely having it on your person makes you feel uneasy for some reason. The gem mounted in the hilt seems to have an inner light of some sort, though how it can have such illuminations and still be so deathly black at its core, you do not know.


Dégâts : 1d4 
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Boomerang Dagger +2
Fullen Woolspinner, an ambitious halfling from a well-to-do family, left his home to spend several years adventuring. During his travels, he ended up staying with a family of dwarven weaponsmiths. Much impressed by their throwing axes, which always returned to the hands of their wielder, Fullen sought to make a dagger that could do the same. With the help of his dwarven friends, he succeeded, creating several of the famous Fullen Boomerang daggers.


Combat abilities:
– Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+2 (missile/piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
Fullen Woolspinner, an ambitious halfling from a well-to-do family, left his home to spend several years adventuring. During his travels, he ended up staying with a family of dwarven weaponsmiths. Much impressed by their throwing axes, which always returned to the hands of their wielder, Fullen sought to make a dagger that could do the same. With the help of his dwarven friends, he succeeded, creating several of the famous Fullen Boomerang daggers.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : +1

Capacités de combat (Thrown) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 1

Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1

Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Dagger +2
The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter. This particular dagger is magical, having special bonuses to its speed, accuracy, and damage. Also, since it is magical, is it capable of striking opponents that are immune to normal weapons, such as vampires, elementals, and mummies.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0 
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 1
The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter. This particular dagger is magical, having special bonuses to its speed, accuracy, and damage. Also, since it is magical, is it capable of striking opponents that are immune to normal weapons, such as vampires, elementals, and mummies.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Poisoned Throwing Dagger
The typical throwing dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger. Unlike a dagger, this one has a smaller handle and is balanced perfectly. A thin coating of poison has been applied to each poisoned throwing dagger, making it a lethal tool in the hands of trained assassins.


Combat abilities:
– Hit target takes 2 points of poison damage per second for 10 seconds (Save vs. Death negates)

Damage: 1d4 (missile)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 0
The typical throwing dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger. Unlike a dagger, this one has a smaller handle and is balanced perfectly. A thin coating of poison has been applied to each poisoned throwing dagger, making it a lethal tool in the hands of trained assassins.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)
  Inefficace contre les cibles immunisées au poison
  Inefficace contre les morts-vivants et les golems
  Empoisonne la cible et lui inflige 2 points de dégâts par seconde pendant 10 secondes (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)

Dégâts : 1d4 
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Dart +1
The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather than fired from a bow or other launcher. Magical darts, such as this one, are sought after by thieves and mages.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d3+1 (missile)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather than fired from a bow or other launcher. Magical darts, such as this one, are sought after by thieves and mages.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d3 +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Dart of Stunning
The Dart of Stunning looks like any other dart, other than the fact that it seems to pulse slightly when held in the hand. The true effects can be seen when one strikes an opponent and they fall to the ground stunned.


Combat abilities:
– Target must save vs. Spell or be stunned for 7 rounds 

Damage: 1d3 (missile)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
The Dart of Stunning looks like any other dart, other than the fact that it seems to pulse slightly when held in the hand. The true effects can be seen when one strikes an opponent and they fall to the ground stunned.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Capacités de charge : 
- Étourdit la cible pendant 7 rounds (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter) (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)

Dégâts : 1d3 
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Dart of Wounding
This dart is coated in a deadly poison that will immediately seep into the bloodstream if striking an opponent, with very deadly results.


Combat abilities:
– Target must save vs. Death or take 20 points of poison damage in 20 seconds

Damage: 1d3 (missile)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
This dart is coated in a deadly poison that will immediately seep into the bloodstream if striking an opponent, with very deadly results.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)
  Inefficace contre les cibles immunisées au poison
  Inefficace contre les morts-vivants et les golems
  Empoisonne la cible et lui inflige 1 points de dégâts par seconde pendant 20 secondes (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)

Dégâts : 1d3 
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Asp's Nest +1
While working for the Shadow Thieves, Fargon Fol collected thousands of small poisonous snakes to create the Asp's Nest. Fargon took each snake and with her powerful magic she made a dart of each. She made the dart so that when it strikes its opponent, the snake returns to life, biting and inflicting poison damage on the target. The title Asp's Nest refers to the entire collection of darts, most of which have vanished, either destroyed in use or lost on a long forgotten battlefield.


Combat abilities:
– Hit target takes 1 point of poison damage every 3 seconds for 2 turns (Save vs. Death negates)

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d3+1 (missile)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
While working for the Shadow Thieves, Fargon Fol collected thousands of small poisonous snakes to create the Asp's Nest. Fargon took each snake and with her powerful magic she made a dart of each. She made the dart so that when it strikes its opponent, the snake returns to life, biting and inflicting poison damage on the target. The title Asp's Nest refers to the entire collection of darts, most of which have vanished, either destroyed in use or lost on a long forgotten battlefield.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)
  Inefficace contre les cibles immunisées au poison
  Inefficace contre les morts-vivants et les golems
  Empoisonne la cible et lui inflige 1 point de dégât toutes les 3 secondes pendant 2 tours (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d3 +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Dart of Fire +1
Soaked in the blood of an efreeti and fletched with the feathers of a phoenix, these missiles burst into flame when thrown.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d3+1, +1d6 fire damage (Save vs. Spell for none)
Damage type: Missile
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
Soaked in the blood of an efreeti and fletched with the feathers of a phoenix, these missiles burst into flame when thrown.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Capacités de charge : 
- Inflige 1d6 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter) (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d3 +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Dart of Ice +1
The splintered bones of ice mephits make deadly projectiles. Just be sure to wear warm gloves before touching them.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d3+1, +1d6 cold damage (Save vs. Spell for none)
Damage type: Missile
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
The splintered bones of ice mephits make deadly projectiles. Just be sure to wear warm gloves before touching them.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Capacités de charge : 
- Inflige 1d6 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter) (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d3 +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Dart of Acid +1
With the teeth of a black dragon for heads and the mighty wyrm's sinews for shafts, these wicked arrows dissolve into deadly acid on impact.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d3+1, +1d6 acid damage (Save vs. Spell for none)
Damage type: Missile
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
With the teeth of a black dragon for heads and the mighty wyrm's sinews for shafts, these wicked arrows dissolve into deadly acid on impact.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Capacités de charge : 
- Inflige 1d6 points de dégâts d'acide supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde contre les sorts pour éviter) (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d3 +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
The Paws of the Cheetah
Boots are normally handmade by cobblers. Common boots are made by using a form, but good boots are designed for the foot of an individual. 


Weight: 4
Boots are normally handmade by cobblers. Common boots are made by using a form, but good boots are designed for the foot of an individual. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vol à la tire : Passe à 200 %
- Crochetage de serrures : Passe à 200 %
- Détection des illusions : Passe à 200 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : Passe à 200 %
- Pose de pièges : Passe à 200 %
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : Passe à 200 %
- Furtivité : Passe à 200 %
- Connaissance : Passe à 200

Poids : 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Drow Flail +3
The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for threshing grain.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+4 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star
Type: One-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 15
The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for threshing grain.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +4
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 15

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Drow Elven Chain +3
The delicate yet sturdy craftsmanship of the elven races allows them to design many beautiful yet utilitarian goods. Among these is elven chain mail, which is so finely wrought that it can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence. This and its lightness allows it to be worn by Thieves and Fighter/Mages with few restrictions.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.

This magical drow chain mail gives the wearer a bonus of 5% to Magic Resistance and takes 1 off of the Speed Factor of all spells cast by the wearer of the armor.


Equipped abilities:
– Magic Resistance: +5%
– Open Locks: -5%
– Find Traps: -5%
– Pick Pockets: -20%
– Move Silently: -10%
– Improves casting time by 1
– Spellcasting is not disabled

Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. slashing, 4 vs. crushing)
 5 Strength

Weight: 12
The delicate yet sturdy craftsmanship of the elven races allows them to design many beautiful yet utilitarian goods. Among these is elven chain mail, which is so finely wrought that it can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence. This and its lightness allows it to be worn by Thieves and Fighter/Mages with few restrictions.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.

This magical drow chain mail gives the wearer a bonus of 5% to Magic Resistance and takes 1 off of the Speed Factor of all spells cast by the wearer of the armor.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 2
- Vitesse d'incantation : +1
- Vol à la tire : -20 %
- Crochetage de serrures : -5 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : -5 %
- Furtivité : -10 %
- Résistance à la magie : +5 %

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Drow Adamantine Chain +5
The sturdy craftsmanship of the drow allows them to design many beautiful yet utilitarian goods. Among these is drow chain mail, which is so finely wrought that it can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence. This and its lightness allows it to be worn by Thieves and Fighter/Mages with few restrictions.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Equipped abilities:
– Open Locks: -5%
– Find Traps: -5%
– Pick Pockets: -20%
– Move Silently: -10%
– Spellcasting is not disabled

Armor Class: 0 (-4 vs. crushing)
 5 Strength

Weight: 12
The sturdy craftsmanship of the drow allows them to design many beautiful yet utilitarian goods. Among these is drow chain mail, which is so finely wrought that it can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence. This and its lightness allows it to be worn by Thieves and Fighter/Mages with few restrictions.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -4 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : 0 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 0
- Vol à la tire : -20 %
- Crochetage de serrures : -5 %
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : -5 %
- Furtivité : -10 %

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Drow Piwafwi Cloak
The cloak can be made in every possible shape with just about every type of fabric. The most common forms are a circular piece of fabric with a hole in the center for the head, and fabric draped from neck, connected by a chain, brooch, cord, or pins. Talented drow weavers have woven strands of adamantine into the cloak, thus rendering it useless if exposed to the light, the effect of which will turn the cloak to dust.


Equipped abilities:
– Move Silently: +75%
– Hide In Shadows: +75%
– Save vs. Breath: +6

Weight: 3
The cloak can be made in every possible shape with just about every type of fabric. The most common forms are a circular piece of fabric with a hole in the center for the head, and fabric draped from neck, connected by a chain, brooch, cord, or pins. Talented drow weavers have woven strands of adamantine into the cloak, thus rendering it useless if exposed to the light, the effect of which will turn the cloak to dust.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +6 contre les souffles
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : +75 %
- Furtivité : +75 %

Poids : 3
Drow Dart of Sleep +1
A target hit by this dart must save vs. Poison or fall asleep for 4 rounds. The drow often use these darts when capturing slaves.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Combat abilities:
– Hit target sleeps for 4 rounds (Save vs. Poison negates)

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d3+1 (missile)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
A target hit by this dart must save vs. Poison or fall asleep for 4 rounds. The drow often use these darts when capturing slaves.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (1 charge, l'objet est détruit quand la charge est utilisée)
  Endors la cible pendant 4 rounds (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)
  91 % de chance d'être inefficace contre les elfes pendant 1 seconde
  31 % de chance d'être inefficace contre les demi-elfes pendant 1 seconde

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d3 +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Drow Full Plate +3
Full plate armor is the best armor a warrior can buy, both in appearance and protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich engraving and embossed detail. This drow armor will dissolve to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, piercing, and missile)
 15 Strength

Weight: 70
Full plate armor is the best armor a warrior can buy, both in appearance and protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich engraving and embossed detail. This drow armor will dissolve to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : -2
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 70

Nécessite : 
- Force : 15
Drow Shield +3
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium shields are usually made of metal, range from three to four feet in diameter, and can be of any shape, from round to square to a dragon's spread wings. A typical medieval shield resembles a triangle with one point facing downward.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +4

 12 Strength

Weight: 7
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium shields are usually made of metal, range from three to four feet in diameter, and can be of any shape, from round to square to a dragon's spread wings. A typical medieval shield resembles a triangle with one point facing downward.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +4

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Drow Lance +3
One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. This drow lance is a superior version of the traditional spear, often used by drow foot soldiers.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear 
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 5
One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. This drow lance is a superior version of the traditional spear, often used by drow foot soldiers.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Spear
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Drow Scimitar +3
The long, curved, single-edged blade is characteristic of both the saber and the scimitar, even though their origins lie in different parts of Faerûn.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight. 


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 3
The long, curved, single-edged blade is characteristic of both the saber and the scimitar, even though their origins lie in different parts of Faerûn.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight. 


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +4
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Drow Long Sword +3
These swords are usually referred to as double-edge swords, war swords, or military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade. Most long swords have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
These swords are usually referred to as double-edge swords, war swords, or military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade. Most long swords have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Drow Crossbow of Speed +3
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt).

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Combat abilities:
– 1 extra attack per round

THAC0: +3
Damage: +3 (missile)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 5
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt).

This item, like most drow equipment, is created using adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if exposed to sunlight.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Mace +3
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Weight: 0
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +4
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Mace
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Morning Star +3
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Weight: 0
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 2d4 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Flail / Morning Star
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Quarterstaff +3
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Weight: 0
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Long Sword +3
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Weight: 0
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Short Sword +3
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Weight: 0
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Battle Axe +3
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Weight: 0
This weapon has been created by the Enchanted Weapon spell. It behaves as a +3 weapon in all respects.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Axe
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Shortbows were the first bows to be developed, although they were not called such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a longbow. Shortbow staves are about five feet long on the average. As the years passed, attempts were made to increase bow ranges. Bows were either given longer staves or flexibility was increased with no change to the length. The former resulted in what is now called the longbow.


Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Shortbow
Type: Two-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 2
Shortbows were the first bows to be developed, although they were not called such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a longbow. Shortbow staves are about five feet long on the average. As the years passed, attempts were made to increase bow ranges. Bows were either given longer staves or flexibility was increased with no change to the length. The former resulted in what is now called the longbow.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +20
- Chances de toucher : +30
- Attaque par round : Passe à  une demi
- Résistance à la magie : +100 %
- Hâte améliorée permanente

Capacités de combat : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur
- Inflige 1d8 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires

Enchantement : +4
TAC0 : +4
Dégâts : +99
Type de dégâts : Perforant / Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Shortbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Halberd +1
Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out gaps in their armor.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d10+1 (slashing or piercing, whichever is better)
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 14
Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out gaps in their armor.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d10 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant / Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 8
Type de compétence : Halberd
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 14

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Suryris's Blade +2
Suryris, a white minotaur who traveled the Orsraun mountains in Turmish, lived for nothing but the thrill of combat and encouraged warriors to challenge him for his magical weapon: a powerful halberd. Despite his aggressive nature, he was an honorable combatant and never slew opponents he could overpower. Suryris met his superior only once, in a battle that lasted hours and had the minotaur often fearing defeat. The contest ended when his opponent's sword broke, but Suryris knew he likely would have been bested had it continued. He presented his weapon to the astonished man, who thereafter told of this noble creature to anyone who would listen.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing or piercing, whichever is better)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: Two-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 12
Suryris, a white minotaur who traveled the Orsraun mountains in Turmish, lived for nothing but the thrill of combat and encouraged warriors to challenge him for his magical weapon: a powerful halberd. Despite his aggressive nature, he was an honorable combatant and never slew opponents he could overpower. Suryris met his superior only once, in a battle that lasted hours and had the minotaur often fearing defeat. The contest ended when his opponent's sword broke, but Suryris knew he likely would have been bested had it continued. He presented his weapon to the astonished man, who thereafter told of this noble creature to anyone who would listen.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant / Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Halberd
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Halberd +2
Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. Magic has been used to forge this particular weapon, gifting it with enhanced abilities to slaughter foes.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 12
Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. Magic has been used to forge this particular weapon, gifting it with enhanced abilities to slaughter foes.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant / Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Halberd
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
The Chesley Crusher +2
Heavy Halberd: The Chesley Crusher
First wielded by the much-maligned Ensign Chesley of the first exploratory fleet of Waterdeep, this famous halberd has been passed around for generations, but only to those strong enough to carry its considerable weight. The iron haft of this heavy polearm makes the weapon slow and unwieldy, but its sheer mass smashes skulls and shatters limbs.


Equipped abilities:
– Sets attacks per round to 1

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+6 (slashing or piercing, whichever is better)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 30
Heavy Halberd: The Chesley Crusher
First wielded by the much-maligned Ensign Chesley of the first exploratory fleet of Waterdeep, this famous halberd has been passed around for generations, but only to those strong enough to carry its considerable weight. The iron haft of this heavy polearm makes the weapon slow and unwieldy, but its sheer mass smashes skulls and shatters limbs.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : 1

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +6
Type de dégâts : Perforant / Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Halberd
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 30

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
This cursed weapon will appear as a magical spear; however when a combat situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and Backbiter will attack the wielder. For every attack made, Backbiter will attack the foe and also the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in the end. The only way that Backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse spell.


Equipped abilities:
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Combat abilities:
– 3 points of damage (piercing) inflicted to the wielder upon every successful hit

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 5
This cursed weapon will appear as a magical spear; however when a combat situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and Backbiter will attack the wielder. For every attack made, Backbiter will attack the foe and also the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in the end. The only way that Backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse spell.


Dégâts : 1d10 
Type de dégâts : Perforant / Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 9
Type de compétence : Halberd
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 15

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
War Hammer
Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback and, as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two examples of this—the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. (Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs.) The shaft is about eighteen inches long.


Damage: 1d4+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 6
Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback and, as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two examples of this—the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. (Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs.) The shaft is about eighteen inches long.


Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Quality War Hammer
Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback and, as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two examples of this—the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. (Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs.) The shaft is about eighteen inches long.


Damage: 1d4+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 6
Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback and, as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two examples of this—the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. (Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs.) The shaft is about eighteen inches long.


Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
War Hammer +1
Like others of its type, this war hammer is made entirely of steel, with a bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an eighteen inch shaft. It has also been bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more effective in combat.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d4+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 6
Like others of its type, this war hammer is made entirely of steel, with a bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an eighteen inch shaft. It has also been bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more effective in combat.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Ashideena +2
Lady Ashideena was a remarkable strategist who honed her skills against the orc armies in the Year of the Black Horde. She met Dergat Wiltoon—the warrior that wielded this weapon—when he foiled an ambush led by the great orc Varstok, and soon after made him her Field Captain. After serving at each other's side for the entirety of the war they fell in love and eventually married. Historians report that Dergat named his war hammer after his bride to remind himself of the love he fought to protect. What Lady Ashideena thought of this is unknown.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+3, +1 electrical damage
Damage type: Crushing
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 5
Lady Ashideena was a remarkable strategist who honed her skills against the orc armies in the Year of the Black Horde. She met Dergat Wiltoon—the warrior that wielded this weapon—when he foiled an ambush led by the great orc Varstok, and soon after made him her Field Captain. After serving at each other's side for the entirety of the war they fell in love and eventually married. Historians report that Dergat named his war hammer after his bride to remind himself of the love he fought to protect. What Lady Ashideena thought of this is unknown.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts d'électricité supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
The Kneecapper +1
The Kneecapper, or "The Capper" as it is affectionately known in dwarven circles, is rumored to have been forged by Clangeddin himself. He gave it to a small clan of homeless dwarves that they might carve a place for themselves amongst the giants and ogres in their area. The hammer has been passed from hero to hero, occasionally finding its way into non-dwarven hands.


THAC0: +1, +4 vs. giant humanoids
Damage: 1d4+2, +5 vs. giant humanoids
Damage type: Crushing
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 8
The Kneecapper, or "The Capper" as it is affectionately known in dwarven circles, is rumored to have been forged by Clangeddin himself. He gave it to a small clan of homeless dwarves that they might carve a place for themselves amongst the giants and ogres in their area. The hammer has been passed from hero to hero, occasionally finding its way into non-dwarven hands.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +4 contre les géants
- TAC0 : +3 contre les géants

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 3 points de dégâts contondants supplémentaires contre les géants

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
War Hammer +2
Mounted knights cannot effectively use pole arms while on horseback, and as a result, many weapons have been altered so they may be used one-handed. The horseman's war hammer is made entirely of steel and has a shaft about eighteen inches long. Powerful magical energy flows through this weapon, though its origins are nondescript.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d4+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 5
Mounted knights cannot effectively use pole arms while on horseback, and as a result, many weapons have been altered so they may be used one-handed. The horseman's war hammer is made entirely of steel and has a shaft about eighteen inches long. Powerful magical energy flows through this weapon, though its origins are nondescript.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Hammer of Dawn +1
Crafted from the scales and bones of a gold dragon servant of Lathander, this warhammer sometimes channels the power of the ancient wyrm's mighty wings.


Combat abilities:
– 10% chance per hit target is knocked back as if struck by a wing buffet

Equipped abilities:
– The wearer's non-detectable by magical means such as Detect Invisibility and Scrying

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d4+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 6
Crafted from the scales and bones of a gold dragon servant of Lathander, this warhammer sometimes channels the power of the ancient wyrm's mighty wings.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Non-détection permanente

Capacités de combat : 
- 11 % de chance de renverser et sonner la cible pendant 1 seconde

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Helmet of Opposite Alignment
The cursed Helm of Opposite Alignment is a truly fearsome item. As its name suggests, it has the power to alter the fundamental ethical framework, nay, the very identity of anyone unlucky enough to wear it. It can ruin homes, friendships, even entire cities or nations. Should the legions of evil ever force one onto the head of a benevolent solar, the multiverse, as we know it, will surely meet an abrupt and painful end.


Equipped abilities:
– Alignment will become opposite 
– Protects against critical hits
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 2
The cursed Helm of Opposite Alignment is a truly fearsome item. As its name suggests, it has the power to alter the fundamental ethical framework, nay, the very identity of anyone unlucky enough to wear it. It can ruin homes, friendships, even entire cities or nations. Should the legions of evil ever force one onto the head of a benevolent solar, the multiverse, as we know it, will surely meet an abrupt and painful end.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Inverse l'alignement du porteur

Poids : 2
Helm of the Noble +1
Helm of Glory: Helm of the Noble
Named for its original owner, Sir Tain the Noble, this helm saw many great battles in his possession. It was eventually passed on to Sir Tain's squire, who had served him faithfully for almost ten years. Alas, the young man had neither the strength nor the skill to uphold his master's legacy. It is rumored he lost his life in the pursuit of a worthy, but ultimately futile cause, and the helm has had many owners since. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Charisma: +1
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
Helm of Glory: Helm of the Noble
Named for its original owner, Sir Tain the Noble, this helm saw many great battles in his possession. It was eventually passed on to Sir Tain's squire, who had served him faithfully for almost ten years. Alas, the young man had neither the strength nor the skill to uphold his master's legacy. It is rumored he lost his life in the pursuit of a worthy, but ultimately futile cause, and the helm has had many owners since. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Charisme : +1

Poids : 2
Gift of Peace
Helm of Defense: Gift of Peace
Prized for its noble origin as much as for its benefits to the wearer, this helm was originally intended to be a simple gift. There was no great crisis at hand, nor dangerous evil to be overthrown; just a wish for a friend to give a gift to another. It could just have easily been a good book or bottle of wine, but adventurers are eminently more practical in their gift giving. The helm has seen many great battles since its creation, but the simple virtue at its core is what has always been remembered.


Equipped abilities:
– Saving Throws: +1
– Cold Resistance: +20%
– Fire Resistance: +20%
– Electrical Resistance: +20%
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 3
Helm of Defense: Gift of Peace
Prized for its noble origin as much as for its benefits to the wearer, this helm was originally intended to be a simple gift. There was no great crisis at hand, nor dangerous evil to be overthrown; just a wish for a friend to give a gift to another. It could just have easily been a good book or bottle of wine, but adventurers are eminently more practical in their gift giving. The helm has seen many great battles since its creation, but the simple virtue at its core is what has always been remembered.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Résistance au feu : +20 %
- Résistance au froid : +20 %
- Résistance à l'électricité : +20 %

Poids : 3
The Eyes of Truth
Helm of Infravision: The Eyes of Truth 
Being a scavenger of a sort, Babette Maelestrom had this helm created to aid her in her dungeon excursions. She would later attribute her gathered wealth solely to its power, though likely it was as much her keen eyes as anything.


Equipped abilities:
– Infravision up to 120 ft.
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 3
Helm of Infravision: The Eyes of Truth 
Being a scavenger of a sort, Babette Maelestrom had this helm created to aid her in her dungeon excursions. She would later attribute her gathered wealth solely to its power, though likely it was as much her keen eyes as anything.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Infravision permanente

Poids : 3
Helmet of Charm Protection
As its name suggests, the Helm of Charm Protection protects its wearer from any magical attempts at emotional manipulation. As a precaution, some high-profile mercenary groups regularly equip their members with such helmets to ensure that they can perform their prescribed duties without external interference.


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits 
– Wearer is immune to Charm

Weight: 4
As its name suggests, the Helm of Charm Protection protects its wearer from any magical attempts at emotional manipulation. As a precaution, some high-profile mercenary groups regularly equip their members with such helmets to ensure that they can perform their prescribed duties without external interference.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Immunité aux charmes

Poids : 4
Helm of Balduran
The fabled helm of Balduran, legendary founder of Baldur's Gate, has long been rumored to wield powerful protective magic. The exact nature of this magic, however, has not yet been determined.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +1
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1
– Hit Points: +5 
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 1
The fabled helm of Balduran, legendary founder of Baldur's Gate, has long been rumored to wield powerful protective magic. The exact nature of this magic, however, has not yet been determined.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Classe d'armure : +1
- TAC0 : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Points de vie maximum : +5

Poids : 1
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
Kiel's Helmet
This is the helmet worn by Kiel the Legion Killer, firstborn son of Durlag Trollkiller and Clan-prince of his father's ill-fated tower. It is said that anyone who wears it is granted immunity to all forms of fear and panic, be their origins natural or magical.


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits
– Protects against all forms of panic and boosts morale

Weight: 2
This is the helmet worn by Kiel the Legion Killer, firstborn son of Durlag Trollkiller and Clan-prince of his father's ill-fated tower. It is said that anyone who wears it is granted immunity to all forms of fear and panic, be their origins natural or magical.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Moral : Passe à -1
- Immunité à la peur
- Immunité à l'horreur
- Immunité à la panique

Poids : 2
Robe of the Good Archmagi
This powerful mage robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's Magic Resistance and Saving Throws. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by wizards of good alignment.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: 5
– Saving Throws: +1
– Magic Resistance: +5%

Weight: 6
This powerful mage robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's Magic Resistance and Saving Throws. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by wizards of good alignment.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1
- Résistance à la magie : +5 %

Poids : 6
War Hammer
Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback and, as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two examples of this—the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. (Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs.) The shaft is about eighteen inches long.


Damage: 1d4+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 6
Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback and, as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two examples of this—the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. (Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs.) The shaft is about eighteen inches long.


Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Equipped abilities:
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques

Poids : 2
Small Shield +1
A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the user to carry other items in that hand, although  cannot wield or carry another weapon. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– No protection against missile attacks

 4 Strength

Weight: 3
A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the user to carry other items in that hand, although  cannot wield or carry another weapon. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Edventar's Gift
Ring of Free Action: Edventar's Gift 
This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as Edventar by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in routing the "Pirate Queen" Yenandra of Dambrath was instrumental in their survival, though Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the water meets land.


Equipped abilities:
– The wearer is immune to everything, magical and otherwise, that affects mobility in any way. This includes Haste and Slow spells.

Weight: 0
Ring of Free Action: Edventar's Gift 
This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as Edventar by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in routing the "Pirate Queen" Yenandra of Dambrath was instrumental in their survival, though Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the water meets land.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à  une demi
- Points de vie maximum : +100
- Vitesse de déplacement : 0
- Résistance à la magie : Passe à 100 %
- Hâte améliorée permanente
- Immunité au sort Improved Haste
- Immunité au sort Plant Growth
- Immunité au sort Entangle
- Immunité au sort Golem Slow
- Immunité au sort Slow
- Immunité au sort Vortex Web
- Immunité au sort Haste
- Immunité à la paralysie
- Immunité à l'étourdissement de manière permanente
- Immunité au drain de niveaux
- Immunité aux effets affectant la mobilité
- Immunité aux toiles
- Immunité à la lenteur
- Immunité à la hâte
- Action libre

Poids : 0
Leather Armor +1
Leather armor, despite the popular misconception, is not soft and supple like the leather used to make a Ranger's boots or a Druid's robe. That kind of leather offers no better protection than common clothing.


Armor Class: 7 (9 vs. piercing and missile)
 4 Strength

Weight: 10
Leather armor, despite the popular misconception, is not soft and supple like the leather used to make a Ranger's boots or a Druid's robe. That kind of leather offers no better protection than common clothing.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 7
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Protector of the Second +2
The Mist of Shadows were an elite group of elven Rangers that roamed the Cormanthor wood and were the bane of bandits and monsters alike. This particular armor was worn by Indeera Lakhan, one of the group's most highly decorated officers and second-in-command. The suit is named for her, though how it came to part her company is unknown.


Armor Class: 6 (8 vs. piercing and missile)
 4 Strength

Weight: 5
The Mist of Shadows were an elite group of elven Rangers that roamed the Cormanthor wood and were the bane of bandits and monsters alike. This particular armor was worn by Indeera Lakhan, one of the group's most highly decorated officers and second-in-command. The suit is named for her, though how it came to part her company is unknown.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 6
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Studded Leather Armor +1
Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of securing the rivets in place. 


Armor Class: 6 (4 vs. slashing, 5 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 15
Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of securing the rivets in place. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 6
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 15

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Armor of Missile Attraction +2
This odd-looking suit of studded leather cannot be removed once put on, except under intervention by a priest. While improving the protection against all melee weapons, this armor actually becomes a target for missile weapons, and hence so does its wearer. The choice is simple: deadly arrows or deadly swords. 


Equipped abilities:
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Armor Class: 5 (3 vs. slashing, 4 vs. piercing, 15 vs. missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 8
This odd-looking suit of studded leather cannot be removed once put on, except under intervention by a priest. While improving the protection against all melee weapons, this armor actually becomes a target for missile weapons, and hence so does its wearer. The choice is simple: deadly arrows or deadly swords. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Classe d'armure : -10 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Telbar's Studded Leather +2
This armor was the property of the famous rogue Telbar. How or why it left his possession is not known.


Armor Class: 5 (3 vs. slashing, 4 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 8
This armor was the property of the famous rogue Telbar. How or why it left his possession is not known.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Shadow Armor +3
This is a +3 studded leather armor that melds into shadows, created for use by the Shadowmasters of Amn. The Shadowmasters are of the highest order within the Shadow Thieves' hierarchy.


Equipped abilities:
– Hide In Shadows: +15%

Armor Class: 4 (2 vs. slashing, 3 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 8
This is a +3 studded leather armor that melds into shadows, created for use by the Shadowmasters of Amn. The Shadowmasters are of the highest order within the Shadow Thieves' hierarchy.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 4
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Camouflage dans l'ombre : +15 %

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Karajah's Life and Death +3
Karajah was Calimshan's undisputed champion of pit fighting for a decade. Wearing only a thin leather armor and spiked gauntlets, he would pummel his foes to the ground, seemingly impervious to their blows. Eventually it was revealed that his armor was heavily enchanted, at which point angry spectators threw him into the pit with a club-wielding ogre. The beast managed to break all of Karajah's bones while the armor remained as good as new...


Armor Class: 5 (7 vs. piercing and missile)
 3 Strength

Weight: 4
Karajah was Calimshan's undisputed champion of pit fighting for a decade. Wearing only a thin leather armor and spiked gauntlets, he would pummel his foes to the ground, seemingly impervious to their blows. Eventually it was revealed that his armor was heavily enchanted, at which point angry spectators threw him into the pit with a club-wielding ogre. The beast managed to break all of Karajah's bones while the armor remained as good as new...


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Leather Armor +2
Basic armor made of thick, wax or water-hardened leather. It is sturdy protection, not supple like boots or a cloak. Soft garment leathers like that would offer no more protection than common clothing. Magical enchantments have improved the protective abilities of this particular suit.


Armor Class: 6 (8 vs. piercing and missile)
 4 Strength

Weight: 5
Basic armor made of thick, wax or water-hardened leather. It is sturdy protection, not supple like boots or a cloak. Soft garment leathers like that would offer no more protection than common clothing. Magical enchantments have improved the protective abilities of this particular suit.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 6
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Leather Armor +3
This basic armor is made of thick wax or water-hardened leather. It is sturdy protection, not supple like boots or a cloak. Soft garment leathers like that would offer no more protection than common clothing. Magical enchantments have improved the protective abilities of this particular suit.


Armor Class: 5 (7 vs. piercing and missile)
 3 Strength

Weight: 5
This basic armor is made of thick wax or water-hardened leather. It is sturdy protection, not supple like boots or a cloak. Soft garment leathers like that would offer no more protection than common clothing. Magical enchantments have improved the protective abilities of this particular suit.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Studded Leather Armor +2
This is the standard armor given out to griffon riders and other warriors who use mounted steeds. It is lightweight but offers good protection, especially with the extra magical protections crafted upon it.


Armor Class: 5 (3 vs. slashing, 4 vs. piercing and missile)
 6 Strength

Weight: 8
This is the standard armor given out to griffon riders and other warriors who use mounted steeds. It is lightweight but offers good protection, especially with the extra magical protections crafted upon it.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure de base : 5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Rugged Leathers +2
Squeaky Leather Armor +2: Rugged Leathers
This rigid suit of leather armor squeaks like a new pair of shoes. What it lacks in stealth it makes up for in toughness, protecting its wearer against the most punishing blows.


Equipped abilities:
– Move Silently: -15%

Armor Class: 6 (8 vs. piercing and missile)
 4 Strength

Weight: 5
Squeaky Leather Armor +2: Rugged Leathers
This rigid suit of leather armor squeaks like a new pair of shoes. What it lacks in stealth it makes up for in toughness, protecting its wearer against the most punishing blows.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 6
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Furtivité : -15 %

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
The Claw of Kazgaroth
Little is known about this item, other than that the claw itself was taken from the corpse of the great beast Kazgaroth. It has multiple enchantments that all become activated when the claw is worn as a ring. The image of the wearer becomes blurred and more difficult to hit with weapons or target with spells. It has one drawback, however, as it seems to fuel its power with the blood of its wearer. Because of this, the wearer of the claw will often be more sickly and therefore more susceptible to poisons.


Equipped abilities:
– Constitution: -2
– Armor Class: +1, an extra +4 vs. missile attacks
– Save vs. Death: -4
– Save vs. Wand: +3
– Save vs. Polymorph: +3
– Save vs. Breath: +3 
– Save vs. Spell: +3
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 1
Little is known about this item, other than that the claw itself was taken from the corpse of the great beast Kazgaroth. It has multiple enchantments that all become activated when the claw is worn as a ring. The image of the wearer becomes blurred and more difficult to hit with weapons or target with spells. It has one drawback, however, as it seems to fuel its power with the blood of its wearer. Because of this, the wearer of the claw will often be more sickly and therefore more susceptible to poisons.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Classe d'armure : +4 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : -4 contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons
- Jets de sauvegarde : +3 contre les baguettes, les sceptres et les bâtons
- Jets de sauvegarde : +3 contre la pétrification et la métamorphose
- Jets de sauvegarde : +3 contre les souffles
- Jets de sauvegarde : +3 contre les sorts
- Constitution : -2
- Flou permanent

Poids : 1
Dagger of Venom +2
This dagger is a potent blade favored by assassins all across the realms. This particular dagger of venom was created for use by the Shadow Thieves of Amn. Every time it hits an opponent, it secretes a venom into the bloodstream of the creature. The venom works quickly and efficiently.


Combat abilities:
– Hit target suffers 1 point of poison damage per second for 15 seconds (Save vs. Poison negates)

THAC0: +2 
Damage: 1d4+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 2
This dagger is a potent blade favored by assassins all across the realms. This particular dagger of venom was created for use by the Shadow Thieves of Amn. Every time it hits an opponent, it secretes a venom into the bloodstream of the creature. The venom works quickly and efficiently.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inefficace contre les cibles immunisées au poison
- Inefficace contre les morts-vivants et les golems
- Empoisonne la cible et lui inflige 1 points de dégâts par seconde pendant 15 secondes (jet de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons pour éviter)

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Plate Mail
This cursed weapon will appear as a magical spear; however when a combat situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and Backbiter will attack the wielder. For every attack made, Backbiter will attack the foe and also the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in the end. The only way that Backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse spell.


Equipped abilities:
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Combat abilities:
– 3 points of damage (piercing) inflicted to the wielder upon every successful hit

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 5
This cursed weapon will appear as a magical spear; however when a combat situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and Backbiter will attack the wielder. For every attack made, Backbiter will attack the foe and also the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in the end. The only way that Backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse spell.


Capacités de combat : 
- Crée un objet (Dagger of Venom +2) de manière permanente

Poids : 50

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Adoy's Belt
This slender deer hide belt lined with rabbit fur grants its wearer resistance to polymorph effects: the perfect gift for wild mages or those who stand near them.


Equipped abilities:
– Save vs. Petrification/Polymorph: +5

Weight: 2
This slender deer hide belt lined with rabbit fur grants its wearer resistance to polymorph effects: the perfect gift for wild mages or those who stand near them.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Jets de sauvegarde : +5 contre la pétrification et la métamorphose

Poids : 2
Rilsa's Ring
This elegant ring bears the following inscription:

"With eternal devotion. 



Weight: 0
This elegant ring bears the following inscription:

"With eternal devotion. 



Poids : 0
Splint Mail +2
Splint mail is a variant of banded mail in which the metal strips are applied vertically to the backing of chain, leather, or cloth rather than horizontally as in banded mail. Since the body does not swivel in mid-torso as much as it flexes back to front, splint mail is more restrictive in battle. This suit of armor is enchanted, granting the wearer an additional bonus of +2 to their Armor Class.


Armor Class: 2 (1 vs. piercing and missile, 0 vs. crushing)
 8 Strength

Weight: 10
Splint mail is a variant of banded mail in which the metal strips are applied vertically to the backing of chain, leather, or cloth rather than horizontally as in banded mail. Since the body does not swivel in mid-torso as much as it flexes back to front, splint mail is more restrictive in battle. This suit of armor is enchanted, granting the wearer an additional bonus of +2 to their Armor Class.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les armes contondantes
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 2
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Dart +2
The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather than fired from a bow or other launcher. Magical darts, such as this one, are sought after by thieves and mages.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d3+2 (missile)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dart
Type: One-handed

Weight: 0
The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather than fired from a bow or other launcher. Magical darts, such as this one, are sought after by thieves and mages.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 3

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d3 +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Dart
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0
Plate Mail +2
Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises chain and leather. In addition, this suit of plate mail is enchanted and gives additional bonuses to the wearer's Armor Class.


Armor Class: 1 (-2 vs. slashing)
 12 Strength

Weight: 20
Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises chain and leather. In addition, this suit of plate mail is enchanted and gives additional bonuses to the wearer's Armor Class.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 1
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Nemphre's Onyx Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Angel the Cat's Angel Skin Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Buckler +2
A buckler is a small shield of wood or metal that fastens to the forearm. Because of its size, it is light and can be worn with very little restriction to movement. This buckler has some form of generic enchantment, making it more resistant to attacks.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3 (+1 vs. missile and piercing attacks)

 4 Strength

Weight: 2
A buckler is a small shield of wood or metal that fastens to the forearm. Because of its size, it is light and can be worn with very little restriction to movement. This buckler has some form of generic enchantment, making it more resistant to attacks.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Wakizashi +2
The wakizashi, or companion sword, is extremely important to the samurai. It is worn at all times, even indoors, and is near the samurai when he sleeps at night. Wu Jen masters have concealed within this wakizashi great power, unleashed only when the wielder is in the thick of battle. How or why this wakizashi made it to Faerûn is unknown, but if the samurai who owned it still lives, he will certainly be looking for it.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 1
The wakizashi, or companion sword, is extremely important to the samurai. It is worn at all times, even indoors, and is near the samurai when he sleeps at night. Wu Jen masters have concealed within this wakizashi great power, unleashed only when the wielder is in the thick of battle. How or why this wakizashi made it to Faerûn is unknown, but if the samurai who owned it still lives, he will certainly be looking for it.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Ninjatō +2
Saito Kagizu, or "Cat of the East" as the thieves of Athkatla called him, brought several of these ninja swords with him when he arrived in Faerûn. They were part of his personal collection, ninjatō that he either "collected" from rivals or designed himself. When he died, his mistress gave away the swords to her other lovers, all of them powerful thieves in their own right.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 3
Saito Kagizu, or "Cat of the East" as the thieves of Athkatla called him, brought several of these ninja swords with him when he arrived in Faerûn. They were part of his personal collection, ninjatō that he either "collected" from rivals or designed himself. When he died, his mistress gave away the swords to her other lovers, all of them powerful thieves in their own right.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Scimitar +2
The scimitar, or "shamshir" as it was originally called, has a single-edged blade with a significant curve and is tapered to an elongated, sharp point. It is perhaps slower than other weapons of the same type, though it compensates by the amount of damage it is capable of. This particular weapon has been enhanced magically to complement the skill of the wielder.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 2
The scimitar, or "shamshir" as it was originally called, has a single-edged blade with a significant curve and is tapered to an elongated, sharp point. It is perhaps slower than other weapons of the same type, though it compensates by the amount of damage it is capable of. This particular weapon has been enhanced magically to complement the skill of the wielder.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Helm of the Noble +1
Helm of Glory: Helm of the Noble
Named for its original owner, Sir Tain the Noble, this helm saw many great battles in his possession. It was eventually passed on to Sir Tain's squire, who had served him faithfully for almost ten years. Alas, the young man had neither the strength nor the skill to uphold his master's legacy. It is rumored he lost his life in the pursuit of a worthy, but ultimately futile cause, and the helm has had many owners since. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Charisma: +1
– Protects against critical hits

Weight: 2
Helm of Glory: Helm of the Noble
Named for its original owner, Sir Tain the Noble, this helm saw many great battles in his possession. It was eventually passed on to Sir Tain's squire, who had served him faithfully for almost ten years. Alas, the young man had neither the strength nor the skill to uphold his master's legacy. It is rumored he lost his life in the pursuit of a worthy, but ultimately futile cause, and the helm has had many owners since. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Protection contre les coups critiques
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Charisme : +1

Poids : 2
Fallorain's Plate +1
Captain Fallorain, leader of Calimshan's 12th cavalry brigade, wore this enchanted armor for the last time during the Battle of the Spider Swamp. There he lost his life and army trying to rid an unrecorded evil from the area. 


Armor Class: 2 (-1 vs. slashing)
 11 Strength

Weight: 20
Captain Fallorain, leader of Calimshan's 12th cavalry brigade, wore this enchanted armor for the last time during the Battle of the Spider Swamp. There he lost his life and army trying to rid an unrecorded evil from the area. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 2
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Plate of the Dark +1
Dark Lord Hertious, undead Warlord of Bane, wore this piece of armor for over five hundred years. During this time, he was rumored to dwell in a castle somewhere within the Earthfast Mountains. How his armor moved to other lands without him is not certain, though the separation of the two was surely unpleasant.


Armor Class: 0 (-4 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile)
 15 Strength

Weight: 35
Dark Lord Hertious, undead Warlord of Bane, wore this piece of armor for over five hundred years. During this time, he was rumored to dwell in a castle somewhere within the Earthfast Mountains. How his armor moved to other lands without him is not certain, though the separation of the two was surely unpleasant.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +4 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 0
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 35

Nécessite : 
- Force : 15
Ankheg Plate Mail
This plate mail has been expertly crafted by Taerom Fuiruim of Beregost. Sheathed in the chitinous scales of the ankheg, it provides a greater degree of protection than traditional plate mail and is not susceptible to rust. As any world-weary adventurer will tell you, however, the best appreciated aspect of ankheg mail is its light weight and low encumbrance. Monsters come and go, but fatigue is a constant enemy.


Armor Class: 1 (-2 vs. slashing, 0 vs. piercing and missile)
 8 Strength

Weight: 25
This plate mail has been expertly crafted by Taerom Fuiruim of Beregost. Sheathed in the chitinous scales of the ankheg, it provides a greater degree of protection than traditional plate mail and is not susceptible to rust. As any world-weary adventurer will tell you, however, the best appreciated aspect of ankheg mail is its light weight and low encumbrance. Monsters come and go, but fatigue is a constant enemy.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 1
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 25

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
The Practical Defense +3
The traveling adventurer could ask for no better a suit of armor in all the land. Specially commissioned by Bolhur "Thunderaxe" at GREAT expense, this suit was his most prized, even if not his most ornate. Eminently practical, Bolhur demanded armor that would offer superior protection while hampering him in the least. By "hampering" he did not just mean in movement or weight, though this suit is just over one-third the weight of normal plate mail: His ideal suit should also be able to withstand the rigors of his wanderings with little maintenance. This is not to say that Bolhur "Thunderaxe" neglected his armors (to say as such would get your ears boxed) but the regime of spit and polish required for a "gentleman's" suit was beyond his caring. Save the tassels and gilding of full plate for kings and heads of state; a working dwarf cares more for utility than looks.


Armor Class: 0 (-3 vs. slashing)
 11 Strength

Weight: 18
The traveling adventurer could ask for no better a suit of armor in all the land. Specially commissioned by Bolhur "Thunderaxe" at GREAT expense, this suit was his most prized, even if not his most ornate. Eminently practical, Bolhur demanded armor that would offer superior protection while hampering him in the least. By "hampering" he did not just mean in movement or weight, though this suit is just over one-third the weight of normal plate mail: His ideal suit should also be able to withstand the rigors of his wanderings with little maintenance. This is not to say that Bolhur "Thunderaxe" neglected his armors (to say as such would get your ears boxed) but the regime of spit and polish required for a "gentleman's" suit was beyond his caring. Save the tassels and gilding of full plate for kings and heads of state; a working dwarf cares more for utility than looks.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 0
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 18

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Plate Mail +1
Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises chain and leather. In addition, this suit of plate mail is enchanted and gives additional bonuses to the wearer's Armor Class.


Armor Class: 2 (-1 vs. slashing)
 12 Strength

Weight: 20
Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises chain and leather. In addition, this suit of plate mail is enchanted and gives additional bonuses to the wearer's Armor Class.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 2
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Full Plate Armor +1
Full plate armor is the best armor a warrior can buy, both in appearance and protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich engraving and embossed detail. With its magical enchantments, this suit of full plate is ideal for warriors.


Armor Class: 0 (-4 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile)
 15 Strength

Weight: 35
Full plate armor is the best armor a warrior can buy, both in appearance and protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich engraving and embossed detail. With its magical enchantments, this suit of full plate is ideal for warriors.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : +4 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 0
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 35

Nécessite : 
- Force : 15
The Magma Bulwark +2
Forged by the fire giant Varboti as a gift for a Cormyrian general who made peace with his clan, this red-and-black armor lends its wearer a molten aspect while providing protection against all but the most powerful blows. Due to its incredibly strong but thin material, it also weighs far less than ordinary plate mail.


Armor Class: 1 (-2 vs. slashing)
 12 Strength

Weight: 20
Forged by the fire giant Varboti as a gift for a Cormyrian general who made peace with his clan, this red-and-black armor lends its wearer a molten aspect while providing protection against all but the most powerful blows. Due to its incredibly strong but thin material, it also weighs far less than ordinary plate mail.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3 contre les armes tranchantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 1
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Empêche l'utilisation des compétences de voleur
- Empêche l'utilisation du camouflage dans l'ombre

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
(placeholder) Story Ring
(placeholder) Story Ring description
(placeholder) Story Ring description

Poids : 0
Narbucchad's Demise +1
This finely crafted staff is the long-lost legacy of Narbucchad II, a legendary wizard and tyrant of Tashalar (although perhaps better known for the latter). In some circles known as Narbucchad's Fickle Finger, this weapon represents the culmination of his reign. Driven by paranoia and mistrust, Narbucchad successively eliminated his guard in fear of attempts at assassination , and channeled all of his magic into a weapon after his own that could strike down any foe or number of would-be assailants at a time. Originally devised for such dire circumstances only, he quickly grew fond of its potential to cut all sorts of quarrels short and before long came to rely upon it wholly.

However, the staff required frequent recharging as its enchantments, albeit powerful, would quickly drain in frequent use and spring the orb of power from its socket, requiring careful reinsertion. Many stories circulated of those who had survived and escaped by whim of his Fickle Finger and thus known, it happened to fail him at rather a crucial moment before long.

Both the staff and his reign were eventually lost to the annals of history, the former in absence of his spells reduced to an elaborate bauble. How it ended up here is anyone's guess. A small trace of power remains in the gem, just barely allowing you to channel your own magic through it.


Combat abilities:
– Can be used as a melee or ranged weapon
– As a ranged weapon, it is alternatively possible for latent magic of the user to be channeled (no charge consumed)

Charge abilities:
– Narbucchad's Demise
  Release the orb's full potential in an intensely powerful blast that will strike any targets within range of the wielder.

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
This finely crafted staff is the long-lost legacy of Narbucchad II, a legendary wizard and tyrant of Tashalar (although perhaps better known for the latter). In some circles known as Narbucchad's Fickle Finger, this weapon represents the culmination of his reign. Driven by paranoia and mistrust, Narbucchad successively eliminated his guard in fear of attempts at assassination , and channeled all of his magic into a weapon after his own that could strike down any foe or number of would-be assailants at a time. Originally devised for such dire circumstances only, he quickly grew fond of its potential to cut all sorts of quarrels short and before long came to rely upon it wholly.

However, the staff required frequent recharging as its enchantments, albeit powerful, would quickly drain in frequent use and spring the orb of power from its socket, requiring careful reinsertion. Many stories circulated of those who had survived and escaped by whim of his Fickle Finger and thus known, it happened to fail him at rather a crucial moment before long.

Both the staff and his reign were eventually lost to the annals of history, the former in absence of his spells reduced to an elaborate bauble. How it ended up here is anyone's guess. A small trace of power remains in the gem, just barely allowing you to channel your own magic through it.


Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 1

Capacités de combat (Ranged) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur
- Inflige 2d2 +1 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde  pour éviter)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +99
Facteur de vitesse : 5

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2d2 +1 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde  pour éviter)
- Lance Magic Missile (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +1
Dégâts : 6d1 
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0

Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Narbucchad's Demise +5
This finely crafted staff is the long-lost legacy of Narbucchad II, a legendary wizard and tyrant of Tashalar (although perhaps better known for the latter). In some circles known as Narbucchad's Fickle Finger, this weapon represents the culmination of his reign. Driven by paranoia and mistrust, Narbucchad successively eliminated his guard in fear of attempts at assassination , and channeled all of his magic into a weapon after his own that could strike down any foe or number of would-be assailants at a time. Originally devised for such dire circumstances only, he quickly grew fond of its potential to cut all sorts of quarrels short and before long came to rely upon it wholly.

However, the staff required frequent recharging as its enchantments, albeit powerful, would quickly drain in frequent use and spring the orb of power from its socket, requiring careful reinsertion. Many stories circulated of those who had survived and escaped by whim of his Fickle Finger and thus known, it happened to fail him at rather a crucial moment before long. 

Both the staff and his reign were eventually lost to the annals of history, the former in absence of his spells reduced to an elaborate bauble. How it ended up here is anyone's guess, but the fact that it appears to be fully charged suggests a tale worthy of its own.


Combat abilities: 
– Can be used as a melee or ranged weapon
– As a ranged weapon, it is alternatively possible for latent magic of the user to be channeled (no charge consumed)

Charge abilities:
– Narbucchad's Demise
  Release the orb's full potential in an intensely powerful blast that will strike any targets within range of the wielder.

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength 

Weight: 3
This finely crafted staff is the long-lost legacy of Narbucchad II, a legendary wizard and tyrant of Tashalar (although perhaps better known for the latter). In some circles known as Narbucchad's Fickle Finger, this weapon represents the culmination of his reign. Driven by paranoia and mistrust, Narbucchad successively eliminated his guard in fear of attempts at assassination , and channeled all of his magic into a weapon after his own that could strike down any foe or number of would-be assailants at a time. Originally devised for such dire circumstances only, he quickly grew fond of its potential to cut all sorts of quarrels short and before long came to rely upon it wholly.

However, the staff required frequent recharging as its enchantments, albeit powerful, would quickly drain in frequent use and spring the orb of power from its socket, requiring careful reinsertion. Many stories circulated of those who had survived and escaped by whim of his Fickle Finger and thus known, it happened to fail him at rather a crucial moment before long. 

Both the staff and his reign were eventually lost to the annals of history, the former in absence of his spells reduced to an elaborate bauble. How it ended up here is anyone's guess, but the fact that it appears to be fully charged suggests a tale worthy of its own.


Capacités de combat (Melee) : 

Enchantement : +5
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 1

Capacités de combat (Ranged, powered) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur
- Inflige 2d2 +1 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde  pour éviter)
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2 pendant 15 secondes
- 8 % de chance de lancer le sort Magic Missile (comme un lanceur de sorts de niveau 1)

Enchantement : +5
TAC0 : +99
Facteur de vitesse : 0

Capacités de combat (Ranged, channeled) : 
- Revient dans la main du lanceur
- Inflige 2d2 +1 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde  pour éviter)

Enchantement : +5
TAC0 : +99
Facteur de vitesse : 5

Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Narbucchad's Demise
This finely crafted staff is the long-lost legacy of Narbucchad II, a legendary wizard and tyrant of Tashalar (although perhaps better known for the latter). In some circles known as Narbucchad's Fickle Finger, this weapon represents the culmination of his reign. Driven by paranoia and mistrust, Narbucchad successively eliminated his guard in fear of attempts at assassination , and channeled all of his magic into a weapon after his own that could strike down any foe or number of would-be assailants at a time. Originally devised for such dire circumstances only, he quickly grew fond of its potential to cut all sorts of quarrels short and before long came to rely upon it wholly.

However, the staff required frequent recharging as its enchantments, albeit powerful, would quickly drain in frequent use and spring the orb of power from its socket, requiring careful reinsertion. Many stories circulated of those who had survived and escaped by whim of his Fickle Finger and thus known, it happened to fail him at rather a crucial moment before long.

Both the staff and his reign were eventually lost to the annals of history, the former in absence of his spells reduced to an elaborate bauble. How it ended up here is anyone's guess.


Damage: 1d6 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
This finely crafted staff is the long-lost legacy of Narbucchad II, a legendary wizard and tyrant of Tashalar (although perhaps better known for the latter). In some circles known as Narbucchad's Fickle Finger, this weapon represents the culmination of his reign. Driven by paranoia and mistrust, Narbucchad successively eliminated his guard in fear of attempts at assassination , and channeled all of his magic into a weapon after his own that could strike down any foe or number of would-be assailants at a time. Originally devised for such dire circumstances only, he quickly grew fond of its potential to cut all sorts of quarrels short and before long came to rely upon it wholly.

However, the staff required frequent recharging as its enchantments, albeit powerful, would quickly drain in frequent use and spring the orb of power from its socket, requiring careful reinsertion. Many stories circulated of those who had survived and escaped by whim of his Fickle Finger and thus known, it happened to fail him at rather a crucial moment before long.

Both the staff and his reign were eventually lost to the annals of history, the former in absence of his spells reduced to an elaborate bauble. How it ended up here is anyone's guess.


Dégâts : 1d6 
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Batalista's Passport
Ring of Fire Resistance: Batalista's Passport
The grand mage Batalista intended this item to aid in his travels in the Plane of Fire, and it is said he repeatedly summoned a salamander from that realm to aid in the construction. Salamanders not being known for their patience, it is likely he should not have pestered his "instructor" quite so much. The finger bearing the finished ring was indeed untouched by the inferno that claimed his tower. Had that finger still been attached, Batalista himself might have fared better.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +40%

Weight: 0
Ring of Fire Resistance: Batalista's Passport
The grand mage Batalista intended this item to aid in his travels in the Plane of Fire, and it is said he repeatedly summoned a salamander from that realm to aid in the construction. Salamanders not being known for their patience, it is likely he should not have pestered his "instructor" quite so much. The finger bearing the finished ring was indeed untouched by the inferno that claimed his tower. Had that finger still been attached, Batalista himself might have fared better.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au feu : +40 %

Poids : 0
Druid's Ring
Ring of Animal Friendship: Druid's Ring
A druid order in Cormanthor is said to cautiously guard the secret to the construction of these rings, which have never been seen in the possession of anyone outside their immediate membership. How this particular ring escaped the protection of their forest is unknown, but there are rumors that an outcast could have brought it into exile with him. 


Charge abilities:
– Charm Animal (Save vs. Wand negates)
  Range: 40 ft.
  Duration: 2 hours
  Area of Effect: 1 animal

Weight: 0
Ring of Animal Friendship: Druid's Ring
A druid order in Cormanthor is said to cautiously guard the secret to the construction of these rings, which have never been seen in the possession of anyone outside their immediate membership. How this particular ring escaped the protection of their forest is unknown, but there are rumors that an outcast could have brought it into exile with him. 


Capacités de charge : 
- Capacité 1 (100 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)
  d'être effectif contre les créatures invisibles
  Charme les animaux pendant 10 tours (jet de sauvegarde contre les baguettes, les sceptres et les bâtons pour éviter)
  91 % de chance d'être inefficace contre les elfes
  31 % de chance d'être inefficace contre les demi-elfes

Poids : 0
The Jester's Folly
Ring of Clumsiness: The Jester's Folly
The most notorious owner of this ring made a substantial living exploiting its cursed nature. Gregoria the Foole, a Jester by trade, would use his incomparable sleight of hand to switch this ring with that of a patsy taken from his audience. The rest of his performance would involve the mocking of the newly clumsy individual, much to the delight of their comrades. The ring was removed (by a method known only to the wily Jester) only once the stooge had promised no reprisals for the treatment he had received, though Gregoria frequently still had to make a hasty retreat. His last known performance was rumored to have been an ill-humored mage in Zhentil Keep: a show from which he did not flee quite fast enough.


Equipped abilities:
– Dexterity: -50%
– Stealth: -50%
– 75% chance of spellcasting failure
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 0
Ring of Clumsiness: The Jester's Folly
The most notorious owner of this ring made a substantial living exploiting its cursed nature. Gregoria the Foole, a Jester by trade, would use his incomparable sleight of hand to switch this ring with that of a patsy taken from his audience. The rest of his performance would involve the mocking of the newly clumsy individual, much to the delight of their comrades. The ring was removed (by a method known only to the wily Jester) only once the stooge had promised no reprisals for the treatment he had received, though Gregoria frequently still had to make a hasty retreat. His last known performance was rumored to have been an ill-humored mage in Zhentil Keep: a show from which he did not flee quite fast enough.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Provoque l'échec de 75 % des sorts divins
- Provoque l'échec de 75 % des sorts profanes
- Dextérité : -50 %
- Furtivité : Multiplié par 50 %

Poids : 0
Sandthief's Ring
Ring of Invisibility: Sandthief's Ring 
Held by a master Thief for the better part of a generation, this ring was put to bold use in the markets of Waterdeep. Working a crowd in broad daylight, the rogue would steal countless numbers of purses from nobles, replacing them with bags of sand so the theft would go unnoticed. His identity was never known, but the name "Sandthief" was cursed loudly in its stead. It is rumored he retired, and now lives among the nobles he used to rob.


Charge abilities:
– Invisibility as per the namesake spell

Weight: 0
Ring of Invisibility: Sandthief's Ring 
Held by a master Thief for the better part of a generation, this ring was put to bold use in the markets of Waterdeep. Working a crowd in broad daylight, the rogue would steal countless numbers of purses from nobles, replacing them with bags of sand so the theft would go unnoticed. His identity was never known, but the name "Sandthief" was cursed loudly in its stead. It is rumored he retired, and now lives among the nobles he used to rob.


Capacités de charge : 
- Invisibilité permanente pendant 60 tours (8 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)

Poids : 0
Ring of the Princes +1
Ring of Protection +1: Ring of the Princes
This ring and several of its type were originally crafted to protect the sons of King Castter De'wess, though who uttered the enchantment is unknown. History records that the rings remained within that family for at least thirteen generations, though they were all apparently lost within the space of one. Enmity between the king and the family of the creator may be to blame.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1

Weight: 0
Ring of Protection +1: Ring of the Princes
This ring and several of its type were originally crafted to protect the sons of King Castter De'wess, though who uttered the enchantment is unknown. History records that the rings remained within that family for at least thirteen generations, though they were all apparently lost within the space of one. Enmity between the king and the family of the creator may be to blame.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 0
The Guard's Ring +2
Ring of Protection +2: The Guard's Ring
The Guard was an immortal sentry assigned to protect a tomb that sheltered the body of a princess of the Akanal. Over millennia, respect for the grave disappeared with the memory of the royal family, and adventurers began to try their luck with the Guard. It was inevitable that he would eventually be bested, and when he was, the ring he wore was one of many treasures taken from the tomb.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– Saving Throws: +2

Weight: 0
Ring of Protection +2: The Guard's Ring
The Guard was an immortal sentry assigned to protect a tomb that sheltered the body of a princess of the Akanal. Over millennia, respect for the grave disappeared with the memory of the royal family, and adventurers began to try their luck with the Guard. It was inevitable that he would eventually be bested, and when he was, the ring he wore was one of many treasures taken from the tomb.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2

Poids : 0
Ring of Wizardry: Evermemory
Long ago, a grand wizard from Amn was rumored to have defied Mystra's limitations on the magical arts. Legends spoke of this wizard being able to cast spells without the limitation of memorization. In the end it was found that his powers stemmed from the several magical rings that he had made for himself. His proclaimed "everlasting memory" was a hoax, though his rings continue to be one of the most sought after items in the realms.


Equipped abilities:
– Can memorize double the amount of 1st-level wizard spells

Weight: 0
Ring of Wizardry: Evermemory
Long ago, a grand wizard from Amn was rumored to have defied Mystra's limitations on the magical arts. Legends spoke of this wizard being able to cast spells without the limitation of memorization. In the end it was found that his powers stemmed from the several magical rings that he had made for himself. His proclaimed "everlasting memory" was a hoax, though his rings continue to be one of the most sought after items in the realms.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Unique : Un seul exemple peut être équipé
- Double le nombre de sorts profanes mémorisables de niveau 1
- Empêche d'utiliser Ring of Wizardry

Poids : 0
Edventar's Gift
Ring of Free Action: Edventar's Gift
This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as Edventar by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in routing the "Pirate Queen" Yenandra of Dambrath was instrumental in their survival, though Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the water meets land.


Special: The wearer is immune to everything, magical and otherwise, that affects mobility in any way. This includes Haste and Slow spells.

Weight: 0
Ring of Free Action: Edventar's Gift
This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as Edventar by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in routing the "Pirate Queen" Yenandra of Dambrath was instrumental in their survival, though Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the water meets land.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vitesse de déplacement : 0
- Immunité au sort Improved Haste
- Immunité au sort Defensive Spin
- Immunité au sort Plant Growth
- Immunité au sort Entangle
- Immunité au sort Golem Slow
- Immunité au sort Slow
- Immunité au sort Vortex Web
- Immunité au sort Haste
- Immunité à la paralysie
- Immunité à l'étourdissement de manière permanente
- Immunité aux effets affectant la mobilité
- Immunité aux toiles
- Immunité à la lenteur
- Immunité à la hâte
- Action libre

Poids : 0
Gold Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Silver Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Onyx Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Jade Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Greenstone Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Bloodstone Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Angel Skin Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Flamedance Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Fire Opal Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Ruby Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Sashenstar's Ruby Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
The Victor
Ring of Energy: The Victor
Crafted by drow mages of the Underdark, this weapon was used in an arranged battle between two rival houses. Each combatant was allowed to use a single magic item to aid his efforts. This ring was the weapon used by the victor of the contest, though he never laid hands on it. It was worn by his sibling and fired from the crowd, striking his opponent squarely in the back. Everyone witnessing agreed it was a brilliant interpretation of the rules.


Charge abilities:
– Damage: 2d6
  Range: 100 ft.
  Area of Effect: 2-ft. by 100-ft. jet

Weight: 0
Ring of Energy: The Victor
Crafted by drow mages of the Underdark, this weapon was used in an arranged battle between two rival houses. Each combatant was allowed to use a single magic item to aid his efforts. This ring was the weapon used by the victor of the contest, though he never laid hands on it. It was worn by his sibling and fired from the crowd, striking his opponent squarely in the back. Everyone witnessing agreed it was a brilliant interpretation of the rules.


Capacités de charge : 
- Inflige 2d6 points de dégâts magiques supplémentaires (jet de sauvegarde  pour éviter) (50 charges, l'objet est détruit quand toutes les charges sont utilisées)

Poids : 0
Topsider's Crutch
Ring of Infravision: Topsider's Crutch
Merchants that dare the risks of trading with the drow of the Great Rift are often given these items to aid in their movements underground. 


Equipped abilities:
– Infravision up to 120 ft.

Weight: 0
Ring of Infravision: Topsider's Crutch
Merchants that dare the risks of trading with the drow of the Great Rift are often given these items to aid in their movements underground. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Infravision permanente

Poids : 0
Honorary Ring of Sune
Ring of Holiness: Honorary Ring of Sune
Rings of this type were given to faithful priests of Sune who demonstrated actions of astounding integrity and kindness.


Equipped abilities:
– Can memorize one extra divine spell of each level from 1st to 4th

Weight: 0
Ring of Holiness: Honorary Ring of Sune
Rings of this type were given to faithful priests of Sune who demonstrated actions of astounding integrity and kindness.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Mémorisation d'un sort divin supplémentaire de niveau 4
- Mémorisation d'un sort divin supplémentaire de niveau 3
- Mémorisation d'un sort divin supplémentaire de niveau 2
- Mémorisation d'un sort divin supplémentaire de niveau 1

Poids : 0
Ring of Folly: Discipliner 
Oft the bane of the careless Mage, this ring was actually used to promote humility. Hergat Norin, a grand wizard of Narfell, would give the Discipliner to his most skilled and most egotistical students. Through their blind arrogance, they would mistake the ring as a reward for their "obvious brilliance," and not the punishment of a disapproving teacher.


Equipped abilities: 
– Intelligence and Wisdom scores are set to 3 
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 0
Ring of Folly: Discipliner 
Oft the bane of the careless Mage, this ring was actually used to promote humility. Hergat Norin, a grand wizard of Narfell, would give the Discipliner to his most skilled and most egotistical students. Through their blind arrogance, they would mistake the ring as a reward for their "obvious brilliance," and not the punishment of a disapproving teacher.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Intelligence : Passe à 3
- Sagesse : Passe à 3
- Débilité mentale permanente

Poids : 0
Koveras's Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Protection +1: Ring of the Princes
This ring and several of its type were originally crafted to protect the sons of King Castter De'wess, though who uttered the enchantment is unknown. History records that the rings remained within that family for at least thirteen generations, though they were all apparently lost within the space of one. Enmity between the king and the family of the creator may be to blame.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Saving Throws: +1

Weight: 0
Ring of Protection +1: Ring of the Princes
This ring and several of its type were originally crafted to protect the sons of King Castter De'wess, though who uttered the enchantment is unknown. History records that the rings remained within that family for at least thirteen generations, though they were all apparently lost within the space of one. Enmity between the king and the family of the creator may be to blame.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 0
Ring of Djinni Summoning
An item out of fables, the Ring of Djinni Summoning is highly sought after. Once a day, the wearer of this beautiful ring can summon a djinni who will do as the ring wearer commands. If the djinni should die while in the service of its master, the ring will be destroyed.


Charge abilities:
– Summon Djinni once per day
  Range: 20 ft.
  Duration: 1 turn

Weight: 0
An item out of fables, the Ring of Djinni Summoning is highly sought after. Once a day, the wearer of this beautiful ring can summon a djinni who will do as the ring wearer commands. If the djinni should die while in the service of its master, the ring will be destroyed.


Capacités de charge : 
- Invoque une créature (Djinni) pendant 40 tours (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 0
Ring of Fire Control
This burnished red ring is engraved with depictions of flames and lava coils. Mages and other planar travelers use these rings to protect themselves while visiting the Elemental Plane of Fire and to command fire elementals to do their bidding.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +50%

Charge abilities:
– Charm Fire Elemental once per day (Save vs. Spell at +2 negates)
  Range: Touch
  Duration: 45 seconds
  Area of Effect: 1 fire elemental

– Burning Hands once per day
  Damage: 1d3+2 fire
  Range: 0
  Area of Effect: 5-ft. cone with 120-deg. arc

– Flame Strike once per day
  Damage: 6d8 fire (Save vs. Spell for half)
  Range: Visual range of the user
  Area of Effect: 1 creature

Weight: 0
This burnished red ring is engraved with depictions of flames and lava coils. Mages and other planar travelers use these rings to protect themselves while visiting the Elemental Plane of Fire and to command fire elementals to do their bidding.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au feu : +50 %

Capacités de charge : 
- Charm Fire Elemental (1 fois par jour)
- Flame Strike (1 fois par jour)
- Burning Hands (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 0
Ring of Regeneration
A lowly ranked Red Mage named Huhhus is said to have discovered the perfect way to distill troll flesh to make a potion that provided the same regenerative ability as that of the troll. Few were willing to drink the vile liquid, however, and decades later a student of Huhhus created this ring building upon the foundations of knowledge laid by Huhhus. Within the hollow cavity of the jade ring floats the ichor and brains of a troll, providing a limited regenerative capability to the wearer.


Equipped abilities: 
– Regenerate 1 Hit Point per round

Weight: 0
A lowly ranked Red Mage named Huhhus is said to have discovered the perfect way to distill troll flesh to make a potion that provided the same regenerative ability as that of the troll. Few were willing to drink the vile liquid, however, and decades later a student of Huhhus created this ring building upon the foundations of knowledge laid by Huhhus. Within the hollow cavity of the jade ring floats the ichor and brains of a troll, providing a limited regenerative capability to the wearer.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Régénère 1 point de vie toutes les 6 secondes

Poids : 0
Ring of Spell Turning
A gift to Derek Poodon, apprentice warrior, this ring was his salvation when he stumbled upon two Red Wizards traveling the Cloakwood forest. Enraged at being disturbed, the Mages unleashed a score of Magic Missiles at the seemingly helpless Derek, but to their brief surprise, the assault reflected back and killed them both. Thereafter, without having lifted his blade, Derek was rather sheepishly known as Derek the Red Slayer.


Charge abilities:
– Minor Spell Turning once per day

Weight: 0
A gift to Derek Poodon, apprentice warrior, this ring was his salvation when he stumbled upon two Red Wizards traveling the Cloakwood forest. Enraged at being disturbed, the Mages unleashed a score of Magic Missiles at the seemingly helpless Derek, but to their brief surprise, the assault reflected back and killed them both. Thereafter, without having lifted his blade, Derek was rather sheepishly known as Derek the Red Slayer.


Capacités de charge : 
- Minor Spell Turning (1 fois par jour)

Poids : 0
Ring of Lock Picks
Derek Drak, one of the most talented burglars in the Shadow Thieves' guild, wore this ring on many of his scores. The ring enhanced Derek's already impressive lockpicking abilities. In the city of Athkatla, there wasn't a door that could not be unlocked by Derek. To activate the ring, the proper command word must be known, at which point the garnet stone on the ring will polymorph into the shape of a key that closely fits the lock.


Equipped abilities:
– Pick Locks: +25%

Weight: 0
Derek Drak, one of the most talented burglars in the Shadow Thieves' guild, wore this ring on many of his scores. The ring enhanced Derek's already impressive lockpicking abilities. In the city of Athkatla, there wasn't a door that could not be unlocked by Derek. To activate the ring, the proper command word must be known, at which point the garnet stone on the ring will polymorph into the shape of a key that closely fits the lock.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Crochetage de serrures : +25 %

Poids : 0
Ring of Danger Sense
Nizzuf's Maze was a grand hedge maze created by the archmage Nizzuf for his amusement. The maze boasted hundreds of magical traps, most of them extremely lethal. Nizzuf posted a reward big enough to buy a kingdom to the man or woman brave enough to enter the maze and reach its core. Thousands tried and died. But one, Oteg Verm, completed the maze, thanks mainly to this ring which let him "see" where the traps were hidden.


Equipped abilities:
– Find Traps: +25%

Weight: 0
Nizzuf's Maze was a grand hedge maze created by the archmage Nizzuf for his amusement. The maze boasted hundreds of magical traps, most of them extremely lethal. Nizzuf posted a reward big enough to buy a kingdom to the man or woman brave enough to enter the maze and reach its core. Thousands tried and died. But one, Oteg Verm, completed the maze, thanks mainly to this ring which let him "see" where the traps were hidden.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Détection/désamorçage des pièges : +25 %

Poids : 0
Ring of Acuity
The origins of this ring are unclear, and while its enchantments share similarities with historical examples of Rings of Wizardry, there is something strange in how it feels, either in the weight of the metal or in the aura it projects, and it does not function the same. It was likely found on some distant plane and, as such, its maker will remain a mystery to you.


Equipped abilities:
– Can memorize 2 extra 2nd-level, 1 extra 3rd-level, and 1 extra 4th-level wizard spell

Weight: 0
The origins of this ring are unclear, and while its enchantments share similarities with historical examples of Rings of Wizardry, there is something strange in how it feels, either in the weight of the metal or in the aura it projects, and it does not function the same. It was likely found on some distant plane and, as such, its maker will remain a mystery to you.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Mémorisation d'un sort profane supplémentaire de niveau 4
- Mémorisation d'un sort profane supplémentaire de niveau 3
- Mémorisation de 2 sorts profanes supplémentaires de niveau 2

Poids : 0
The Iron Thorn
Cursed Ring of Slight Monsterism: The Iron Thorn
This wrought-iron band is pitted and stained as if by acid. Between the two thorns formed by the band, a crude lump of silver on its head suggests the image of a skull against a black field, perhaps the symbol of Myrkul, Lord of Bones.


Equipped abilities:
– Changes the wearer's appearance to that of a zombie
– Charisma: -4
– May only be removed by a Remove Curse spell

Weight: 1
Cursed Ring of Slight Monsterism: The Iron Thorn
This wrought-iron band is pitted and stained as if by acid. Between the two thorns formed by the band, a crude lump of silver on its head suggests the image of a skull against a black field, perhaps the symbol of Myrkul, Lord of Bones.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Malédiction : Transforme le porteur en Zombie
- Charisme : -4

Poids : 1
Joia's Flamedance Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Joseph's Greenstone Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Weight: 0
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the adventuring profession.


Poids : 0
Moonlight Walkers
These comfortable boots provide monks of the Sun Soul with exceptional arch support, allowing them to perform feats that would lead to crippling back pain in ordinary people.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2

Weight: 1
These comfortable boots provide monks of the Sun Soul with exceptional arch support, allowing them to perform feats that would lead to crippling back pain in ordinary people.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 1
Glimmering Bands
These polished bracers reflect harsh light into the eyes of the wearer's foes, distracting them from parrying incoming fists.


Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +2

Weight: 1
These polished bracers reflect harsh light into the eyes of the wearer's foes, distracting them from parrying incoming fists.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- TAC0 : +2

Poids : 1
Small Shield +1
A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the user to carry other items in that hand, although  cannot wield or carry another weapon. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– No protection against missile attacks

 4 Strength

Weight: 3
A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the user to carry other items in that hand, although  cannot wield or carry another weapon. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Small Shield +1
A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the user to carry other items in that hand, although  cannot wield or carry another weapon. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– No protection against missile attacks

 4 Strength

Weight: 3
A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the user to carry other items in that hand, although  cannot wield or carry another weapon. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
High Quality Large Shield
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for anything but holding the body shield in place. This tower shield is of particularly fine craftsmanship, allowing it to be lighter and less cumbersome to wield in combat.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1, +2 vs. missile attacks

 10 Strength

Weight: 10
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for anything but holding the body shield in place. This tower shield is of particularly fine craftsmanship, allowing it to be lighter and less cumbersome to wield in combat.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +1

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
High Quality Medium Shield
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium shields are usually made of metal, range from three to four feet in diameter, and can be of any shape, from round to square to a dragon's spread wings. This medium shield is of particularly refined craftsmanship, allowing it to be somewhat lighter and less cumbersome in battle.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1

 8 Strength

Weight: 4
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium shields are usually made of metal, range from three to four feet in diameter, and can be of any shape, from round to square to a dragon's spread wings. This medium shield is of particularly refined craftsmanship, allowing it to be somewhat lighter and less cumbersome in battle.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Medium Shield +1
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. This penalty is offset by the fact that this shield is magical, granting an additional +1 protection to its wearer.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2

 12 Strength

Weight: 6
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. This penalty is offset by the fact that this shield is magical, granting an additional +1 protection to its wearer.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Medium Shield +1
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. This penalty is offset by the fact that this shield is magical, granting an additional +1 protection to its wearer.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2

 12 Strength

Weight: 6
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. This penalty is offset by the fact that this shield is magical, granting an additional +1 protection to its wearer.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Corvyr's Blessing
This shield was carried into battle by High Paladin Corvyr in an assault against a notorious undead fortress. Long after his comrades had fallen, for days he tore into their seemingly endless numbers before he was eventually overcome as well. As the tower was later cleared with the help of a certain magical cube, his shield was retrieved. A previously ordinary piece of equipment, it seems to have absorbed some of the resolve and determination of his final days.


Equipped abilities:
– Constitution: +1
– Save vs. Death: 150%
– Armor Class: +1

 12 Strength

Weight: 6
This shield was carried into battle by High Paladin Corvyr in an assault against a notorious undead fortress. Long after his comrades had fallen, for days he tore into their seemingly endless numbers before he was eventually overcome as well. As the tower was later cleared with the help of a certain magical cube, his shield was retrieved. A previously ordinary piece of equipment, it seems to have absorbed some of the resolve and determination of his final days.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Jets de sauvegarde contre la paralysie, la mort et les poisons : +50 %
- Constitution : +1

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Large Shield +1
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm, and the shield hand must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for anything but holding the body shield in place.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2, an extra +1 vs. missile attacks

 14 Strength

Weight: 12
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm, and the shield hand must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for anything but holding the body shield in place.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Large Shield +1
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm, and the shield hand must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for anything but holding the body shield in place.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2, an extra +1 vs. missile attacks

 14 Strength

Weight: 12
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm, and the shield hand must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for anything but holding the body shield in place.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Shield of the Falling Stars +1
Ilmater himself enchanted this shield upon seeing a young squire's willingness to endure untold agony for the well-being of his mount. During a fierce battle between a human cavalry division and a hobgoblin horde, the young man was sent for reinforcements. He was beset by a cascade of arrows that nearly blocked out the sun, and he knew that even if he avoided the arrows himself, should his horse fall he would surely be doomed. With his shield and body he positioned himself to take the brunt of the onslaught, and was mortally wounded for it. His horse remained unscathed, allowing for their escape, and his body was carried back to the nearest town, where he was resurrected from death.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2, an extra +5 vs. missile attacks

 13 Strength

Weight: 12
Ilmater himself enchanted this shield upon seeing a young squire's willingness to endure untold agony for the well-being of his mount. During a fierce battle between a human cavalry division and a hobgoblin horde, the young man was sent for reinforcements. He was beset by a cascade of arrows that nearly blocked out the sun, and he knew that even if he avoided the arrows himself, should his horse fall he would surely be doomed. With his shield and body he positioned himself to take the brunt of the onslaught, and was mortally wounded for it. His horse remained unscathed, allowing for their escape, and his body was carried back to the nearest town, where he was resurrected from death.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +5 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Shield of the Falling Stars +1
Ilmater himself enchanted this shield upon seeing a young squire's willingness to endure untold agony for the well-being of his mount. During a fierce battle between a human cavalry division and a hobgoblin horde, the young man was sent for reinforcements. He was beset by a cascade of arrows that nearly blocked out the sun, and he knew that even if he avoided the arrows himself, should his horse fall he would surely be doomed. With his shield and body he positioned himself to take the brunt of the onslaught, and was mortally wounded for it. His horse remained unscathed, allowing for their escape, and his body was carried back to the nearest town, where he was resurrected from death.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2, an extra +5 vs. missile attacks

 13 Strength

Weight: 12
Ilmater himself enchanted this shield upon seeing a young squire's willingness to endure untold agony for the well-being of his mount. During a fierce battle between a human cavalry division and a hobgoblin horde, the young man was sent for reinforcements. He was beset by a cascade of arrows that nearly blocked out the sun, and he knew that even if he avoided the arrows himself, should his horse fall he would surely be doomed. With his shield and body he positioned himself to take the brunt of the onslaught, and was mortally wounded for it. His horse remained unscathed, allowing for their escape, and his body was carried back to the nearest town, where he was resurrected from death.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +5 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Sartessa's Vengeance +1
This was the personal shield of Sartessa, a half-elven Ranger of the Wood of Sharp Teeth. Called to a quest by divine intervention at a young age, she traveled the long way to Luskan seeking to restore peace to the Sword Coast in troubled times. Betrayed near the end of her journey by her long time companion and forced to slay him in self-defense, she forged this shield, imbued with her grim determination to complete her quest despite knowing that alone, such attempt would likely end in death. Powerful enchantments were placed on this shield to stop it from falling into the wrong hands, and although they have faded somewhat with time, it would be foolhardy of anyone to try to wield it that does not resemble her both in spirit and body.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class +2, +2 vs. missiles, humanoids, male opponents, and charmed or controlled creatures
– Aura cleansing
– Immunity to Backstab
– Immunity to permanent death
– Improved critical hit chance

 3 Strength
 12 Charisma

Weight: 5
This was the personal shield of Sartessa, a half-elven Ranger of the Wood of Sharp Teeth. Called to a quest by divine intervention at a young age, she traveled the long way to Luskan seeking to restore peace to the Sword Coast in troubled times. Betrayed near the end of her journey by her long time companion and forced to slay him in self-defense, she forged this shield, imbued with her grim determination to complete her quest despite knowing that alone, such attempt would likely end in death. Powerful enchantments were placed on this shield to stop it from falling into the wrong hands, and although they have faded somewhat with time, it would be foolhardy of anyone to try to wield it that does not resemble her both in spirit and body.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les humanoïdes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les hommes
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les créatures contrôlées
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les créatures charmées
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les humanoïdes
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les hommes
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les créatures contrôlées
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les créatures charmées
- Chance d'infliger un coup critique : +35 %
- Paralyse les hommes
- Immunité aux attaques sournoises
- Permet de lancer plusieurs sorts par round

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
- Charisme : 12
Tarloc's Contingency +1
Some say a positive mindset is key to victory. The creator of this shield, a dark elven sorcerer in life and feared lich in undeath, clearly had a different idea. Considering the comparative weakness of those concerned with the arcane arts and lack of suitable armour unacceptable, he set out to create the perfect piece of equipment if worst came to worst—a likely scenario for a wizard stuck in close range combat. Ever since, the powerful enchantments on this shield have frequently saved the lives of countless of owners in a pinch or allowed them to escape by the skin of their teeth, equally frequently at the cost of sacrificing their traveling companions.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– Casts Fireshield (Blue) on user in combat
– 20% chance to recover spells when seriously injured
– 5% chance to gain invisibility when hit
– Encases user in Otiluke's Resilient Sphere if critically wounded or rendered helpless

 10 Strength

Weight: 6
Some say a positive mindset is key to victory. The creator of this shield, a dark elven sorcerer in life and feared lich in undeath, clearly had a different idea. Considering the comparative weakness of those concerned with the arcane arts and lack of suitable armour unacceptable, he set out to create the perfect piece of equipment if worst came to worst—a likely scenario for a wizard stuck in close range combat. Ever since, the powerful enchantments on this shield have frequently saved the lives of countless of owners in a pinch or allowed them to escape by the skin of their teeth, equally frequently at the cost of sacrificing their traveling companions.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Shield of Devotion +1
This shield can be traced to a line of Paladins of Velen, who carried shields like this one into battle on mounted expeditions to the Nelanther Isles under the blessing of Torm. Celebrated in lore for their memorable armour as the Red Riders, their ceaseless dedication and resilience was a vital force in establishing peace to the region. Although long since dispersed, their legacy is highly sought after as traces of their original blessing still infuse these sets of armour, granting the wearer divine favour and increased stamina.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– Hit Points: +10%
– Grants an additional spell for spell levels 1-3

 10 Strength

Weight: 6
This shield can be traced to a line of Paladins of Velen, who carried shields like this one into battle on mounted expeditions to the Nelanther Isles under the blessing of Torm. Celebrated in lore for their memorable armour as the Red Riders, their ceaseless dedication and resilience was a vital force in establishing peace to the region. Although long since dispersed, their legacy is highly sought after as traces of their original blessing still infuse these sets of armour, granting the wearer divine favour and increased stamina.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2
- Mémorisation d'un sort divin supplémentaire de niveau 1
- Mémorisation d'un sort divin supplémentaire de niveau 2
- Mémorisation d'un sort divin supplémentaire de niveau 1 et 2
- Points de vie maximum : +10 %

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Buckler +1
A buckler is a small shield of wood or metal that fastens to the forearm. Because of its size it is light and can be worn with very little restriction to movement. This buckler has some form of generic enchantment, making it more resistant to blows.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
– No protection against missile and piercing attacks

 4 Strength

Weight: 2
A buckler is a small shield of wood or metal that fastens to the forearm. Because of its size it is light and can be worn with very little restriction to movement. This buckler has some form of generic enchantment, making it more resistant to blows.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Pellan's Shield +2
This shield was commissioned from the finest dwarven smiths by Pellan of Tyr, a renowned paladin who was known for his unquestioning courage and total lack of common sense. Upon hearing that a red dragon was ravaging the countryside, Pellan mounted his horse and rode off to do battle. Pellan and his armor digested readily, but the shield gave the dragon severe stomach cramps. He coughed it up, and it lay in his treasure pile for several years until it was retrieved by Pellan's son, a paladin who knew when to sneak. The superior craftsmanship is supplemented by a permanent lightness spell, which makes the shield very easy to wield.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3, an extra +1 vs. missile attacks

 10 Strength

Weight: 4
This shield was commissioned from the finest dwarven smiths by Pellan of Tyr, a renowned paladin who was known for his unquestioning courage and total lack of common sense. Upon hearing that a red dragon was ravaging the countryside, Pellan mounted his horse and rode off to do battle. Pellan and his armor digested readily, but the shield gave the dragon severe stomach cramps. He coughed it up, and it lay in his treasure pile for several years until it was retrieved by Pellan's son, a paladin who knew when to sneak. The superior craftsmanship is supplemented by a permanent lightness spell, which makes the shield very easy to wield.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Pellan's Shield +2
This shield was commissioned from the finest dwarven smiths by Pellan of Tyr, a renowned paladin who was known for his unquestioning courage and total lack of common sense. Upon hearing that a red dragon was ravaging the countryside, Pellan mounted his horse and rode off to do battle. Pellan and his armor digested readily, but the shield gave the dragon severe stomach cramps. He coughed it up, and it lay in his treasure pile for several years until it was retrieved by Pellan's son, a paladin who knew when to sneak. The superior craftsmanship is supplemented by a permanent lightness spell, which makes the shield very easy to wield.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3, an extra +1 vs. missile attacks

 10 Strength

Weight: 4
This shield was commissioned from the finest dwarven smiths by Pellan of Tyr, a renowned paladin who was known for his unquestioning courage and total lack of common sense. Upon hearing that a red dragon was ravaging the countryside, Pellan mounted his horse and rode off to do battle. Pellan and his armor digested readily, but the shield gave the dragon severe stomach cramps. He coughed it up, and it lay in his treasure pile for several years until it was retrieved by Pellan's son, a paladin who knew when to sneak. The superior craftsmanship is supplemented by a permanent lightness spell, which makes the shield very easy to wield.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Kiel's Buckler
This is the buckler of Kiel the Legion Killer, firstborn son of Durlag Trollkiller and Clan-prince of his father's ill-fated tower. Its light weight and excellent craftsmanship increase the Dexterity of all who bear it by a single point.


Equipped abilities:
– Dexterity: +1
– Armor Class: +1
– No protection against missile and piercing attacks

 4 Strength

Weight: 2
This is the buckler of Kiel the Legion Killer, firstborn son of Durlag Trollkiller and Clan-prince of his father's ill-fated tower. Its light weight and excellent craftsmanship increase the Dexterity of all who bear it by a single point.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : -1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Dextérité : +1

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Small Shield +2
Despite the effectiveness of the enchantments on this shield, it is otherwise nondescript and defies precise identification. Such standardization makes it likely that it is from the militia of some forgotten barony, though it is hard to be certain. 


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3
– No protection against missile attacks

 4 Strength

Weight: 2
Despite the effectiveness of the enchantments on this shield, it is otherwise nondescript and defies precise identification. Such standardization makes it likely that it is from the militia of some forgotten barony, though it is hard to be certain. 


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3
- Classe d'armure : -3 contre les projectiles

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Medium Shield +2
A standard magical shield given to elite troops and bodyguards, this particular shield is relatively new. Forged recently by Taerom Fuiruim of Beregost, this shield has few stories to tell. Perhaps it will take a brave young warrior to perform legendary deeds while wearing it, to finally give it a history.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3

 12 Strength

Weight: 5
A standard magical shield given to elite troops and bodyguards, this particular shield is relatively new. Forged recently by Taerom Fuiruim of Beregost, this shield has few stories to tell. Perhaps it will take a brave young warrior to perform legendary deeds while wearing it, to finally give it a history.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +3

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Large Shield +2
A shield of the elite Calimport Standing Dragoons mercenary company, a group long since disbanded due to political backstabbing. Having the best of equipment, their shields were extremely light and powerfully protective in combat. The size of the shield precludes the use of the shield hand for anything else.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3, an extra +1 vs. missile attacks

 10 Strength

Weight: 4
A shield of the elite Calimport Standing Dragoons mercenary company, a group long since disbanded due to political backstabbing. Having the best of equipment, their shields were extremely light and powerfully protective in combat. The size of the shield precludes the use of the shield hand for anything else.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Large Shield +2
A shield of the elite Calimport Standing Dragoons mercenary company, a group long since disbanded due to political backstabbing. Having the best of equipment, their shields were extremely light and powerfully protective in combat. The size of the shield precludes the use of the shield hand for anything else.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +3, an extra +1 vs. missile attacks

 10 Strength

Weight: 4
A shield of the elite Calimport Standing Dragoons mercenary company, a group long since disbanded due to political backstabbing. Having the best of equipment, their shields were extremely light and powerfully protective in combat. The size of the shield precludes the use of the shield hand for anything else.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +3

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Gorm's Arm +3
This large shield of dwarven darksteel provides more protection than most suits of armor. It was forged and enchanted with one goal, and one goal only: to keep the wielder protected in combat. What might seem a redundant point to make becomes clear when one looks at the sacrifices that have been made towards this aim. Far heavier than most shields of its size and imbued with an antimagical aura, it is somewhat cumbersome to use in battle, and casting with it in hand is virtually impossible.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +5
– Magic Resistance: +50%
– Disables spellcasting

 17 Strength

Weight: 20
This large shield of dwarven darksteel provides more protection than most suits of armor. It was forged and enchanted with one goal, and one goal only: to keep the wielder protected in combat. What might seem a redundant point to make becomes clear when one looks at the sacrifices that have been made towards this aim. Far heavier than most shields of its size and imbued with an antimagical aura, it is somewhat cumbersome to use in battle, and casting with it in hand is virtually impossible.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +5
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts divins
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts innés
- Résistance à la magie : +50 %

Poids : 20

Nécessite : 
- Force : 17
Medium Shield
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium shields are usually made of metal, range from three to four feet in diameter, and can be of any shape, from round to square to a dragon's spread wings. A typical medieval shield resembles a triangle with one point facing downward.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1

 12 Strength

Weight: 8
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium shields are usually made of metal, range from three to four feet in diameter, and can be of any shape, from round to square to a dragon's spread wings. A typical medieval shield resembles a triangle with one point facing downward.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +5
- Jets de sauvegarde : +1

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Buckley's Buckler
A rectangle of mammoth hide forms this small shield. No amount of cleansing can dispel the pong of decay from this poorly tanned device, yet somehow the malodorous shield fortifies its wielder.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Constitution: +1
– No protection against missile and piercing attacks

 4 Strength

Weight: 2
A rectangle of mammoth hide forms this small shield. No amount of cleansing can dispel the pong of decay from this poorly tanned device, yet somehow the malodorous shield fortifies its wielder.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -1 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure : -1 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Constitution : +1

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Sling +1
Slings have existed since the beginning of recorded history. The basic sling consists of a leather or fabric strap with a pouch for holding the missile, however this one has been imbued with a small magical enchantment. The weapon is held by both ends of the strap and twirled around the wielder's head. When top speed is attained, the missile is launched by releasing one of the strap's ends.


THAC0: +1
Damage: +1 (missile)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 0
Slings have existed since the beginning of recorded history. The basic sling consists of a leather or fabric strap with a pouch for holding the missile, however this one has been imbued with a small magical enchantment. The weapon is held by both ends of the strap and twirled around the wielder's head. When top speed is attained, the missile is launched by releasing one of the strap's ends.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Sling
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Arla's Dragonbane +3
None know better than halflings the value of a well-placed stone when confronting a larger foe. This particular weapon was the property of a young woman named Arla Surestep, one of the few small folk that left the hearth to seek adventure. Legend speaks of the diminutive Arla using this sling to place a well-sharpened pebble through the skull of a green dragon in mid-flight, though the same tale in another tavern places the stone squarely in the creature's hindquarters for more humorous than lethal effect. It would seem that halflings prefer entertainment over accuracy when it comes to their history.


THAC0: +3
Damage: +3 (missile)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 0
None know better than halflings the value of a well-placed stone when confronting a larger foe. This particular weapon was the property of a young woman named Arla Surestep, one of the few small folk that left the hearth to seek adventure. Legend speaks of the diminutive Arla using this sling to place a well-sharpened pebble through the skull of a green dragon in mid-flight, though the same tale in another tavern places the stone squarely in the creature's hindquarters for more humorous than lethal effect. It would seem that halflings prefer entertainment over accuracy when it comes to their history.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Sling
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Sling +2
Magical slings are the hallmark of stout halfling warriors. Usually their mothers or a talented aunt will create this sling for the halfling lad or lass who is about to embark on their second great adventure. The reason that the sling is given on the second adventure and not the first is that many halflings decide not to pursue the life of an adventurer after getting a taste of it.


THAC0: +2
Damage: +2 (missile)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 0
Magical slings are the hallmark of stout halfling warriors. Usually their mothers or a talented aunt will create this sling for the halfling lad or lass who is about to embark on their second great adventure. The reason that the sling is given on the second adventure and not the first is that many halflings decide not to pursue the life of an adventurer after getting a taste of it.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Sling
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Sling +3
Magical slings are the hallmark of stout halfling warriors. Usually their mothers or a talented aunt will create this sling for the halfling lad or lass who is about to embark on their second great adventure. The reason that the sling is given on the second adventure and not the first is that many halflings decide not to pursue the life of an adventurer after getting a taste of it.


THAC0: +3
Damage: +3 (missile)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 0
Magical slings are the hallmark of stout halfling warriors. Usually their mothers or a talented aunt will create this sling for the halfling lad or lass who is about to embark on their second great adventure. The reason that the sling is given on the second adventure and not the first is that many halflings decide not to pursue the life of an adventurer after getting a taste of it.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Sling
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Sling of Unerring Accuracy +1
Dandifox was one of the greatest heroes of the hin, the small people also known as halflings. From the concealment of forest arbors, he would attack rich caravans for a "tithe," which he then distributed among the local poor. The heroic robber finally met his end on the point of a guardsman's spear, but not before the constabulary had learned to fear and hate his infallible aim.


THAC0: +2
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 0
Dandifox was one of the greatest heroes of the hin, the small people also known as halflings. From the concealment of forest arbors, he would attack rich caravans for a "tithe," which he then distributed among the local poor. The heroic robber finally met his end on the point of a guardsman's spear, but not before the constabulary had learned to fear and hate his infallible aim.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Sling
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 0

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Spear +1
One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. When the civilized races mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. Having reached this end, weaponsmiths began experimenting with different types of spearheads, thus leading to the development of certain polearm types. This spear is slightly different though, as it has been imbued with certain magical properties.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 5
One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. When the civilized races mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. Having reached this end, weaponsmiths began experimenting with different types of spearheads, thus leading to the development of certain polearm types. This spear is slightly different though, as it has been imbued with certain magical properties.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 5
Type de compétence : Spear
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Backbiter +3
This cursed weapon will appear as a magical spear; however when a combat situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and Backbiter will attack the wielder. For every attack made, Backbiter will attack the foe and also the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in the end. The only way that Backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse spell.


Equipped abilities:
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Combat abilities:
– 3 points of damage (piercing) inflicted to the wielder upon every successful hit

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 5
This cursed weapon will appear as a magical spear; however when a combat situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and Backbiter will attack the wielder. For every attack made, Backbiter will attack the foe and also the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in the end. The only way that Backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse spell.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 3 points de dégâts perforants au porteur

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Spear
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Spear +2
One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. When the civilized races mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. Having reached this end, weaponsmiths began experimenting with different types of spearheads, thus leading to the development of certain polearm types. Another line of tinkering led to the integration of magic with spears. Tribal shamans would enchant the spears so that they would hit more often and do greater damage to their wielder's opponents.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Spear 
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. When the civilized races mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. Having reached this end, weaponsmiths began experimenting with different types of spearheads, thus leading to the development of certain polearm types. Another line of tinkering led to the integration of magic with spears. Tribal shamans would enchant the spears so that they would hit more often and do greater damage to their wielder's opponents.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Spear
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Spear +3
One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. When the civilized races mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. This spear trembles from the powerful magic used in its creation.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear 
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. When the civilized races mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. This spear trembles from the powerful magic used in its creation.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Spear
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Quarterstaff +1
The simplest and humblest of staff weapons, the quarterstaff is a length of wood ranging six to nine feet in length. High-quality quarterstaves are made of stout oak and are shod with metal at both ends. This one is particularly special as it has been imbued with magical properties.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 4
The simplest and humblest of staff weapons, the quarterstaff is a length of wood ranging six to nine feet in length. High-quality quarterstaves are made of stout oak and are shod with metal at both ends. This one is particularly special as it has been imbued with magical properties.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Staff of Striking +3
Staves of Striking are made by the gold elves of Drelagara on Evermeet. The staves have a life of their own and jump to attack in their bearer's hands. The elven craftsmen rarely sell them to other races, but these powerful melee weapons do surface occasionally in Faerûn. However, each attack made with the staff uses a charge, causing it to consume itself when no charges remain.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+9 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 4
Staves of Striking are made by the gold elves of Drelagara on Evermeet. The staves have a life of their own and jump to attack in their bearer's hands. The elven craftsmen rarely sell them to other races, but these powerful melee weapons do surface occasionally in Faerûn. However, each attack made with the staff uses a charge, causing it to consume itself when no charges remain.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +9
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Staff Mace +2
This weapon appears to be a normal large walking staff, but it has a faint aura of alteration magic. Uttering the command word causes the staff to assume the attributes of a mace, allowing it to be wielded with one hand. This was likely designed for Clerics or Druids, though that does not preclude use by most others.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 2d4+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: One-handed
 3 Strength

Weight: 4
This weapon appears to be a normal large walking staff, but it has a faint aura of alteration magic. Uttering the command word causes the staff to assume the attributes of a mace, allowing it to be wielded with one hand. This was likely designed for Clerics or Druids, though that does not preclude use by most others.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 2d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 3
Staff Spear +2
When this seemingly ordinary quarterstaff is examined magically, it has an aura of alteration. Upon command, a long sharp spear blade will shoot forth from its upper end, making the staff into a spear. Likely made by a wizard or priest hoping to increase their melee abilities, it is usable by anybody capable of handling a staff.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 4
When this seemingly ordinary quarterstaff is examined magically, it has an aura of alteration. Upon command, a long sharp spear blade will shoot forth from its upper end, making the staff into a spear. Likely made by a wizard or priest hoping to increase their melee abilities, it is usable by anybody capable of handling a staff.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Aule's Staff +3
This finely crafted staff was among the spoils taken from the invaders of Durlag's Tower. It is very deadly in combat, and was apparently the property of a spellcaster that enjoyed standing on the front lines. It appears to have a core of iron, yet it is comparable in weight to a normal weapon of its type. Part of the enchantment seems to come from the hide that strengthens the grip: Leather no doubt made from a battle-ready creature of some sort. With the tastes and inclinations of the attackers of the tower well documented, the hide could be almost anything... or anyone.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
This finely crafted staff was among the spoils taken from the invaders of Durlag's Tower. It is very deadly in combat, and was apparently the property of a spellcaster that enjoyed standing on the front lines. It appears to have a core of iron, yet it is comparable in weight to a normal weapon of its type. Part of the enchantment seems to come from the hide that strengthens the grip: Leather no doubt made from a battle-ready creature of some sort. With the tastes and inclinations of the attackers of the tower well documented, the hide could be almost anything... or anyone.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Quarterstaff +2
The simplest of staff weapons is the quarterstaff, a length of wood six to nine feet in length. High-quality quarterstaves are made of stout oak and are shod with metal at both ends. Powerful enchantments during the making of this staff have improved its accuracy and the damage it can cause, but they bear no signature.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
The simplest of staff weapons is the quarterstaff, a length of wood six to nine feet in length. High-quality quarterstaves are made of stout oak and are shod with metal at both ends. Powerful enchantments during the making of this staff have improved its accuracy and the damage it can cause, but they bear no signature.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
The Ossifier
Cursed Staff of Petrification: The Ossifier
The surface of this seven-foot shaft more resembles stone than wood, but in the hands of a skilled wielder it weighs little more than a staff of oak. Along its length appear the ghost-like images of various foes caught in defensive postures, appearing almost as thought they had been suddenly turned to stone.


Equipped abilities:
– May only be removed by a Remove Curse spell

Combat abilities:
– Casts Barkskin on target upon each successful hit

Damage: 1d6 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 4
Cursed Staff of Petrification: The Ossifier
The surface of this seven-foot shaft more resembles stone than wood, but in the hands of a skilled wielder it weighs little more than a staff of oak. Along its length appear the ghost-like images of various foes caught in defensive postures, appearing almost as thought they had been suddenly turned to stone.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction

Capacités de combat : 
- Lance Barkskin

Dégâts : 1d6 
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Neera's Staff +1
This finely crafted and intricately engraved quarterstaff was "improved" upon by Neera herself. Her intent was to create a staff that would inflict fiery pain upon its victims, but she fell slightly short of that goal. While it can light enemies aflame, there is also the chance that the staff will backfire and incinerate its wielder.


Combat abilities:
– When the staff strikes a target, there is a 10% chance that either the target or the wielder will take 1 point of fire damage.

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: Two-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 4
This finely crafted and intricately engraved quarterstaff was "improved" upon by Neera herself. Her intent was to create a staff that would inflict fiery pain upon its victims, but she fell slightly short of that goal. While it can light enemies aflame, there is also the chance that the staff will backfire and incinerate its wielder.


Capacités de combat : 
- 11 % de chance d'infliger 1 points de dégâts de feu au porteur
- 11 % de chance d'infliger 1 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Quarterstaff
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Bastard Sword +1
Also known as the hand-and-a-half sword, the bastard sword derives its name from the fact that it is halfway between the two-handed sword and the long sword. This is a magical bastard sword.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 2d4+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: One-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 9
Also known as the hand-and-a-half sword, the bastard sword derives its name from the fact that it is halfway between the two-handed sword and the long sword. This is a magical bastard sword.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 2d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Bastard Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Kondar +1
At a first glance, this sword appears much like any other. In the presence of any shapeshifting creature, however, the blade becomes warm as its power stirs. Its namesake was the original owner of the weapon, and his tale, though mostly long forgotten, was wrought with treachery and deceit. Rumors persist that he paid a fearsome price for this blade, but with it he revealed the true identities of those that sought to betray him. Their names and crimes however, are long since lost to history.


THAC0: +1, +3 vs. shapeshifters
Damage: 2d4+1, +3 vs. shapeshifters
Damage type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 8
At a first glance, this sword appears much like any other. In the presence of any shapeshifting creature, however, the blade becomes warm as its power stirs. Its namesake was the original owner of the weapon, and his tale, though mostly long forgotten, was wrought with treachery and deceit. Rumors persist that he paid a fearsome price for this blade, but with it he revealed the true identities of those that sought to betray him. Their names and crimes however, are long since lost to history.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +3 contre les dopplegangers
- Enchantement : +3 contre les loups-garous
- TAC0 : +2 contre les loups-garous
- TAC0 : +2 contre les dopplegangers

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les dopplegangers
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les loups-garous

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 2d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Bastard Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Long Sword +1
These swords are usually referred to as double-edged swords, war swords, or military swords. The blade hums slightly in your hand, the only overt evidence that magic runs through it.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
These swords are usually referred to as double-edged swords, war swords, or military swords. The blade hums slightly in your hand, the only overt evidence that magic runs through it.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Long Sword +1
These swords are usually referred to as double-edged swords, war swords, or military swords. The blade hums slightly in your hand, the only overt evidence that magic runs through it.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
These swords are usually referred to as double-edged swords, war swords, or military swords. The blade hums slightly in your hand, the only overt evidence that magic runs through it.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Varscona +2
Blades of this type were long used by Sharran priests during the sacrificial rites of "Feast of the Moon" ceremonies. Legends say that, when she passed on, the remains of this sword's wielder were mummified and the blade was placed within her chest as a symbol of power. In the first stage of a long forgotten ritual, she was to have been exhumed in a season, born again in some new form. Unfortunately, cult wars killed the few that knew of her existence; her tomb became a prison where she was forgotten, and there she developed a rage that bordered on insanity. Her grave was eventually found, but it was deserted and gave no indication of her whereabouts. Some venture to say that her anger was so concentrated that she became one with the very blade of her weapon. Regardless, after hundreds of years surrounded by constant hate, the sword harvested a power of its own. It is now exceedingly deadly in combat.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2, +1 cold damage
Damage type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
Blades of this type were long used by Sharran priests during the sacrificial rites of "Feast of the Moon" ceremonies. Legends say that, when she passed on, the remains of this sword's wielder were mummified and the blade was placed within her chest as a symbol of power. In the first stage of a long forgotten ritual, she was to have been exhumed in a season, born again in some new form. Unfortunately, cult wars killed the few that knew of her existence; her tomb became a prison where she was forgotten, and there she developed a rage that bordered on insanity. Her grave was eventually found, but it was deserted and gave no indication of her whereabouts. Some venture to say that her anger was so concentrated that she became one with the very blade of her weapon. Regardless, after hundreds of years surrounded by constant hate, the sword harvested a power of its own. It is now exceedingly deadly in combat.


Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de froid supplémentaires

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Short Sword +1
The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so long that it can no longer be called a dagger. This short blade is magical, improving accuracy and damage.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so long that it can no longer be called a dagger. This short blade is magical, improving accuracy and damage.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
The Whistling Sword +2
Amidst the plains of the Eastern Shaar there lived a small human blacksmith, whose nearly dwarven height did not do his soul justice. Though a skilled weaponsmith, his true gift was his ability to whistle a heartfelt song that could cause a grown man to cry like a newborn. Only a reclusive Mage shared and enjoyed time with the diminutive man, however, as others could only see his small size as a source of amusement. Deaf to the smith's song because of their own prejudices, their ridicule slowly grew into cruel torment which eventually persuaded the light-hearted man to leave his home forever. Before he left he forged this weapon as a gift for his one friend, who also enchanted it during the making. Thus the blade sweetly whistles to its wielder when unsheathed. It was not long after that the Mage also deserted the small town in disgust, taking the sword with him on his journeys.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 2
Amidst the plains of the Eastern Shaar there lived a small human blacksmith, whose nearly dwarven height did not do his soul justice. Though a skilled weaponsmith, his true gift was his ability to whistle a heartfelt song that could cause a grown man to cry like a newborn. Only a reclusive Mage shared and enjoyed time with the diminutive man, however, as others could only see his small size as a source of amusement. Deaf to the smith's song because of their own prejudices, their ridicule slowly grew into cruel torment which eventually persuaded the light-hearted man to leave his home forever. Before he left he forged this weapon as a gift for his one friend, who also enchanted it during the making. Thus the blade sweetly whistles to its wielder when unsheathed. It was not long after that the Mage also deserted the small town in disgust, taking the sword with him on his journeys.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d6 +2
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
The Shadow's Blade +3
Short Sword of Backstabbing: The Shadow's Blade 
The Shadow's Blade was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. It is highly sought after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that possess it do not do so for long.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 4 Strength

Weight: 3
Short Sword of Backstabbing: The Shadow's Blade 
The Shadow's Blade was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. It is highly sought after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that possess it do not do so for long.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Moonblade +3
This potent weapon was created by the smiths of ancient Myth Drannor. Moonblades are used in the long process of selecting a ruler for the isle of Evermeet. A moonblade chooses its owner, and in the case of this sword it has chosen the elf, Xan. Only Xan can use this blade; anyone else who tries will find themselves unable to lift it. This particular moonblade gives resistance to fire and a bonus to the user's Armor Class.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +1
– Fire Resistance: +50%

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: One-handed

Weight: 3
This potent weapon was created by the smiths of ancient Myth Drannor. Moonblades are used in the long process of selecting a ruler for the isle of Evermeet. A moonblade chooses its owner, and in the case of this sword it has chosen the elf, Xan. Only Xan can use this blade; anyone else who tries will find themselves unable to lift it. This particular moonblade gives resistance to fire and a bonus to the user's Armor Class.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +1
- Résistance au feu : +50 %

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Dagger
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3
Icingdeath +3
This is the Frostbrand scimitar Icingdeath. It is one of Drizzt's personal weapons.


Equipped abilities:
– Fire Resistance: +50%

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 4
This is the Frostbrand scimitar Icingdeath. It is one of Drizzt's personal weapons.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance au feu : +50 %

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Twinkle +3
This is the magical scimitar +3 that bears the name Twinkle. It is one of the personal weapons of Drizzt. Due to its magical nature, only those pure of heart can use it.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 4
This is the magical scimitar +3 that bears the name Twinkle. It is one of the personal weapons of Drizzt. Due to its magical nature, only those pure of heart can use it.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Sword of Balduran
This ornate but poorly balanced weapon was found within the wreck of Balduran's ship. Gold weapons are not known to be useful in combat, but legends say that only weapons forged of gold can harm such dread creatures as the loup garou.


THAC0: +4 vs. lycanthropes
Damage: 2d4, +4 vs. lycanthropes
Damage type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: One-handed
 12 Strength

Weight: 12
This ornate but poorly balanced weapon was found within the wreck of Balduran's ship. Gold weapons are not known to be useful in combat, but legends say that only weapons forged of gold can harm such dread creatures as the loup garou.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +4 contre les loups-garous
- TAC0 : +4 contre les loups-garous

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 4 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les loups-garous

Enchantement : +1
Dégâts : 2d4 
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 8
Type de compétence : Bastard Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
The Vampire's Revenge +1
It would seem that the very speculation of this weapon's existence has conspired to pull it from the realm of fantasy and into the everyday—though, as with all things that come from dreams, it is not as it truly seems. The blade is indeed vampiric, as the name would suggest, though not in the manner the finder might have hoped. It is rumored that the blade, instead of performing as one might think a vampiric blade would, was actually constructed by vampires as a trap for those that could eventually oppose them. These incredibly clever fiends have apparently fashioned numerous versions of these unfortunate blades over time, and they are the bane of all right-thinking adventurers. Each swing actually inflicts damage upon the wielder, as  life energies are drained in order to heal  intended victim. Were this not enough, the weapon is cursed so as to prevent its removal, and the user is smitten with a wasting of the mind, that  may not even think of trying to rid self of it. This may be among the few magical treasures that are simply not worth the trouble of seeking, and one may better spend one's time having a lovely beverage, rather than gallivanting about the wilderness with a pack full of rubbish chasing phantoms.


Equipped abilities:
– Affects Intelligence in a negative manner... I think... duhhhhhh
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Combat abilities:
– Inflicts damage upon the wielder and heals the target

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
It would seem that the very speculation of this weapon's existence has conspired to pull it from the realm of fantasy and into the everyday—though, as with all things that come from dreams, it is not as it truly seems. The blade is indeed vampiric, as the name would suggest, though not in the manner the finder might have hoped. It is rumored that the blade, instead of performing as one might think a vampiric blade would, was actually constructed by vampires as a trap for those that could eventually oppose them. These incredibly clever fiends have apparently fashioned numerous versions of these unfortunate blades over time, and they are the bane of all right-thinking adventurers. Each swing actually inflicts damage upon the wielder, as  life energies are drained in order to heal  intended victim. Were this not enough, the weapon is cursed so as to prevent its removal, and the user is smitten with a wasting of the mind, that  may not even think of trying to rid self of it. This may be among the few magical treasures that are simply not worth the trouble of seeking, and one may better spend one's time having a lovely beverage, rather than gallivanting about the wilderness with a pack full of rubbish chasing phantoms.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Intelligence : -1

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 9 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires
- Provoque la rage du berserker chez le porteur pendant 1 tour

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Scimitar +1
The long, curved, single-edged blade is characteristic of both the saber and the scimitar, even though their origins lie in different parts of Faerûn. Whereas the saber was intended chiefly for horsemen, mainly due to its versatility, the scimitar has a heavier oriental influence. The "shamshir," as it was originally called, is larger, more highly curved, and tapered to an elongated, sharp point. This makes the weapon slightly slower but more effective and deadly in combat. This particular weapon has been enhanced magically to complement the skill of the wielder.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 3
The long, curved, single-edged blade is characteristic of both the saber and the scimitar, even though their origins lie in different parts of Faerûn. Whereas the saber was intended chiefly for horsemen, mainly due to its versatility, the scimitar has a heavier oriental influence. The "shamshir," as it was originally called, is larger, more highly curved, and tapered to an elongated, sharp point. This makes the weapon slightly slower but more effective and deadly in combat. This particular weapon has been enhanced magically to complement the skill of the wielder.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
Rashad's Talon +2
Named for Prince Rashad, former ruler of a minor principality to the east, this blade and many of the prince's possessions were taken by disgruntled palace guards after his death. The role of the guards in the unfortunate affair was never determined, but rumor has it that all died within a year, slain by this very weapon.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 10 Strength

Weight: 3
Named for Prince Rashad, former ruler of a minor principality to the east, this blade and many of the prince's possessions were taken by disgruntled palace guards after his death. The role of the guards in the unfortunate affair was never determined, but rumor has it that all died within a year, slain by this very weapon.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 10
The Burning Earth +1
Flame Tongue +1: The Burning Earth 
There was a time before Neverwinter was warm and before the great Anauroch was dry... or so it is said. Few relics remain to prove such an age existed, and fewer still have an identifiable purpose. "The Burning Earth" seems straightforward enough. It burns a victim with magical fire, and a cryptic rune seems to suggest that the power comes from the ground itself—but whomever constructed it remains a mystery. It looks a perfectly serviceable weapon, but something in the balance or grip is... wrong. It strains the forearm a touch, and does not fit the hand just right. It doesn't seem to hurt a warrior's performance, aside from the nagging doubt that the blade was not made for ... or any other humanoid.


THAC0: +1, +2 vs. regenerating creatures, +3 vs. cold-using creatures, +4 vs. undead 
Damage: 1d8+1, +1 fire, +2 vs. regenerating creatures, +3 vs. cold-using creatures, +4 vs. undead
Damage type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 4
Flame Tongue +1: The Burning Earth 
There was a time before Neverwinter was warm and before the great Anauroch was dry... or so it is said. Few relics remain to prove such an age existed, and fewer still have an identifiable purpose. "The Burning Earth" seems straightforward enough. It burns a victim with magical fire, and a cryptic rune seems to suggest that the power comes from the ground itself—but whomever constructed it remains a mystery. It looks a perfectly serviceable weapon, but something in the balance or grip is... wrong. It strains the forearm a touch, and does not fit the hand just right. It doesn't seem to hurt a warrior's performance, aside from the nagging doubt that the blade was not made for ... or any other humanoid.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +2 contre les trolls
- Enchantement : +2 contre les loups-garous
- Enchantement : +3 contre les loups des glaces
- Enchantement : +4 contre les morts-vivants
- TAC0 : +1 contre les trolls
- TAC0 : +3 contre les morts-vivants
- TAC0 : +2 contre les loups des glaces
- TAC0 : +1 contre les loups-garous

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les trolls
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les loups-garous
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les loups des glaces
- Inflige 3 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les morts-vivants

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Albruin +1
Basalin was a large man, rumored, far from his hearing, to be a werebear. He long wielded the sword Albruin in the protection of his village, slaying giant spiders that plagued the area. The sword protected him from their poison and also allowed him to see invisible Red Wizards who controlled some of the more fantastic variants. The reason for their enmity is unknown.


Equipped abilities:
– Immunity to poison

Charge abilities: 
– Detect Invisibility once per day

THAC0: +1
Damage: 2d4+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: One-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 8
Basalin was a large man, rumored, far from his hearing, to be a werebear. He long wielded the sword Albruin in the protection of his village, slaying giant spiders that plagued the area. The sword protected him from their poison and also allowed him to see invisible Red Wizards who controlled some of the more fantastic variants. The reason for their enmity is unknown.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Résistance aux poisons : +100 %
- Immunité aux poisons

Capacités de charge : 
- Detect Invisibility (1 fois par jour)

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 2d4 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Bastard Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 8

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Long Sword +2
A sword of standardized enchantment, powerful though it is. The great southern nations are said to have once had legions of their soldiers armed in such a fashion, a force that must have appeared truly imposing on the battlefield. The days of such extravagance are long past though.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d8+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 3
A sword of standardized enchantment, powerful though it is. The great southern nations are said to have once had legions of their soldiers armed in such a fashion, a force that must have appeared truly imposing on the battlefield. The days of such extravagance are long past though.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d8 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Bastard Sword +2
Not only has a smith made this sword so that it is better balanced and more durable than a standard blade, powerful enchantments have also been placed on it. It is faster, more accurate, and hits for far more damage than the standard of its type.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 2d4+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: One-handed
 11 Strength

Weight: 7
Not only has a smith made this sword so that it is better balanced and more durable than a standard blade, powerful enchantments have also been placed on it. It is faster, more accurate, and hits for far more damage than the standard of its type.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 2d4 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 6
Type de compétence : Bastard Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 7

Nécessite : 
- Force : 11
Katana +1
To enchant a katana is no simple process. Unlike conventional weapons, the katana is already a near-perfect fighting sword. To improve it usually requires a sacrifice, perhaps a dying samurai might beg a Wu Jen to infuse his fighting spirit into the spirit of the katana. The wielder of an enchanted katana, such as this one, must respect the customs of Kara-Tur and of the samurai who once carried this blade into battle. Not doing so could drastically change one's luck for the worse.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d10+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 5
To enchant a katana is no simple process. Unlike conventional weapons, the katana is already a near-perfect fighting sword. To improve it usually requires a sacrifice, perhaps a dying samurai might beg a Wu Jen to infuse his fighting spirit into the spirit of the katana. The wielder of an enchanted katana, such as this one, must respect the customs of Kara-Tur and of the samurai who once carried this blade into battle. Not doing so could drastically change one's luck for the worse.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d10 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Katana
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Wakizashi +1
The wakizashi, or companion sword, is extremely important to the samurai. It is worn at all times, even indoors, and is near the samurai when he sleeps at night. Wu Jen masters have concealed within this wakizashi great power, unleashed only when the wielder is in the thick of battle. How or why this wakizashi made it to Faerûn is unknown, but if the samurai who owned it still lives, he will certainly be looking for it.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 2
The wakizashi, or companion sword, is extremely important to the samurai. It is worn at all times, even indoors, and is near the samurai when he sleeps at night. Wu Jen masters have concealed within this wakizashi great power, unleashed only when the wielder is in the thick of battle. How or why this wakizashi made it to Faerûn is unknown, but if the samurai who owned it still lives, he will certainly be looking for it.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 2

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Ninjatō +1
Saito Kagizu, or "Cat of the East" as the Thieves of Athkatla called him, brought several of these ninja swords with him when he arrived in Faerûn. They were part of his personal collection, ninjatō that he either "collected" from rivals or designed himself. When he died, his mistress gave away the swords to her other lovers, all of them powerful Thieves in their own right.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
Saito Kagizu, or "Cat of the East" as the Thieves of Athkatla called him, brought several of these ninja swords with him when he arrived in Faerûn. They were part of his personal collection, ninjatō that he either "collected" from rivals or designed himself. When he died, his mistress gave away the swords to her other lovers, all of them powerful Thieves in their own right.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Scimitar +3
The blade of this weapon seems to shimmer, revealing a fluid, razor edge. Truly there was great skill involved in its construction, as well as a blessing or two from some well-meaning eye above, even though the hilt is almost clumsily adorned by comparison.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō
Type: One-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 3
The blade of this weapon seems to shimmer, revealing a fluid, razor edge. Truly there was great skill involved in its construction, as well as a blessing or two from some well-meaning eye above, even though the hilt is almost clumsily adorned by comparison.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d8 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Yes, you are free to go.
No, now get back to work!
No, now get back to work!

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 1 points de dégâts de feu supplémentaires

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Katana +2
To enchant a katana is no simple process. Unlike conventional weapons, the katana is already a near-perfect fighting sword. To improve it usually requires a sacrifice, perhaps a dying samurai might beg a Wu Jen to infuse his fighting spirit into the spirit of the katana. The wielder of an enchanted katana, such as this one, must respect the customs of Kara-Tur and of the samurai who once carried this blade into battle. Not doing so could drastically change one's luck for the worse.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
To enchant a katana is no simple process. Unlike conventional weapons, the katana is already a near-perfect fighting sword. To improve it usually requires a sacrifice, perhaps a dying samurai might beg a Wu Jen to infuse his fighting spirit into the spirit of the katana. The wielder of an enchanted katana, such as this one, must respect the customs of Kara-Tur and of the samurai who once carried this blade into battle. Not doing so could drastically change one's luck for the worse.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Katana
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Short Sword +3
This short sword has been forged by hands both magical and highly skilled. Neither nick nor stain mar the flawless blade. When used in battle, the blade radiates magic and gifts the wielder with increased skill.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 1
This short sword has been forged by hands both magical and highly skilled. Neither nick nor stain mar the flawless blade. When used in battle, the blade radiates magic and gifts the wielder with increased skill.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d6 +3
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 0
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 1

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Drusus +1
The Drusus is an exceptionally well-made short sword.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: One-handed
 5 Strength

Weight: 3
The Drusus is an exceptionally well-made short sword.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d6 +1
Type de dégâts : Perforant
Facteur de vitesse : 2
Type de compétence : Short Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 3

Nécessite : 
- Force : 5
Harrower +1
This double-edged long sword gleams white even in the reddest of torchlight. The Dethek runes along its sides name the blade "Harrower," a weapon once wielded by Ariabel, a Waterdhavian Paladin of Lathander who once carried the weapon into combat against the vampire Zerafex and her host of unholy spawn. Ariabel did not survive the contest, but decades later a gang of Tethyrian tomb robbers recovered her sword from the crypt where she fell.


THAC0: +1, +3 vs. undead
Damage: 1d8+1, +3 vs. undead
Damage type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
This double-edged long sword gleams white even in the reddest of torchlight. The Dethek runes along its sides name the blade "Harrower," a weapon once wielded by Ariabel, a Waterdhavian Paladin of Lathander who once carried the weapon into combat against the vampire Zerafex and her host of unholy spawn. Ariabel did not survive the contest, but decades later a gang of Tethyrian tomb robbers recovered her sword from the crypt where she fell.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Enchantement : +3 contre les morts-vivants
- TAC0 : +2 contre les morts-vivants

Capacités de combat : 
- Inflige 2 points de dégâts tranchants supplémentaires contre les morts-vivants

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Two-handed Sword +1
The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d10+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 14 Strength

Weight: 12
The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d10 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 9
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Cursed Berserking Sword +3
This is a cursed sword which performs perfectly under every test, save the heat of battle. Upon entering combat, the wielder will immediately go berserk, killing everything within reach until either calming down or falling unconscious. A very powerful sword, but one must decide whether or not it is worth the risk. Even once the battle fury has ended, this sword can only be removed via an exorcism using a Remove Curse spell.


Equipped abilities:
– Causes the wielder to go berserk
– May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d10+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 14 Strength

Weight: 15
This is a cursed sword which performs perfectly under every test, save the heat of battle. Upon entering combat, the wielder will immediately go berserk, killing everything within reach until either calming down or falling unconscious. A very powerful sword, but one must decide whether or not it is worth the risk. Even once the battle fury has ended, this sword can only be removed via an exorcism using a Remove Curse spell.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Maudit : Ne peut être ôté qu'à l'aide d'un sort de Délivrance de la malédiction
- Provoque la rage du berserker chez le porteur

Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d10 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 15

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Spider's Bane +2
This sword was originally forged by the dwarves of the Orothiar tribe in Cloakwood. They created the blade to help foster goodwill between them and the Grand Dukes of Baldur's Gate. Wielded by the Grand Dukes for about a century, the sword was eventually lost, ironically in a fight against ettercaps and spiders. Who wields the blade is now unknown, but its recovery would aid greatly in fighting the current spider infestation that plagues the Cloakwood.


Equipped abilities:
– Protects the wielder from any magics that affect movement, such as Hold and Web.

THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 10
This sword was originally forged by the dwarves of the Orothiar tribe in Cloakwood. They created the blade to help foster goodwill between them and the Grand Dukes of Baldur's Gate. Wielded by the Grand Dukes for about a century, the sword was eventually lost, ironically in a fight against ettercaps and spiders. Who wields the blade is now unknown, but its recovery would aid greatly in fighting the current spider infestation that plagues the Cloakwood.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Vitesse de déplacement : 0
- Immunité au sort Plant Growth
- Immunité au sort Entangle
- Immunité au sort Golem Slow
- Immunité au sort Slow
- Immunité au sort Vortex Web
- Immunité au sort Haste
- Immunité à la paralysie
- Immunité à l'étourdissement de manière permanente
- Immunité aux effets affectant la mobilité
- Immunité aux toiles
- Immunité à la lenteur
- Immunité à la hâte
- Action libre

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 8
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
The World's Edge +3
This is a legendary weapon of heroic proportions, especially among the far-northern tribes of barbarians. Champion after champion has wielded this blade against countless enemies, and the blood it has spilled could fill a small sea. History will not admit that such a blade could be forged and each consecutive owner seems to tie its origin to whatever creation myth they believe. The most grandiose of these tales is that of a great chieftain who sailed to the cliffs that supposedly bordered the world. There he reached into the void, and his will shaped the blade from nothing. Whatever the truth, in the right hands this sword is a fearsome thing.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d10+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 9
This is a legendary weapon of heroic proportions, especially among the far-northern tribes of barbarians. Champion after champion has wielded this blade against countless enemies, and the blood it has spilled could fill a small sea. History will not admit that such a blade could be forged and each consecutive owner seems to tie its origin to whatever creation myth they believe. The most grandiose of these tales is that of a great chieftain who sailed to the cliffs that supposedly bordered the world. There he reached into the void, and his will shaped the blade from nothing. Whatever the truth, in the right hands this sword is a fearsome thing.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d10 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
The World's Edge +3
This is a legendary weapon of heroic proportions, especially among the far-northern tribes of barbarians. Champion after champion has wielded this blade against countless enemies, and the blood it has spilled could fill a small sea. History will not admit that such a blade could be forged and each consecutive owner seems to tie its origin to whatever creation myth they believe. The most grandiose of these tales is that of a great chieftain who sailed to the cliffs that supposedly bordered the world. There he reached into the void, and his will shaped the blade from nothing. Whatever the truth, in the right hands this sword is a fearsome thing.


THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d10+3 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 9
This is a legendary weapon of heroic proportions, especially among the far-northern tribes of barbarians. Champion after champion has wielded this blade against countless enemies, and the blood it has spilled could fill a small sea. History will not admit that such a blade could be forged and each consecutive owner seems to tie its origin to whatever creation myth they believe. The most grandiose of these tales is that of a great chieftain who sailed to the cliffs that supposedly bordered the world. There he reached into the void, and his will shaped the blade from nothing. Whatever the truth, in the right hands this sword is a fearsome thing.


Enchantement : +3
TAC0 : +3
Dégâts : 1d10 +3
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 9

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Durlag's Pride +2
Durlag's Pride


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength

Weight: 10
Durlag's Pride


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 8
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 13
Two-handed Sword +2
A derivative of the long sword, the two-handed sword is significantly longer, both in blade and hilt. Its primary function is cleaving mounted knights and breaking up pike formations. This magical version is even more capable of such functions, serving as a fearful reminder of what comes of the union between weapons and sorcery.


THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 14 Strength

Weight: 10
A derivative of the long sword, the two-handed sword is significantly longer, both in blade and hilt. Its primary function is cleaving mounted knights and breaking up pike formations. This magical version is even more capable of such functions, serving as a fearful reminder of what comes of the union between weapons and sorcery.


Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : 1d10 +2
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 8
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Gold Digger +1
Crafted by dwarves in service to the temple of Waukeen in Amn, this two-handed sword draws power from the gold in its wielder's purse. For the wealthy it strikes mighty blows. For the impoverished, the Gold Digger is no better than a mundane greatsword.


– Consumes 10 gold per successful hit

THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d10+4 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 14 Strength

Weight: 15
Crafted by dwarves in service to the temple of Waukeen in Amn, this two-handed sword draws power from the gold in its wielder's purse. For the wealthy it strikes mighty blows. For the impoverished, the Gold Digger is no better than a mundane greatsword.


Capacités de combat : 
- Réduit l'or du porteur de 10

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d10 +4
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 9
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 15

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
Rancor +1
This ebony two-handed sword is covered with inscriptions that you cannot decipher. It hums softly in the presence of Dorn Il-Khan. Individuals who are good of heart are overcome with feelings of guilt and anxiety when they hold this blade.


Combat abilities:
– When Dorn holds this blade, any death that it causes has a chance to grant Dorn an increase of +1 to his to-hit rolls for 24 hours

THAC0: +1, +2 if it has slain someone within the past 24 hours
Damage: 1d10+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword
Type: Two-handed
 14 Strength

Weight: 12
This ebony two-handed sword is covered with inscriptions that you cannot decipher. It hums softly in the presence of Dorn Il-Khan. Individuals who are good of heart are overcome with feelings of guilt and anxiety when they hold this blade.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d10 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 9
Type de compétence : Two-Handed Sword
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 14
War Hammer
Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback and, as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two examples of this—the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. (Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs.) The shaft is about eighteen inches long.


Damage: 1d4+1 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: One-handed
 9 Strength

Weight: 6
Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback and, as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two examples of this—the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. (Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs.) The shaft is about eighteen inches long.


Dégâts : 1d4 +1
Type de dégâts : Contondant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : War Hammer
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 9
Leather Armor +1
Leather armor, despite the popular misconception, is not soft and supple like the leather used to make a Ranger's boots or a Druid's robe. That kind of leather offers no better protection than common clothing.


Armor Class: 7 (9 vs. piercing and missile)
 4 Strength

Weight: 10
Leather armor, despite the popular misconception, is not soft and supple like the leather used to make a Ranger's boots or a Druid's robe. That kind of leather offers no better protection than common clothing.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les projectiles
- Classe d'armure : -2 contre les armes perforantes
- Classe d'armure de base : 7
- Provoque l'échec systématique des sorts profanes

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 4
Medium Shield +1
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. This penalty is offset by the fact that this shield is magical, granting an additional +1 protection to its wearer.


Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2

 12 Strength

Weight: 6
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using  shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. This penalty is offset by the fact that this shield is magical, granting an additional +1 protection to its wearer.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Long Sword +1
These swords are usually referred to as double-edged swords, war swords, or military swords. The blade hums slightly in your hand, the only overt evidence that magic runs through it.


THAC0: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
 6 Strength

Weight: 4
These swords are usually referred to as double-edged swords, war swords, or military swords. The blade hums slightly in your hand, the only overt evidence that magic runs through it.


Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : 1d8 +1
Type de dégâts : Tranchant
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Long Sword
Type : Arme à 1 main

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 6
Sensate Amulet
This amulet originates in the city of Sigil, where it was forged by the Society of Sensation. It was given out to the most loyal Sensates, to protect them when they traveled the planes looking for new experiences.


Equipped abilities:
– Maximum Hit Points: +5
– Charisma: +2
– Protection From Evil

Weight: 3
This amulet originates in the city of Sigil, where it was forged by the Society of Sensation. It was given out to the most loyal Sensates, to protect them when they traveled the planes looking for new experiences.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +2 contre les créatures mauvaises
- Jets de sauvegarde : +2 contre les créatures mauvaises
- Points de vie maximum : +5
- Charisme : +2
- Immunité contre les attaques des démons convoqués

Poids : 3
Shield of Balduran
This shield was worn by the hero Balduran. It is part of a set of weapons and armor that was stolen from the museum in the city of Baldur's Gate.


Equipped abilities:
– Strength: -1
– Armor Class: +4

Combat abilities:
– Reflects beholder rays

 12 Strength

Weight: 4
This shield was worn by the hero Balduran. It is part of a set of weapons and armor that was stolen from the museum in the city of Baldur's Gate.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Classe d'armure : +4
- Force : -1
- Renvoie les rayons des spectateurs

Poids : 4

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
These soft and feathered wings seem to be fashioned in a celestial design. Upon closer inspection they turn out to be dummies worn on two satin ribbons attached to their base. Though not radiating a noticeable magical aura, the wings do seem to move with their bearer in a way that defies their supposed mechanism.


Type: Wings
 Wearer must be an elf

Weight: 2
These soft and feathered wings seem to be fashioned in a celestial design. Upon closer inspection they turn out to be dummies worn on two satin ribbons attached to their base. Though not radiating a noticeable magical aura, the wings do seem to move with their bearer in a way that defies their supposed mechanism.


Poids : 2
These soft and feathered wings seem to be fashioned in a celestial design. Upon closer inspection they turn out to be dummies worn on two satin ribbons attached to their base. Though not radiating a noticeable magical aura, the wings do seem to move with their bearer in a way that defies their supposed mechanism.


Type: Wings
 Wearer must be an elf

Weight: 2
These soft and feathered wings seem to be fashioned in a celestial design. Upon closer inspection they turn out to be dummies worn on two satin ribbons attached to their base. Though not radiating a noticeable magical aura, the wings do seem to move with their bearer in a way that defies their supposed mechanism.


Poids : 2
Heavy Crossbow +1
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt).


THAC0: +1
Damage: +3
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 12 Strength

Weight: 12
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt).


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : +3
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 9
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 12

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
The Guide +2
Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy: The Guide
A favored siege weapon of King Shastir Longeve, crossbows of this type were designed for the systematic removal of defensive forces thought safe behind the battlements of castles. Scant few of these weapons survive to this day, mainly due to the eventual annihilation of the king's forces by a coalition of subjugated lands.


THAC0: +5
Damage: +2
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 12 Strength

Weight: 10
Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy: The Guide
A favored siege weapon of King Shastir Longeve, crossbows of this type were designed for the systematic removal of defensive forces thought safe behind the battlements of castles. Scant few of these weapons survive to this day, mainly due to the eventual annihilation of the king's forces by a coalition of subjugated lands.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +5
TAC0 : +5
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 7
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 10

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Light Crossbow +1
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt). This light crossbow has been enchanted.


THAC0: +1
Damage: +1
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 6
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt). This light crossbow has been enchanted.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 6

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
The Army Scythe +1
Light Crossbow of Speed: The Army Scythe
A short-lived outpost of humans in the Frozen Forest unearthed this weapon, and many others, from the ruins of an ancient settlement deep within that cold land. Never knowing the names of their extinct benefactors, the colonists used these "tools" to carve a large territory for themselves, though in the end it was for naught. Crushed by a superior number of hobgoblins, these unfortunate souls have joined the ancients in their anonymity.


Combat abilities:
– 1 extra attack per round

THAC0: +1
Damage: +1
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 5
Light Crossbow of Speed: The Army Scythe
A short-lived outpost of humans in the Frozen Forest unearthed this weapon, and many others, from the ruins of an ancient settlement deep within that cold land. Never knowing the names of their extinct benefactors, the colonists used these "tools" to carve a large territory for themselves, though in the end it was for naught. Crushed by a superior number of hobgoblins, these unfortunate souls have joined the ancients in their anonymity.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 2

Enchantement : +1
TAC0 : +1
Dégâts : +1
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8
Heavy Crossbow +2
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. This particular weapon has been enchanted with an aspect of life from the Plane of Air, harnessed by a master sorcerer. The aspect acts as a guiding hand, directing bolts to strike true and for more damage than normal.


THAC0: +2
Damage: +4 (missile)
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 12 Strength

Weight: 11
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. This particular weapon has been enchanted with an aspect of life from the Plane of Air, harnessed by a master sorcerer. The aspect acts as a guiding hand, directing bolts to strike true and for more damage than normal.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +4
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 8
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 11

Nécessite : 
- Force : 12
Light Crossbow +2
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt). This magical crossbow is elegant and light in the hand, with little recoil.


THAC0: +2
Damage: +2 (missile)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
 8 Strength

Weight: 5
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt). This magical crossbow is elegant and light in the hand, with little recoil.


Capacités d'équipement : 
- Attaque par round : Passe à 1

Enchantement : +2
TAC0 : +2
Dégâts : +2
Type de dégâts : Projectile (perforant)
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : Crossbow
Type : Arme à 2 mains

Poids : 5

Nécessite : 
- Force : 8